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Reading Comprehension Questions for CLAT 2025: Solve Previous Year Questions

Author : Nimisha Nayak

October 9, 2024


Reader's DigestAre you ready to master Reading Comprehension Questions for CLAT 2025? Read this blog to learn the tips and tricks to solve difficult passages & get ahead by practising with free sample questions! Are you ready to give it a try?

The new CLAT exam pattern tests how well you can think critically, analyze information, and understand it while reading the passages.

Many students tend to pay less attention to the English section of the CLAT exam, thinking they can prepare for it later. Isko toh baad me dekhenge!

But remember, you cannot become a good reader or grammar nazi overnight. It takes consistent practice and focus. So, make it a habit to read CLAT English language passages (about 450 words each) every day!

The exam greatly emphasises reading and understanding CLAT English passages on various topics, as well as contemporary or historically significant fiction and non-fiction writing.

Your ability to read well and the effort you put into improving it directly affect how well you understand and perform in the exam.

Importance of Reading Comprehension Questions for CLAT 2025

Reading Comprehension Questions for CLAT 2025 can benefit students in many ways. Good reading ability is crucial for understanding and answering the questions in the exam accurately.

Utilising CLAT English Preparation Tips and practising these questions can help you in various ways mentioned below:

  • You will better understand and analyse the information provided in the CLAT comprehension passages. This will improve your chances of selecting the correct option.
  • Your ability to comprehend and engage with written content, such as newspapers and magazines, will also improve. This skill will be useful when dealing with the passages and their associated questions.
  • Practising reading comprehension questions will enhance your focus and concentration while reading for a long time.
  • Reading any text activates your brain to process not only the literal words but also their relationships, context, and subtle nuances of language and vocabulary. This will help you grasp the emotions and meanings conveyed in the text.

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Sample Questions for Reading Comprehension Questions for CLAT 2025

Check the sample passages below for Reading Comprehension for CLAT 2025:

Passage 1 of Reading Comprehension Questions for CLAT 

The idea to use Navajo for secure communications came from Philip Johnston, the son of a missionary to the Navajos and one of the few non-Navajos who spoke their language fluently. Reared on the Navajo reservation, Johnston was a World War I veteran who knew of the military’s search for a code that would withstand all attempts to decipher it. He also knew Native American languages, notably Choctaw, had been used in World War I to encode messages.

Johnston believed Navajo answered the military requirement for an undecipherable code because it is an unwritten language of extreme complexity. Its syntax and tonal qualities, not to mention dialects, make it unintelligible to anyone without extensive exposure and training. It has no alphabet or symbols and is spoken only on the Navajo lands of the American Southwest. One estimate indicates that fewer than 30 non-Navajos, none Japanese, could understand the language at the outbreak of World War II.

Early in 1942, Johnston met with Major General Clayton B. Vogel, the commanding general of Amphibious Corps, Pacific Fleet, and his staff to convince them of the Navajo language’s value as a code. Johnston staged tests under simulated combat conditions, demonstrating that Navajos could encode, transmit and decode a three-line English message in 20 seconds. Machines of the time required 30 minutes to perform the same job. Convinced, Vogel recommended to the Commandant of the Marine Corps that the Marines recruit 200 Navajos.

Description of the image

Q1. What is the purpose of the author mentioning that Navajo "has no alphabet or symbols"?

(a) To emphasize the difficulty of deciphering the Navajo language.

(b) To suggest a potential drawback of using Navajo for secure communications.

(c) To explain why only a few non-Navajos can speak the language.

(d) To highlight the differences between Navajo and other Native American languages.

Q2. What is the main focus of the passage?

(a) Examining the complexity of a language.

(b) Profiling someone's search for a solution to a problem.

(c) Analyzing the benefits and drawbacks of an approach.

(d) Explaining why a certain strategy was adopted.

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Q3. According to the passage, why did Philip Johnston believe Navajo would be an effective code for secure communications?

(a) Because it is an unwritten language of extreme complexity.

(b) Because it has no alphabet or symbols.

(c) Because it is spoken only on the Navajo lands of the American Southwest.

(d) Because it can be easily decoded by anyone with extensive exposure and training.

Q4. How did Philip Johnston convince Major General Clayton B. Vogel of the value of the Navajo language as a code?

(a) By demonstrating the Navajo language's syntax and tonal qualities.

(b) By conducting tests under simulated combat conditions.

(c) By explaining the historical use of Native American languages in encoding messages.

(d) By recruiting 200 Navajos for the Marine Corps.

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Q5. How did Navajos' encoding and decoding speed compare to the machines of that time?

(a) Navajos could encode, transmit, and decode messages faster than machines.

(b) Machines could perform the same job in less time than Navajos.

