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How To Solve Puzzles For Law Entrance Exams 2024? Strategy & Solved Examples

Author : Samriddhi Pandey

Updated On : February 22, 2024


Reader's Digest: Want to Crack the Code? Learn How To Solve Puzzles for Law Entrance Exams 2024 in this blog? 🧩🎯

Law entrance exams demand more than just academic knowledge; they require a well-rounded skill set, including puzzle-solving abilities.

Puzzles are integral to the logical reasoning section in law entrance exams. These mind-teasers assess your ability to think critically, analyze information, and arrive at logical conclusions.

Acing puzzle questions can significantly impact your performance in upcoming Law Entrance Exams. On average, 5-6 questions are asked from each puzzle. Marking all these correctly can give a leap of at least 10-12 marks. 

Take a look at the following topics to be discussed in this blog:

  • Decoding the Basics: Grasping the meaning, types, and key terms of the Puzzles for Law Entrance Exams.
  • Knowing Strategies for Solving Puzzles Questions: Visualizing the puzzle questions using the best strategies.
  • Step-by-Step Problem-Solving Process: Learn shortcut methods for all types of puzzles to streamline your problem-solving efficiency.

What Are the Basics of Solving Puzzles for Law Entrance Exams?

Puzzle-solving is a crucial skill tested in law entrance exams and plays a significant role in assessing a candidate's logical reasoning and problem-solving abilities. Understanding the basics of puzzle-solving is essential for excelling in the Law Entrance Exams of 2024.

What is A Puzzle Question?

A puzzle is a problem or game designed to challenge a person's intellect, often involving the arrangement or manipulation of elements based on given clues or constraints.

In the context of law entrance exams, puzzles present you with a set of information, and the task is to deduce logical conclusions from that information to arrive at the correct arrangement or answer.

What Types of Puzzles Are Asked in Law Entrance Exams?

Law entrance exams feature an array of puzzle types, each assessing different aspects of a candidate's aptitude. Common puzzle varieties include:

  1. Logical Reasoning Puzzles: These puzzles assess your ability to make deductions and arrive at conclusions based on the information provided. They include syllogisms, analogies, and logical sequencing.
  2. Analytical Puzzles: Focusing on critical thinking, these puzzles require candidates to analyze complex scenarios, draw inferences, and make decisions accordingly.
  3. Data Interpretation Puzzles: You are presented with data in the form of graphs, charts, or tables, and you must extract relevant information and answer questions based on the data.
  4. Visual and Spatial Puzzles: These puzzles evaluate your ability to manipulate visual elements and solve problems related to spatial relationships.

LegalEdge CLAT Result

LegalEdge CLAT Result

What is the Most Preferred Strategy to Solve Puzzles for Law Entrance Exams?

Puzzles in the CLAT Entrance Exam can be both intriguing and challenging, testing a candidate's logical reasoning and analytical skills. To crack these puzzles effectively, it is essential to follow a well-structured strategy. Here are some points to keep in mind while solving puzzles in the Law Entrance Exams of 2024:

  1. Collect All Information: Start by carefully reading and assimilating all the information given directly in the passage. Note down the key elements, conditions, and relationships.
  2. Arrange in Tabular Format: Organize the gathered information in a tabular format for better visualization and clarity. This aids in identifying patterns and connections between elements.
  3. Identify Negative Information: Look for negative information or constraints provided in the passage. Mark them in the table according to the given data. These negative clues play a crucial role in determining valid arrangements.
  4. Consider Multiple Possibilities: In some cases, there may be more than one possible arrangement that satisfies the given conditions. Based on the available options, arrange them in different tables to explore all potential solutions.
  5. Read Carefully: Pay attention to every word and sentence in the puzzle, as most puzzles are designed to be tricky. Even a small detail can hold the key to solving the puzzle accurately.

By adhering to this preferred strategy, candidates can approach puzzle-solving in a systematic and organized manner. This approach enables candidates to grasp the nuances of the puzzles and identify the correct arrangement while navigating through multiple possibilities.

