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10 Ways to Manage Anxiety & Stress in Last 15 Days of CLAT 2024

Author : Tanya Kaushal

Updated On : June 25, 2024


Reader's Digest: Are you feeling stressed as the last 15 days of CLAT preparation approach? If so, you're not alone! Here are some tips to help you manage the pressure to perform well in the CLAT Exam. 

The last 15 days before the Common Law Entrance Test 2024 (CLAT) can be intimidating and stressful. With important topics to revise, mock tests to take and the looming pressure of the CLAT Exam 2024, it's easy to get stressed.

As an aspirant, you need to realise that since your exam matters so much to you, you are feeling these emotions. Being apprehensive over the exam is natural solely because of your hard work, and you will clear it, but only if you can manage this stress during the exam and don’t let it get to you.

This is a perfectly normal reaction. However, ensuring that your anxiety and stress levels do not become unmanageable is crucial. 

Luckily, there are fruitful ways to manage your anxiety and stress to maximise your last days of CLAT preparation. You can’t control your thoughts, but you can surely control how you react to their existence.

How to Manage Stress & Anxiety During CLAT Preparation?

Preparing for the CLAT exam can be incredibly stressful and anxiety-inducing. But don’t worry; there are plenty of ways to manage it.

From developing healthy habits to creating a plan of action, we'll tell you how to make the most of your time to get admission to the top NLUs in India.

So, let’s learn how to manage anxiety and stress during the last 15 days of CLAT preparation!

CLAT 15 Days Preparation

1. Make a Study Plan to Get Organized

 A well-prepared study plan for CLAT is the key to managing stress and anxiety. Ensure you clearly know what topics and sections you must cover to get admission to the top NLUs. 

Here are some tips:

  • Start by listing the topics you need to revise. 
  • Prioritize the topics you need to focus on the most.
  • Allot enough time for each subject of the CLAT paper.

This will help you stay focused on the task and avoid getting overwhelmed. 

For instance, divide the day into three slots - 3 hours, 2 hours, and 1 hour. Study length and scoring topics in 3 hours slot. Focus on moderate and easy topics with high weightage in the two and 1-hour slots. Allot up to 45-50 minutes for revision. Repeat the same pattern throughout the day.

Refer to the table below for a detailed study timetable for CLAT 2024:

Hours Allotted Weightage Difficulty Level Slot
3 Hour High Difficult Early Morning (5 am - 8 am)
2 Hour High Moderate  Morning (10 pm to 12 pm)
1 Hour High Easy Afternoon (1:30 pm - 2:30 pm)
3 Hour Low Easy Evening (4 am - 7 am)
2 Hour Low Moderate  Morning (10 pm to 12 pm)
1 Hour Low Difficult Afternoon (1:30 pm - 2:30 pm)

LegalEdge CLAT Toppers

LegalEdge CLAT Toppers

2. Take Regular Breaks to Relax 

Regular breaks are essential to keep your mind fresh and focused. Take regular breaks throughout CLAT preparation to help clear your mind and recharge your energy. 

Relax and unwind by taking the following types of breaks:

  • Coffee/tea break
  • Music break
  • Dance break
  • Talk on the phone to a friend
  • Walk in the park
  • Power nap

Things to keep in mind while taking a break:

  • Take at least a 10-minute break every hour.
  • Break up your CLAT study schedule into manageable chunks.
  • Do not watch a drama, mystery series or movie.
  • Avoid watching television.
  • If TV helps you relax, watch light stuff such as humour, comedy, or motivational videos.

3. Eat Healthy to Skip Falling Ill Before CLAT 2024

Taking care of your physical health to manage stress and anxiety is important. Ensure you get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and eat healthy meals. 

Follow the tips mentioned below:

  • Eating a balanced and nutritious diet is important to maintain your energy levels during CLAT preparation
  • Avoid processed food, smoking, and alcohol.
  • Include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  • Try to avoid junk food and sugary snacks, which can lead to energy crashes and contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety. 

4. Get Enough Sleep to Increase Productivity

A lack of sleep can have a negative impact on both your physical and mental health.

Make sure you get enough sleep to perform during the CLAT Exam 2024

Refer to the following tips:

  • Sleeping for at least 7-8 hours per night will help you stay focused and productive. 
  • Make sure you are getting enough sleep each night.
  • Try to stick to a regular sleep schedule. 
  • Avoid taking sleeping pills to induce sleep.

5. Exercise Regularly to Maintain Consistency 

Exercise is a great way to manage stress and anxiety. It releases endorphin hormones that make you feel good and reduce stress. 