(c) Navajos and machines had similar speeds in encoding and decoding messages.

(d) The passage does not provide information about the speed comparison.

Passage 2 of Reading Comprehension Questions for CLAT 

To turn my eyes outwards now and to say a little about the relationship between the Indian writer and the majority white culture in that midst he lives, and with which his work will sooner or later have to deal: Common to many Bombay-raised middle-class children of my generation, I grew up with an intimate knowledge of, and even sense of friendship with, a certain kind of England: a dream-England composed of Test Matches at Lord's presided over by the voice of John Arlott, at which Freddie Trueman bowled unceasingly and without success at Polly Umrigar; of Enid Blyton and Billy Bunter, in which we were even prepared to smile indulgently at portraits such as 'Hurree JamSet Ram Singh,' 'the dusky nabob of Bhanipur.'

I wanted to come to England. I couldn't wait, and to be fair, England has done all right by me, but I find it a little difficult to be properly grateful. I can't escape the view that my relatively easy ride is not the result of the dream- England's famous sense of tolerance and fair play, but of my social class, my freak fair skin, and my 'English' English accent. Take away any of these; the story would have been very different. Because, of course, the dream of England is no more than a dream.

Sadly, it's a dream from which too many white Britons refuse to wake. Recently, on a live radio program, a professional humorist asked me, in all seriousness, why I objected to being called a wog. He said he had always thought it a rather charming word, a term of endearment. 'I was at the zoo the other day, 'he revealed, 'and a zookeeper told me that the wogs were best with the animals; they stuck their fingers in their ears and wiggled them about, and the animals felt at home.'

The ghost of Hurree Jamset Ram Singh walks among us still. As Richard Wright found long ago in America, black-and-white descriptions of society are no longer compatible. Fantasy, or the mingling of fantasy and naturalism, is one way of dealing with these problems. It offers a way of echoing in the form of our work the issues faced by all of us: how to build a new, 'modern' world out of an old, legend-haunted civilization, an old culture that we have brought into the heart of newer ones.

But whatever technical solutions we may find, Indian writers in these islands, like others who have migrated into the north from the south, can write from a double perspective: because they, we, are at the same time insiders and outsiders in this society. We can offer this stereoscopic vision in place of 'whole sight'.

Q1. The author's experience in England is not the normative experience of an ordinary Indian because

(a) Like the author, the ordinary Indian has not nurtured a "dream England" or aspirations of reaching the dreamland.

(b) Like the author, the ordinary Indian has acquired airs and nuances that are essentially English but are betrayed by his/her complexion.

(c) Unlike the author, the ordinary Indian has a radical sense of nationhood, citizenship, and identity.

(d) Unlike the author, the ordinary Indian has not imbibed and cannot simulate signs of English culture.

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Q2. The professional humorist, the author, met regards "wog" as a charming word and a term for endearment. Which of the following statements is true in the light of the zookeeper's comment informing the humorist's connotation?

(a) The humorist thinks that "wog" is a harmless term, and its meaning becomes more positive in light of the zookeeper's comment.

(b) The zookeeper's comment subverts the harmless connotation of the term wog.

(c) The humorist thinks that "wog" is a harmless term whose meaning remains the same even after considering the zookeeper's comment.

(d) The zookeeper's comment does not have any implication on the meaning attributed by the humorist.

Q3. What struggles are identified in the struggles to make a new country our own?

(a) A gender struggle

(b) A class struggle

(c) A struggle between cultures

(d) A struggle to migrate

Q4. Which of the following statements about Indian writers is supported by the information provided in the passage?

(a) It's easier for an Indian writer to write in England

(b) The writers who migrated from India can write with double perspectives

(c) Indian writers are the insiders to India and outsiders to England

(d) Option (b) and (c)

Q5. What does the passage refer to when it mentions that "Richard Wright in black and white descriptions of society are no longer compatible."

(a) Differences in the good and evil sides of the society

(b) Incompatibility between the old and new society

(c) Clashes between the opinions of the black and the white populations

(d) None of these

Passage 3 of Reading Comprehension Questions for CLAT

The painter Roy Lichtenstein helped to define pop art—the movement that incorporated commonplace objects and commercial-art techniques into paintings—by paraphrasing the style of comic books in his work. His merger of a popular genre with the forms and intentions of fine art generated a complex result. While poking fun at the art world's pretensions, Lichtenstein’s work also conveyed a seriousness of theme that enabled it to transcend mere parody.