Read MoreShort tricks to prepare for CLAT exam in 6 months

Step-by-Step Solution to Solve Puzzles for Law Entrance Exams 2024  

To help you get an idea about the type of puzzle questions asked in the exam, we have provided a few sample questions that are curated from the law entrance papers.

Practising these questions will help enhance your logical skills and help you perform well in the upcoming exam. By dividing the questions into specific types, you can follow this step-wise approach to solve puzzles for CLAT. 

How to Solve Classification Type Puzzles for Law Entrance Exams 2024?

Classification-type questions in law entrance exams involve categorizing elements based on certain criteria. Here's a step-by-step approach to solving these puzzles:

  1. Analyze the Criteria: Begin by carefully reading and understanding the given criteria for classification. Pay close attention to the conditions that define each category. Identify the key elements that will determine the classification.
  2. Identify Common Features: Look for common features or attributes shared by elements within each category. Note these similarities to aid in the classification process. These common features act as the basis for grouping elements.
  3. Group Elements: Based on the identified features, group the elements into different categories. Ensure that each element aligns with the criteria of the respective category. This step requires critical thinking and attention to detail.
  4. Verify the Arrangement: Double-check the classification to ensure that all elements are appropriately placed in their respective categories. Confirm that no element violates the given conditions. Review your work to eliminate any errors.

Check OutHow to Improve Vocabulary for CLAT 

Here is an example for your reference: 

Eight persons live on separate floors of an eight-story building. The ground floor is one, and the topmost floor is eight. F lives on an odd-numbered floor, and G lives above D. E lives immediately above H. G lives immediately above l. Only one person lives between G and D. J lives above K. Only two persons live between K and J. K lives on floor number five.

1. How many persons live between the floors on which H and I live?

  • Two
  • Three
  • Four
  • One

2. Who among the following lives on the floor immediately above K?

  • F
  • D
  • I
  • H

3. Which of the following statements is true?

  • Only one person lives between D and F.
  • F lives on the first floor.
  • E lives on the topmost floor.
  • Only two persons live between G and H.
  • K lives immediately above D.

4. Who among the following lives on the second floor?

  • H
  • G

5. Who among the following lives between I and F?

  • K
  • E
  • G
  • D

How to Solve Seating/Placing Puzzles for Law Entrance Exams 2024?

Seating/Placing Arrangements are a common type of puzzle where elements are organized around a table or in a linear sequence. Follow these steps to solve such puzzles:

  1. Visualize the Arrangement: Create a mental image or draw a diagram representing the seating/placing arrangement. Mark the positions of the elements based on the given clues. Visualization aids in better comprehension of the puzzle.
  2. Note the Clues: Carefully read and note all the clues provided. Identify direct information about the positions of specific elements or their relationships. Clues serve as the foundation for the arrangement.
  3. Apply Inferences and Deductions: Utilize the clues to make logical deductions about the positions of other elements. Look for connections between different clues to unveil more information. Logical reasoning is key to unravelling complex arrangements.
  4. Eliminate Invalid Options: As deductions are made, eliminate options that violate the given constraints. Cross out arrangements that clash with the provided clues. This process of elimination narrows down potential correct configurations.
  5. Arrive at the Correct Arrangement: Continue making deductions and verifying the arrangement until you reach the correct configuration. Be patient and meticulous in your approach.
  6. Practice Time Management: To simulate exam conditions and solve seating/placing arrangement puzzles under timed conditions. This practice enhances time management skills, essential for time-sensitive exams.

Here is an example along with the solution:

There are seven friends, P, Q, R, S, T, V, and W, each of whom likes a particular fruit apple, banana, pear, guava, orange, mango and watermelon. Also, each of them has a favourite city: Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Agra, and Cochin.

The preferences of favourite city and fruit may not necessarily be in the same order. Q's favourite city is Chennai, and he likes mango. The one who likes watermelon also likes Pune. My favourite city in T is Kolkata. R likes Guava, and his favourite city is not Mumbai. The favourite city of Wis Cochin, and he does not like either pears or bananas. The favourite fruit of the one who likes Agra is orange. T does not like pears. The favourite city of P is neither Pune nor Agra. S does not like watermelon.