Here are some useful tips:

  • Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily to help clear your mind and reduce stress levels. 
  • Start with lighter and easy exercises.
  • Do not go too heavy on your body.
  • Exercise to keep a proactive lifestyle and not drain your energy.

6. Communication is the Key to Reduce Stress

Talking to a friend or family about your worries can help you feel better. Having someone to talk to can help alleviate some of your stress and anxiety.

Here are some tips for managing stress and anxiety while doing CLAT preparation:

  • Don’t hesitate to reach out to family and friends for help. 
  • Talking about your fears and anxieties can help you to feel more in control. 
  • If your anxiety and stress become too much to handle on your own, consider talking to a professional. 
  • A mental health professional can help you manage your emotions and provide additional strategies for managing stress. 

7. Practice Relaxation Techniques

Remember, “yoga se hoga”! Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga and meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Practice these techniques regularly to stay calm and focus more on boosting your CLAT final score.

LegalEdge CLAT Coaching

LegalEdge CLAT Coaching

Follow these relaxing techniques:

  • One popular relaxation technique is deep breathing. This involves taking slow, deep breaths and focusing on the sensation of the breath entering and leaving the body. 
  • Progressive muscle relaxation is another technique that involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups in the body.
  • Mindfulness is another popular relaxation technique. Mindfulness involves paying attention to our thoughts, feelings and sensations without judgment. 
  • Yoga involves physical poses, breathwork and meditation and can help to reduce stress hormones and improve our overall well-being.

8. Stay Positive

In the words of Mary Lou Retton, we can say, “Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things will be drawn to you.”

Staying positive and optimistic is essential for managing stress and anxiety while preparing for CLAT Exam 2024.

Focus on the positive aspects of the situation and remind yourself that you can do it.

LegalEdge CLAT Mocks

LegalEdge CLAT Mocks

9. Avoid Procrastination 

It is important to avoid procrastination to avoid wastage of time. Start your studies on time to complete the CLAT syllabus and avoid taking any last-minute decisions.

Follow the ways mentioned below to manage it and reduce the associated stress and anxiety:

  • Understand the root cause of your procrastination to manage it. 
  • Break large tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks and set realistic deadlines for yourselves. 
  • Use lists, schedules, and reminders to stay on track and motivated.

10. Reward Yourself

Reward yourself for staying on track and completing your CLAT preparation. You can reward yourself with a movie, chocolate, or anything else that makes you feel good.

Golden Advice for the Last 15 Days Preparation of CLAT 2024 

Focus on the Present: In the last 15 days before the CLAT exam, it is crucial to stay focused on the present. Avoid worrying about the result and concentrate on the tasks you need to accomplish during this period.

Example: Instead of constantly thinking about the outcome, create a study schedule for the remaining days, allocate time for revision, practice mock tests, and cover any remaining topics.

Effort over Stress: Stressing about the exam will not yield positive results. Instead, channel your energy into making consistent efforts towards your preparation.

Example: Instead of constantly worrying about the difficulty level of the exam, utilize that time to revise important concepts, solve sample papers, and work on your exam-taking strategies.

Mental and Physical Well-being: Remember that both mental and physical well-being are crucial during the final days of preparation. Take care of your health, get enough sleep, and engage in activities that help you stay focused and motivated.

Example: Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation to manage stress. Engage in light physical activities or take short breaks for a quick walk to refresh your mind and body.

Practice Time Management: Time management is crucial during the CLAT exam. Use the last 15 days to practice solving questions within the allotted time limits and improve your speed and accuracy.

Example: Set timers while solving practice papers to simulate exam conditions and train yourself to complete each section within the time constraints.

Focus on Strong Areas: Identify your strong areas and dedicate some time to revising and practising those topics. Build confidence in these areas, as they can help you score well and boost your overall performance.

Example: If you excel in Logical Reasoning, allocate extra time to solve challenging LR questions, explore advanced problem-solving techniques, and reinforce your understanding of the topic.

Work on Weak Areas: While focusing on your strengths, also allocate time to work on your weak areas. Identify the topics or question types you find challenging and put in extra effort to improve your understanding and performance in those areas.

Example: If you struggle with Mathematics, revise the basic concepts, practice various math problems, and seek clarification from teachers or online resources for any doubts or difficulties.

Summing Up - Remember, staying focused and motivated to do your best on exam day is important. With these tips, you can manage your stress and anxiety and perform your best in CLAT 2024. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I manage stress and anxiety during CLAT preparation?

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What strategies can I use to stay motivated while preparing for CLAT 2025?

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How can I stay focused while studying for the CLAT 2025?

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What foods should I eat to help me focus while studying for the CLAT?

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What should I do to avoid burnout while preparing for the CLAT?

