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How to Improve Vocabulary for CLAT 2025?

Author : Nimisha Nayak

October 8, 2024


Reader's Digest - Are you ready to conquer the language challenges in the upcoming CLAT 2025 examination? The English Language section accounts for approximately 20% of the paper, so mastering the CLAT vocabulary becomes paramount. Read the blog for top tips to improve your vocabulary for CLAT 2025! 💪💬

In this section, you will encounter passages of 450 words derived from diverse literary works. To excel, you must read and comprehend each passage's main ideas, arguments, and viewpoints.

Understanding the meaning of words and phrases in their given context is crucial for accurate comprehension. Hence, mastering a vast and diverse vocabulary becomes pivotal in achieving your desired scores.

In this blog, we will focus on:

  • Building a Strong Vocabulary Foundation - Laying the groundwork for a strong word game. 
  • Enhancing Vocabulary Through Contextual Learning - Learning words in their natural habitat. 
  • Embracing Interactive Vocabulary-Building Techniques - Leveraging creative tips. 

Read: How to improve Reading Comprehension for CLAT?

What is the Best Technique to Attempt Vocabulary-Based CLAT Questions?

Vocabulary-based CLAT reading comprehension demands a strategic approach to comprehend passages effectively and accurately answer questions.

Here's a step-by-step guide to mastering this section:

Description of the image

  1. Read Actively: Begin by actively reading the given passage. Focus on understanding the context, main point, arguments, and viewpoints presented.
  2. Identify Keywords: Pay attention to crucial keywords and phrases in the passage. These words often carry essential information and aid in answering vocabulary-based questions.
  3. Infer Meaning from Context: When encountering unfamiliar words, use context clues to infer their meanings. Analyze the surrounding sentences to understand how the passage uses the word.
  4. Analyze Tone and Mood: Identify the tone and mood of the passage. This understanding can help deduce the meanings of certain words or phrases.
  5. Underline Key Sentences: Underline or highlight sentences containing important information. This practice helps in locating answers efficiently during the examination.
  6. Draw Inferences: Practice drawing inferences and conclusions based on the information provided in the passage. This skill is crucial for answering inference-based vocabulary questions.
  7. Summarize the Passage: Summarizing the passage in your own words helps reinforce your comprehension and improves your ability to answer vocabulary questions accurately.
  8. Compare and Contrast: Pay attention to arguments and viewpoints presented in the passage. Compare and contrast these perspectives to enhance your understanding and interpret word meanings effectively.
  9. Recognize Synonyms and Antonyms: Spot synonyms and antonyms within the passage to aid in identifying word meanings in context.
  10. Eliminate Incorrect Options: If unsure about an answer, eliminate the incorrect options to improve your chances of choosing the right answer.

Read: How to score 18+ in CLAT?

LegalEdge CLAT Result

LegalEdge CLAT Result

How to Identify Unfamiliar Words While Reading CLAT Comprehensions?

Encountering unfamiliar words in reading comprehension is an inevitable aspect of CLAT 2025 preparation. However, rather than being intimidated by unknown terms, you can employ several techniques to decipher their meanings using the following methods:

1. Context Clues

Context clues serve as the most potent tool for understanding unfamiliar words. The surrounding text provides hints, helping you to infer the word's meaning based on the sentence's tone and overall message. Contextual analysis lets you grasp the word's definition without relying on external sources.

Example: The students lauded the erudite professor for his profound knowledge and captivating lectures.

Unfamiliar Word: Erudite

Context Clue: The word "erudite" is used in conjunction with "professor" and "profound knowledge," indicating that it refers to someone highly knowledgeable or learned.

2. Word Formation

Breaking down unfamiliar words into familiar prefixes, roots, and suffixes often sheds light on their meanings. Understanding these building blocks contributes to comprehending complex terms.

Example: The company's latest innovation showcased unparalleled tech-savviness.

Unfamiliar Word: Unparalleled

Word Formation: "Un-" (meaning not) + "paral-" (equal) + "-led" (past tense) = not equalled or unmatched.