  • Who likes apples?
  • Which fruit does P like?
  • Which is R's favourite city?
  • Which is V's favourite city?
Pear Mango Guava Orange Banana Watermelon Apple
Mumbai Chennai Delhi Agra Kolkata Pune Cochin


  • W likes Apples
  • P likes Pear
  • R's favourite city is Delhi
  • V's favourite city is Pune

You must interpret the given statements properly in short notes or table format. 

Read More - Short Tricks to Improve Legal Aptitude for CLAT 

How to Solve Comparison Type Puzzles for Law Entrance Exams 2024?

Comparison-type questions involve comparing elements based on certain attributes or characteristics. To solve these puzzles, follow this step-by-step process:

  1. Identify Attributes: Begin by thoroughly reading the question to understand the attributes or characteristics that must be compared. Take note of the specific relationships that need to be established between the elements.
  2. Make a Table: Create a well-structured table to facilitate a clear comparison. Use rows to represent the elements to be compared and columns for the attributes. Fill in the given information in the appropriate cells.
  3. Analyze the Comparisons: Examine the information in the table to identify patterns or connections between elements. Look for direct comparisons explicitly stated in the question and also implied relationships that can be deduced from the data.
  4. Draw Conclusions: Utilize the information in the table to conclude the comparisons. Make logical deductions based on the provided data and the relationships established between the elements.
  5. Check for Consistency: Ensure that the conclusions drawn are consistent with the information in the table and align with the given question. Verify that the comparisons accurately represent the relationships between the elements.

Here is a solved example for your reference:

Statement A: X is to the right of Y;  Statement B: X is second to the right of Y. Statement B is definite, while statement A is vague. The second statement gives the correct position of X, while the first statement doesn't give it. 

  • You can note down all the information provided in short words so that you don't have to reread the statements or passages.
  • You can imagine yourself in the puzzle, which helps you better understand the statement. 
  • You can draw diagrams or tables to solve the questions. With constant practice, you can get the puzzle-based questions for CLAT correct and score full marks. 

A building has ten floors numbered 1 to 10 in such a way that the ground floor is numbered 1, the floor above it is numbered 2 and so on such that the topmost floor is numbered Ten people named A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, T and S are staying on different floors, not necessarily in the same order. Two people are staying between B and P. S is staying on the 1st floor. Three persons are staying between D and R. P is staying on an even-numbered floor. T stays on the eighth floor. C stays on the floor immediately below T's and above R's floors. Q is staying between the floors of E and P.

1. How many people are staying between E and S?

  • Two
  • Three
  • Four
  • Five

2. Who is staying on floor no. 9?

  • T
  • C
  • A
  • D

3. Who is staying between B and Q?

  • P
  • E
  • Q

4. If R and A exchange their floors, how many people will stay between A and Q?

  • Two
  • One
  • Three
  • Four

5. The topmost floor is occupied by

  • D
  • T
  • C
  • R

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LegalEdge CLAT Coaching

How to Increase My Score in Solving Puzzles For Law Entrance Exams 2024?

By being aware of these common mistakes and following the suggested avoidance techniques, candidates can significantly improve their puzzle-solving skills and increase their chances of success in the Law Entrance Exams of 2024:

Common Mistakes to Avoid  How to Avoid Them
Misinterpreting Clues or Information Read the clues carefully and thoroughly. Take your time to understand the given information before proceeding.
Overlooking Key Details or Conditions Pay attention to every detail and condition mentioned in the question. Create a checklist of requirements to refer to while solving the puzzle.
Making Assumptions Without Evidence Rely only on the information provided in the question. Avoid making assumptions that are not supported by the given data.
Neglecting to Visualize the Arrangement Create a mental image or draw a diagram of the arrangement to comprehend the puzzle better. Visualization aids in problem-solving.
Ignoring Inferences and Logical Deductions Analyze the clues to draw logical deductions and inferences about the relationships between elements. Use these deductions to make informed decisions.
Failing to Double-Check the Solution Always review your solution to ensure accuracy. Verify that the arrangement satisfies all given conditions and constraints.
Not Practicing Under Timed Conditions Practice solving puzzles under timed conditions to improve time management skills and build confidence in exam settings.
Getting Stuck on a Single Puzzle If you get stuck on a puzzle, move on to the next one and return later with a fresh perspective. Don't waste too much time on one question.
Lack of Systematic Approach Develop a step-by-step approach to solving puzzles. Follow a systematic process for each type of puzzle to enhance efficiency.
Panicking or Getting Distracted during the Exam Stay calm and focused during the exam. Manage your time wisely and concentrate on one puzzle at a time.

Don't Miss - Short Tricks to Solve Para Jumble Questions in CLAT 

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LegalEdge CLAT Mocks


In conclusion, the art of puzzle-solving stands as a formidable challenge, but it is also a gateway to success. As aspiring legal eagles gear up for the Law Entrance Exams of 2024, the journey of puzzle-solving begins with understanding the very essence of a puzzle. This captivating enigma demands intellect and reasoning.

Here are the key takeaways:

  • Puzzle-solving is a vital skill in law entrance exams.
  • Careful reading and comprehension are essential.
  • Visualization and organization aid in understanding puzzles.
  • Analyzing clues and making inferences are crucial steps.
  • Eliminate invalid options to narrow down correct arrangements.
  • Regular practice enhances problem-solving abilities.
  • Time management is essential during the exam.

“If you work hard enough and assert yourself, and use your mind and imagination, you can shape the world to your desires.” – Malcolm Gladwell.

Frequently Asked Questions

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How to attempt CLAT Logical Reasoning Questions in the exam?

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How to score good marks in CLAT Logical Reasoning Section?

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Is CLAT Logical Reasoning Preparation possible in 1 month?

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How many questions do come from the puzzles topic in the CLAT exam?

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How To Solve Puzzles For Law Entrance Exams 2024? Strategy & Solved Examples

Author : Samriddhi Pandey

February 22, 2024


Reader's Digest: Want to Crack the Code? Learn How To Solve Puzzles for Law Entrance Exams 2024 in this blog? 🧩🎯

Law entrance exams demand more than just academic knowledge; they require a well-rounded skill set, including puzzle-solving abilities.

Puzzles are integral to the logical reasoning section in law entrance exams. These mind-teasers assess your ability to think critically, analyze information, and arrive at logical conclusions.

Acing puzzle questions can significantly impact your performance in upcoming Law Entrance Exams. On average, 5-6 questions are asked from each puzzle. Marking all these correctly can give a leap of at least 10-12 marks. 

Take a look at the following topics to be discussed in this blog:

  • Decoding the Basics: Grasping the meaning, types, and key terms of the Puzzles for Law Entrance Exams.
  • Knowing Strategies for Solving Puzzles Questions: Visualizing the puzzle questions using the best strategies.
  • Step-by-Step Problem-Solving Process: Learn shortcut methods for all types of puzzles to streamline your problem-solving efficiency.

What Are the Basics of Solving Puzzles for Law Entrance Exams?

Puzzle-solving is a crucial skill tested in law entrance exams and plays a significant role in assessing a candidate's logical reasoning and problem-solving abilities. Understanding the basics of puzzle-solving is essential for excelling in the Law Entrance Exams of 2024.

What is A Puzzle Question?

A puzzle is a problem or game designed to challenge a person's intellect, often involving the arrangement or manipulation of elements based on given clues or constraints.

In the context of law entrance exams, puzzles present you with a set of information, and the task is to deduce logical conclusions from that information to arrive at the correct arrangement or answer.

What Types of Puzzles Are Asked in Law Entrance Exams?