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10 Ways to Manage Anxiety & Stress in Last 15 Days of CLAT 2024

Author : Tanya Kaushal

June 25, 2024


Reader's Digest: Are you feeling stressed as the last 15 days of CLAT preparation approach? If so, you're not alone! Here are some tips to help you manage the pressure to perform well in the CLAT Exam. 

The last 15 days before the Common Law Entrance Test 2024 (CLAT) can be intimidating and stressful. With important topics to revise, mock tests to take and the looming pressure of the CLAT Exam 2024, it's easy to get stressed.

As an aspirant, you need to realise that since your exam matters so much to you, you are feeling these emotions. Being apprehensive over the exam is natural solely because of your hard work, and you will clear it, but only if you can manage this stress during the exam and don’t let it get to you.

This is a perfectly normal reaction. However, ensuring that your anxiety and stress levels do not become unmanageable is crucial. 

Luckily, there are fruitful ways to manage your anxiety and stress to maximise your last days of CLAT preparation. You can’t control your thoughts, but you can surely control how you react to their existence.

How to Manage Stress & Anxiety During CLAT Preparation?

Preparing for the CLAT exam can be incredibly stressful and anxiety-inducing. But don’t worry; there are plenty of ways to manage it.

From developing healthy habits to creating a plan of action, we'll tell you how to make the most of your time to get admission to the top NLUs in India.

So, let’s learn how to manage anxiety and stress during the last 15 days of CLAT preparation!

CLAT 15 Days Preparation

1. Make a Study Plan to Get Organized

 A well-prepared study plan for CLAT is the key to managing stress and anxiety. Ensure you clearly know what topics and sections you must cover to get admission to the top NLUs. 

Here are some tips:

  • Start by listing the topics you need to revise. 
  • Prioritize the topics you need to focus on the most.
  • Allot enough time for each subject of the CLAT paper.

This will help you stay focused on the task and avoid getting overwhelmed. 

For instance, divide the day into three slots - 3 hours, 2 hours, and 1 hour. Study length and scoring topics in 3 hours slot. Focus on moderate and easy topics with high weightage in the two and 1-hour slots. Allot up to 45-50 minutes for revision. Repeat the same pattern throughout the day.

Refer to the table below for a detailed study timetable for CLAT 2024:

Hours Allotted Weightage Difficulty Level Slot
3 Hour High Difficult Early Morning (5 am - 8 am)
2 Hour High Moderate  Morning (10 pm to 12 pm)
1 Hour High Easy Afternoon (1:30 pm - 2:30 pm)
3 Hour Low Easy Evening (4 am - 7 am)
2 Hour Low Moderate  Morning (10 pm to 12 pm)
1 Hour Low Difficult Afternoon (1:30 pm - 2:30 pm)

LegalEdge CLAT Toppers

LegalEdge CLAT Toppers

2. Take Regular Breaks to Relax 

Regular breaks are essential to keep your mind fresh and focused. Take regular breaks throughout CLAT preparation to help clear your mind and recharge your energy. 

Relax and unwind by taking the following types of breaks:

  • Coffee/tea break
  • Music break
  • Dance break
  • Talk on the phone to a friend
  • Walk in the park
  • Power nap

Things to keep in mind while taking a break:

  • Take at least a 10-minute break every hour.
  • Break up your CLAT study schedule into manageable chunks.
  • Do not watch a drama, mystery series or movie.
  • Avoid watching television.
  • If TV helps you relax, watch light stuff such as humour, comedy, or motivational videos.

3. Eat Healthy to Skip Falling Ill Before CLAT 2024

Taking care of your physical health to manage stress and anxiety is important. Ensure you get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and eat healthy meals. 

Follow the tips mentioned below:

  • Eating a balanced and nutritious diet is important to maintain your energy levels during CLAT preparation
  • Avoid processed food, smoking, and alcohol.
  • Include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  • Try to avoid junk food and sugary snacks, which can lead to energy crashes and contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety. 

4. Get Enough Sleep to Increase Productivity

A lack of sleep can have a negative impact on both your physical and mental health.

Make sure you get enough sleep to perform during the CLAT Exam 2024

Refer to the following tips:

  • Sleeping for at least 7-8 hours per night will help you stay focused and productive. 
  • Make sure you are getting enough sleep each night.
  • Try to stick to a regular sleep schedule. 
  • Avoid taking sleeping pills to induce sleep.

5. Exercise Regularly to Maintain Consistency 

Exercise is a great way to manage stress and anxiety. It releases endorphin hormones that make you feel good and reduce stress. 