Here is the table of popular word formation asked in the previous year's CLAT Papers:

Unfamiliar Word Prefix Root Suffix Meaning of Prefix Meaning of Root Meaning of Suffix Meaning of Word
Anthropology anthro- polis -logy human city/state study of The study of human societies and cultures
Misunderstand mis- under -stand wrongly beneath to be in a place To fail to interpret or understand correctly
Disinformation dis- inform -ation not, opposite of to educate the act of False information which is intended to mislead
Unpredictable un- predict -able not to foretell capable of Not able to be predicted
Subterranean sub- terra -ean under earth relating to Existing, occurring, or done under the earth's surface
Hyperactive hyper- act -ive over, above to do having tendency Abnormally or extremely active
Pseudonym pseudo- onym false name A fictitious name, especially one used by an author
Interpersonal inter- person -al between individual relating to Relating to relationships or communication between people
Transcontinental trans- continent -al across land mass relating to Extending or going across a continent
Malnutrition mal- nutri -tion bad, wrong to feed the act of Lack of proper nutrition, caused by not having enough to eat or not eating enough of the right things

Read More - Legal Reasoning Questions for CLAT 2025

3. In-Text Definitions

In certain instances, the passage provides explanations or synonyms for unfamiliar words, aiding you in understanding the intended meaning.

Example: The mountain peak offered an ethereal view of the surrounding landscape.

Unfamiliar Word: Ethereal

In-Text Definition: "Ethereal" describes a "view," suggesting it is something delicate, light, or otherworldly.

4. Prior Knowledge

Relating unfamiliar words to one's existing knowledge or experiences can assist in deciphering their meanings.

Example: The protagonist's sagacity in resolving complex cases earned her the title of a legal prodigy.

Unfamiliar Word: Sagacity

Prior Knowledge: Aspirants who are familiar with the term "sage" (meaning wise) can infer that "sagacity" relates to wisdom or intelligence.

LegalEdge CLAT Demo

LegalEdge CLAT Demo

Should CLAT Aspirants Maintain a Journal for Improving Vocabulary?

A big Yes! To solidify vocabulary expansion for CLAT English Preparation, maintaining a vocabulary journal proves invaluable. This personalized record encourages consistency and aids in the revision process. The journal should include the following elements:

  • New Words: Note down unfamiliar words encountered during reading comprehension or any other study material.
  • Definitions: Include the meanings and contextual usage of each word.
  • Synonyms and Antonyms: For a comprehensive understanding, record synonyms and antonyms for each word.
  • Example Sentences: Compose sentences that showcase the words' correct usage.
  • Categorization: Organize words based on themes or topics to facilitate easy recall.
  • Revisions: Regularly review the journal to reinforce memory retention.
  • Regular Updates: Continuously add new words to the journal to maintain a dynamic and expanding vocabulary resource.

How to Utilize Sample Passages & Mock Test Papers to Improve Vocabulary for CLAT?

The CLAT 2025 English Language section presents you with passages derived from contemporary and historically significant fiction and non-fiction writing. These passages, carefully crafted to be readable within 5-7 minutes by a 12th-standard student, serve as the perfect resource for contextual learning.

You gain exposure to various word usage in authentic contexts by delving into the CLAT Question Paper. Analyzing the passage's main point, arguments, viewpoints, and the relationships between words enhances your comprehension and enables you to draw inferences and conclusions effectively.

Let's explore the power of contextual learning with a CLAT English sample passage:

Sample Passage:

The protagonist, a precocious young girl, ventured into the ancient library's labyrinth of books. As she meandered through the stacks, she stumbled upon an enigmatic manuscript. The dense text and archaic language puzzled her, but her relentless curiosity urged her forward. With each page turned, she unearthed secrets that stirred her imagination and challenged her intellect.

In this passage, words like "precocious," "enigmatic," "archaic," and "unearthed" paint a vivid picture of the protagonist's adventure. Understanding these words' context makes you appreciate and remember their nuances effortlessly.