Law entrance exams feature an array of puzzle types, each assessing different aspects of a candidate's aptitude. Common puzzle varieties include:

  1. Logical Reasoning Puzzles: These puzzles assess your ability to make deductions and arrive at conclusions based on the information provided. They include syllogisms, analogies, and logical sequencing.
  2. Analytical Puzzles: Focusing on critical thinking, these puzzles require candidates to analyze complex scenarios, draw inferences, and make decisions accordingly.
  3. Data Interpretation Puzzles: You are presented with data in the form of graphs, charts, or tables, and you must extract relevant information and answer questions based on the data.
  4. Visual and Spatial Puzzles: These puzzles evaluate your ability to manipulate visual elements and solve problems related to spatial relationships.

LegalEdge CLAT Result

LegalEdge CLAT Result

What is the Most Preferred Strategy to Solve Puzzles for Law Entrance Exams?

Puzzles in the CLAT Entrance Exam can be both intriguing and challenging, testing a candidate's logical reasoning and analytical skills. To crack these puzzles effectively, it is essential to follow a well-structured strategy. Here are some points to keep in mind while solving puzzles in the Law Entrance Exams of 2024:

  1. Collect All Information: Start by carefully reading and assimilating all the information given directly in the passage. Note down the key elements, conditions, and relationships.
  2. Arrange in Tabular Format: Organize the gathered information in a tabular format for better visualization and clarity. This aids in identifying patterns and connections between elements.
  3. Identify Negative Information: Look for negative information or constraints provided in the passage. Mark them in the table according to the given data. These negative clues play a crucial role in determining valid arrangements.
  4. Consider Multiple Possibilities: In some cases, there may be more than one possible arrangement that satisfies the given conditions. Based on the available options, arrange them in different tables to explore all potential solutions.
  5. Read Carefully: Pay attention to every word and sentence in the puzzle, as most puzzles are designed to be tricky. Even a small detail can hold the key to solving the puzzle accurately.

By adhering to this preferred strategy, candidates can approach puzzle-solving in a systematic and organized manner. This approach enables candidates to grasp the nuances of the puzzles and identify the correct arrangement while navigating through multiple possibilities.

Read MoreShort tricks to prepare for CLAT exam in 6 months

Step-by-Step Solution to Solve Puzzles for Law Entrance Exams 2024  

To help you get an idea about the type of puzzle questions asked in the exam, we have provided a few sample questions that are curated from the law entrance papers.

Practising these questions will help enhance your logical skills and help you perform well in the upcoming exam. By dividing the questions into specific types, you can follow this step-wise approach to solve puzzles for CLAT. 

How to Solve Classification Type Puzzles for Law Entrance Exams 2024?

Classification-type questions in law entrance exams involve categorizing elements based on certain criteria. Here's a step-by-step approach to solving these puzzles:

  1. Analyze the Criteria: Begin by carefully reading and understanding the given criteria for classification. Pay close attention to the conditions that define each category. Identify the key elements that will determine the classification.
  2. Identify Common Features: Look for common features or attributes shared by elements within each category. Note these similarities to aid in the classification process. These common features act as the basis for grouping elements.
  3. Group Elements: Based on the identified features, group the elements into different categories. Ensure that each element aligns with the criteria of the respective category. This step requires critical thinking and attention to detail.
  4. Verify the Arrangement: Double-check the classification to ensure that all elements are appropriately placed in their respective categories. Confirm that no element violates the given conditions. Review your work to eliminate any errors.

Check OutHow to Improve Vocabulary for CLAT 

Here is an example for your reference: 

Eight persons live on separate floors of an eight-story building. The ground floor is one, and the topmost floor is eight. F lives on an odd-numbered floor, and G lives above D. E lives immediately above H. G lives immediately above l. Only one person lives between G and D. J lives above K. Only two persons live between K and J. K lives on floor number five.

1. How many persons live between the floors on which H and I live?

  • Two
  • Three
  • Four
  • One

2. Who among the following lives on the floor immediately above K?

  • F
  • D
  • I
  • H

3. Which of the following statements is true?

  • Only one person lives between D and F.
  • F lives on the first floor.
  • E lives on the topmost floor.
  • Only two persons live between G and H.
  • K lives immediately above D.