Here are some useful tips:

  • Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily to help clear your mind and reduce stress levels. 
  • Start with lighter and easy exercises.
  • Do not go too heavy on your body.
  • Exercise to keep a proactive lifestyle and not drain your energy.

6. Communication is the Key to Reduce Stress

Talking to a friend or family about your worries can help you feel better. Having someone to talk to can help alleviate some of your stress and anxiety.

Here are some tips for managing stress and anxiety while doing CLAT preparation:

  • Don’t hesitate to reach out to family and friends for help. 
  • Talking about your fears and anxieties can help you to feel more in control. 
  • If your anxiety and stress become too much to handle on your own, consider talking to a professional. 
  • A mental health professional can help you manage your emotions and provide additional strategies for managing stress. 

7. Practice Relaxation Techniques

Remember, “yoga se hoga”! Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga and meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Practice these techniques regularly to stay calm and focus more on boosting your CLAT final score.

LegalEdge CLAT Coaching

LegalEdge CLAT Coaching

Follow these relaxing techniques:

  • One popular relaxation technique is deep breathing. This involves taking slow, deep breaths and focusing on the sensation of the breath entering and leaving the body. 
  • Progressive muscle relaxation is another technique that involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups in the body.
  • Mindfulness is another popular relaxation technique. Mindfulness involves paying attention to our thoughts, feelings and sensations without judgment. 
  • Yoga involves physical poses, breathwork and meditation and can help to reduce stress hormones and improve our overall well-being.

8. Stay Positive

In the words of Mary Lou Retton, we can say, “Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things will be drawn to you.”

Staying positive and optimistic is essential for managing stress and anxiety while preparing for CLAT Exam 2024.

Focus on the positive aspects of the situation and remind yourself that you can do it.

LegalEdge CLAT Mocks

LegalEdge CLAT Mocks

9. Avoid Procrastination 

It is important to avoid procrastination to avoid wastage of time. Start your studies on time to complete the CLAT syllabus and avoid taking any last-minute decisions.

Follow the ways mentioned below to manage it and reduce the associated stress and anxiety:

  • Understand the root cause of your procrastination to manage it. 
  • Break large tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks and set realistic deadlines for yourselves. 
  • Use lists, schedules, and reminders to stay on track and motivated.

10. Reward Yourself

Reward yourself for staying on track and completing your CLAT preparation. You can reward yourself with a movie, chocolate, or anything else that makes you feel good.

Golden Advice for the Last 15 Days Preparation of CLAT 2024 

Focus on the Present: In the last 15 days before the CLAT exam, it is crucial to stay focused on the present. Avoid worrying about the result and concentrate on the tasks you need to accomplish during this period.

Example: Instead of constantly thinking about the outcome, create a study schedule for the remaining days, allocate time for revision, practice mock tests, and cover any remaining topics.

Effort over Stress: Stressing about the exam will not yield positive results. Instead, channel your energy into making consistent efforts towards your preparation.

Example: Instead of constantly worrying about the difficulty level of the exam, utilize that time to revise important concepts, solve sample papers, and work on your exam-taking strategies.

Mental and Physical Well-being: Remember that both mental and physical well-being are crucial during the final days of preparation. Take care of your health, get enough sleep, and engage in activities that help you stay focused and motivated.

Example: Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation to manage stress. Engage in light physical activities or take short breaks for a quick walk to refresh your mind and body.

Practice Time Management: Time management is crucial during the CLAT exam. Use the last 15 days to practice solving questions within the allotted time limits and improve your speed and accuracy.

Example: Set timers while solving practice papers to simulate exam conditions and train yourself to complete each section within the time constraints.

Focus on Strong Areas: Identify your strong areas and dedicate some time to revising and practising those topics. Build confidence in these areas, as they can help you score well and boost your overall performance.

Example: If you excel in Logical Reasoning, allocate extra time to solve challenging LR questions, explore advanced problem-solving techniques, and reinforce your understanding of the topic.

Work on Weak Areas: While focusing on your strengths, also allocate time to work on your weak areas. Identify the topics or question types you find challenging and put in extra effort to improve your understanding and performance in those areas.

Example: If you struggle with Mathematics, revise the basic concepts, practice various math problems, and seek clarification from teachers or online resources for any doubts or difficulties.

Summing Up - Remember, staying focused and motivated to do your best on exam day is important. With these tips, you can manage your stress and anxiety and perform your best in CLAT 2024. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I manage stress and anxiety during CLAT preparation?

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What strategies can I use to stay motivated while preparing for CLAT 2025?

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How can I stay focused while studying for the CLAT 2025?

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What foods should I eat to help me focus while studying for the CLAT?

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What should I do to avoid burnout while preparing for the CLAT?

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