LegalEdge CLAT Coaching

LegalEdge CLAT Coaching

Does Reading "The Hindu" Editorials Improve Vocabulary for CLAT?

Of course, yes! Reading The Hindu editorials is an exceptional opportunity for CLAT candidates to delve into a treasure trove of advanced vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and complex sentence structures.

But how to read the Editorial? Reading The Hindu editorials for CLAT demands an active and focused approach. Here is the table with the exact steps: 

Steps to Read The Hindu Editorials for CLAT Importance
1. Select Relevant Editorials: Choose editorials discussing legal, political, or social issues to align with the CLAT syllabus. Gain exposure to topics commonly tested in CLAT, enhancing knowledge and relevance.
2. Read Actively: Engage with the content actively, highlighting unfamiliar words and phrases. Facilitate vocabulary expansion and comprehension through active involvement.
3. Analyze Context: Understand the editorial's context to grasp the meanings of unfamiliar words. Enhance contextual learning, deciphering word usages accurately.
4. Research Unfamiliar Terms: Look up definitions and synonyms of unknown words for a deeper understanding. Strengthen vocabulary and grasp nuances of complex language.
5. Take Notes: Maintain a vocabulary journal to record new words and their meanings. Create a personalized learning resource for revision and retention.
6. Reflect on Arguments: Analyze the writer's perspective and logical reasoning in the editorial. Develop critical thinking skills, which are beneficial for interpreting legal issues.
7. Explore Diverse Topics: Read editorials on various subjects to broaden your knowledge. Expand knowledge base, helpful in answering diverse CLAT questions.
8. Stay Consistent: Read editorials regularly to adapt to the writing style and improve language skills. Foster consistency in learning, leading to gradual improvement over time.
9. Discuss with Peers or Mentors: Engage in discussions on editorials to gain diverse viewpoints. Strengthen analytical abilities and foster a deeper understanding of issues.
10. Apply Learning to Practice Tests: Use vocabulary and comprehension skills in mock tests. Simulate CLAT exam conditions, preparing effectively for the actual assessment.

Which is the Best Book to Improve Vocabulary for CLAT 2025 Exam?

Regarding enhancing vocabulary for the CLAT 2025 examination, one book stands out as a reliable and comprehensive resource - "Word Power Made Easy." Authored by Norman Lewis, this book has been a timeless favourite among language enthusiasts and CLAT aspirants.

How to Use Exercises in this Book?

To solidify learning, this book includes thoughtfully designed exercises and high-frequency words frequently appearing in the CLAT exam's English Language section. These exercises allow aspirants to apply their newly acquired knowledge and reinforce their understanding of words in various contexts.

How Much Time Should I Allocate?

You must allocate approximately 2-2.5 months to complete the book thoroughly. Consistency is key during this period, as regular study sessions yield the best results in vocabulary improvement.

Is Revision Necessary? 

Approaching the last few days before the CLAT exam, you must dedicate time to revising all the topics. This revision ensures that their grasp of the vocabulary remains fresh and ready for the English section of the exam.

LegalEdge CLAT Mocks

LegalEdge CLAT Mocks


In conclusion, reading comprehension is a valuable resource for enhancing CLAT vocabulary. Here are the key takeaways:

  • Active reading and comprehension of passages are essential for vocabulary improvement in CLAT.
  • Context clues, word formation, and in-text definitions aid in understanding unfamiliar words.
  • Maintaining a vocabulary journal helps consolidate new words and their meanings.
  • Reading The Hindu editorials enhances advanced vocabulary and analytical skills.
  • "Word Power Made Easy" is a highly recommended book for CLAT vocabulary preparation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How important is vocabulary for CLAT 2025?

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How can I improve vocabulary for CLAT through contextual learning?

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How do I tackle vocabulary-based questions in CLAT?

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What are the benefits of maintaining a vocabulary journal?

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How can reading editorials from "The Hindu" aid vocabulary enhancement?

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How can I identify unfamiliar words while reading CLAT comprehensions?

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What steps can I follow to master vocabulary-based questions?

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Which book is recommended for vocabulary improvement in CLAT?

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