4. Who among the following lives on the second floor?

  • H
  • G

5. Who among the following lives between I and F?

  • K
  • E
  • G
  • D

How to Solve Seating/Placing Puzzles for Law Entrance Exams 2024?

Seating/Placing Arrangements are a common type of puzzle where elements are organized around a table or in a linear sequence. Follow these steps to solve such puzzles:

  1. Visualize the Arrangement: Create a mental image or draw a diagram representing the seating/placing arrangement. Mark the positions of the elements based on the given clues. Visualization aids in better comprehension of the puzzle.
  2. Note the Clues: Carefully read and note all the clues provided. Identify direct information about the positions of specific elements or their relationships. Clues serve as the foundation for the arrangement.
  3. Apply Inferences and Deductions: Utilize the clues to make logical deductions about the positions of other elements. Look for connections between different clues to unveil more information. Logical reasoning is key to unravelling complex arrangements.
  4. Eliminate Invalid Options: As deductions are made, eliminate options that violate the given constraints. Cross out arrangements that clash with the provided clues. This process of elimination narrows down potential correct configurations.
  5. Arrive at the Correct Arrangement: Continue making deductions and verifying the arrangement until you reach the correct configuration. Be patient and meticulous in your approach.
  6. Practice Time Management: To simulate exam conditions and solve seating/placing arrangement puzzles under timed conditions. This practice enhances time management skills, essential for time-sensitive exams.

Here is an example along with the solution:

There are seven friends, P, Q, R, S, T, V, and W, each of whom likes a particular fruit apple, banana, pear, guava, orange, mango and watermelon. Also, each of them has a favourite city: Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Agra, and Cochin.

The preferences of favourite city and fruit may not necessarily be in the same order. Q's favourite city is Chennai, and he likes mango. The one who likes watermelon also likes Pune. My favourite city in T is Kolkata. R likes Guava, and his favourite city is not Mumbai. The favourite city of Wis Cochin, and he does not like either pears or bananas. The favourite fruit of the one who likes Agra is orange. T does not like pears. The favourite city of P is neither Pune nor Agra. S does not like watermelon.

  • Who likes apples?
  • Which fruit does P like?
  • Which is R's favourite city?
  • Which is V's favourite city?
Pear Mango Guava Orange Banana Watermelon Apple
Mumbai Chennai Delhi Agra Kolkata Pune Cochin


  • W likes Apples
  • P likes Pear
  • R's favourite city is Delhi
  • V's favourite city is Pune

You must interpret the given statements properly in short notes or table format. 

Read More - Short Tricks to Improve Legal Aptitude for CLAT 

How to Solve Comparison Type Puzzles for Law Entrance Exams 2024?

Comparison-type questions involve comparing elements based on certain attributes or characteristics. To solve these puzzles, follow this step-by-step process:

  1. Identify Attributes: Begin by thoroughly reading the question to understand the attributes or characteristics that must be compared. Take note of the specific relationships that need to be established between the elements.
  2. Make a Table: Create a well-structured table to facilitate a clear comparison. Use rows to represent the elements to be compared and columns for the attributes. Fill in the given information in the appropriate cells.
  3. Analyze the Comparisons: Examine the information in the table to identify patterns or connections between elements. Look for direct comparisons explicitly stated in the question and also implied relationships that can be deduced from the data.
  4. Draw Conclusions: Utilize the information in the table to conclude the comparisons. Make logical deductions based on the provided data and the relationships established between the elements.
  5. Check for Consistency: Ensure that the conclusions drawn are consistent with the information in the table and align with the given question. Verify that the comparisons accurately represent the relationships between the elements.

Here is a solved example for your reference:

Statement A: X is to the right of Y;  Statement B: X is second to the right of Y. Statement B is definite, while statement A is vague. The second statement gives the correct position of X, while the first statement doesn't give it. 

  • You can note down all the information provided in short words so that you don't have to reread the statements or passages.
  • You can imagine yourself in the puzzle, which helps you better understand the statement. 
  • You can draw diagrams or tables to solve the questions. With constant practice, you can get the puzzle-based questions for CLAT correct and score full marks. 

A building has ten floors numbered 1 to 10 in such a way that the ground floor is numbered 1, the floor above it is numbered 2 and so on such that the topmost floor is numbered Ten people named A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, T and S are staying on different floors, not necessarily in the same order. Two people are staying between B and P. S is staying on the 1st floor. Three persons are staying between D and R. P is staying on an even-numbered floor. T stays on the eighth floor. C stays on the floor immediately below T's and above R's floors. Q is staying between the floors of E and P.

1. How many people are staying between E and S?

  • Two
  • Three
  • Four
  • Five

2. Who is staying on floor no. 9?

  • T
  • C
  • A
  • D

3. Who is staying between B and Q?

  • P
  • E
  • Q

4. If R and A exchange their floors, how many people will stay between A and Q?

  • Two
  • One
  • Three
  • Four

5. The topmost floor is occupied by

  • D
  • T
  • C
  • R

LegalEdge CLAT Coaching

LegalEdge CLAT Coaching

How to Increase My Score in Solving Puzzles For Law Entrance Exams 2024?

By being aware of these common mistakes and following the suggested avoidance techniques, candidates can significantly improve their puzzle-solving skills and increase their chances of success in the Law Entrance Exams of 2024:

Common Mistakes to Avoid  How to Avoid Them
Misinterpreting Clues or Information Read the clues carefully and thoroughly. Take your time to understand the given information before proceeding.
Overlooking Key Details or Conditions Pay attention to every detail and condition mentioned in the question. Create a checklist of requirements to refer to while solving the puzzle.
Making Assumptions Without Evidence Rely only on the information provided in the question. Avoid making assumptions that are not supported by the given data.
Neglecting to Visualize the Arrangement Create a mental image or draw a diagram of the arrangement to comprehend the puzzle better. Visualization aids in problem-solving.
Ignoring Inferences and Logical Deductions Analyze the clues to draw logical deductions and inferences about the relationships between elements. Use these deductions to make informed decisions.
Failing to Double-Check the Solution Always review your solution to ensure accuracy. Verify that the arrangement satisfies all given conditions and constraints.
Not Practicing Under Timed Conditions Practice solving puzzles under timed conditions to improve time management skills and build confidence in exam settings.
Getting Stuck on a Single Puzzle If you get stuck on a puzzle, move on to the next one and return later with a fresh perspective. Don't waste too much time on one question.
Lack of Systematic Approach Develop a step-by-step approach to solving puzzles. Follow a systematic process for each type of puzzle to enhance efficiency.
Panicking or Getting Distracted during the Exam Stay calm and focused during the exam. Manage your time wisely and concentrate on one puzzle at a time.

Don't Miss - Short Tricks to Solve Para Jumble Questions in CLAT 

LegalEdge CLAT Mocks

LegalEdge CLAT Mocks


In conclusion, the art of puzzle-solving stands as a formidable challenge, but it is also a gateway to success. As aspiring legal eagles gear up for the Law Entrance Exams of 2024, the journey of puzzle-solving begins with understanding the very essence of a puzzle. This captivating enigma demands intellect and reasoning.

Here are the key takeaways:

  • Puzzle-solving is a vital skill in law entrance exams.
  • Careful reading and comprehension are essential.
  • Visualization and organization aid in understanding puzzles.
  • Analyzing clues and making inferences are crucial steps.
  • Eliminate invalid options to narrow down correct arrangements.
  • Regular practice enhances problem-solving abilities.
  • Time management is essential during the exam.

“If you work hard enough and assert yourself, and use your mind and imagination, you can shape the world to your desires.” – Malcolm Gladwell.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to prepare for Logical Reasoning Section of the CLAT syllabus?

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Which books to use for the preparation of Logical Reasoning section in CLAT?

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How to attempt CLAT Logical Reasoning Questions in the exam?

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How to score good marks in CLAT Logical Reasoning Section?

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Is CLAT Logical Reasoning Preparation possible in 1 month?

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How many questions do come from the puzzles topic in the CLAT exam?

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