That Lichtenstein’s images were fine art was initially difficult to see because, with their word balloons and highly stylized figures, they looked like nothing more than the comic book panels from which they were copied. Standard art history holds that pop art emerged as an impersonal alternative to the histrionics of abstract expressionism, a movement in which painters conveyed their private attitudes and emotions using nonrepresentational techniques. Abstract expressionism had already lost much of its force when pop art first appeared in the early 1960s. Pop art painters weren’t quarrelling with the powerful early expressionist work of the late 1940s but with the second generation of abstract expressionists whose work seemed airy, high-minded, and overly lyrical. Pop art paintings were full of simple black lines and large areas of primary colour. Lichtenstein’s work was part of a general rebellion against the fading emotional power of abstract expressionism rather than an aloof attempt to ignore it.

But if rebellion against previous art using the careful imitation of a popular genre was all that characterized Lichtenstein’s work, it would possess only the reflective power that parodies have in relation to their subjects. Beneath its cartoonish methods, his work displayed an impulse toward realism, an urge to say that what was missing from the contemporary painting was the depiction of contemporary life. The stilted romances and war stories portrayed in the comic books on which he based his canvases, the stylized automobiles, hot dogs, and table lamps that appeared in his pictures, were reflections of the culture Lichtenstein inhabited. But, in contrast to some pop art, Lichtenstein’s work exuded not a jaded cynicism about consumer culture but a kind of deliberate naiveté intended as a response to the excess of sophistication he observed not only in the later abstract expressionists but in some other pop artists. With the comics—typically the domain of youth and innocence—as his reference point, nostalgia fills his paintings, giving them an inner sweetness for all their surface bravado. His persistent use of comic-art conventions demonstrates faith in reconciliation between cartoons and fine art and between parody and true feeling.

Q1. The primary goal of Roy Lichtenstein's work was to:

(a) Challenge the conventions of fine art.

(b) Criticize the art world's pretensions.

(c) Generate complex and serious themes.

(d) Imitate comic book panels.

Q2. How did pop art differ from abstract expressionism?

(a) Pop art conveyed private emotions through nonrepresentational techniques.

(b) Pop art embraced the emotional power of abstract expressionism.

(c) Pop art rebelled against the fading emotional power of abstract expressionism.

(d) Pop art aimed to ignore the influence of abstract expressionism.

Q3. Lichtenstein's work was characterized by the following:

(a) Simple black lines and large areas of primary colour.

(b) Histrionics and overly lyrical expressions.

(c) Airy and high-minded artistic techniques.

(d) Excessive sophistication and cynicism.

Q4. What distinguishes Lichtenstein's work from other pop art?

(a) A deliberate naiveté and nostalgia.

(b) Jaded cynicism about consumer culture.

(c) Complete rejection of fine art conventions.

(d) Faith in the reconciliation of cartoons and fine art.

Q5. Lichtenstein's work can be described as a combination of the following:

(a) Parody and true feeling.

(b) Reflection and sophistication.

(c) Fine art and abstract expressionism.

(d) Abstract techniques and contemporary life depiction.

Passage 4 of Reading Comprehension Questions for CLAT 

Artificial intelligence (AI) has gained significant prominence in technology. AI is the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. It involves various subfields, including machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. AI has found applications in numerous sectors, from healthcare to finance, revolutionizing how tasks are performed and decisions are made.

One of the key benefits of AI is its ability to process and analyze vast amounts of data at an unprecedented speed. AI systems can identify patterns, make predictions, and provide valuable insights. For example, AI can analyze medical records, diagnostic images, and genetic data in the healthcare industry to assist in disease diagnosis and treatment planning. AI algorithms can analyze market trends and historical financial data to predict investment opportunities and manage risks effectively.

However, AI also raises concerns and ethical considerations. The rapid development of AI has led to discussions about its impact on jobs and the workforce. While AI has the potential to automate repetitive tasks and improve efficiency, there are concerns about job displacement and the need for upskilling workers to adapt to the changing job market. Additionally, the ethical implications of AI are being debated, such as ensuring transparency and fairness in AI decision-making processes and addressing biases in data that could perpetuate discrimination.

Overall, AI can potentially transform various industries and improve the quality of life. However, it requires careful consideration of its ethical implications and the need for responsible development and deployment.

Q1. What is the main objective of artificial intelligence (AI)?

(a) To simulate human intelligence in machines

(b) To automate repetitive tasks

(c) To analyze market trends

(d) To improve the quality of life

Q2. Which of the following is NOT a subfield of artificial intelligence?

(a) Machine learning

(b) Natural language processing

(c) Computer vision

(d) Blockchain technology

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Q3. What is one of the key benefits of AI?

(a) Simulating human emotions

(b) Enhancing job opportunities

(c) Analyzing vast amounts of data

(d) Eliminating the need for human intervention

Q4. What are some ethical considerations associated with AI?

(a) Ensuring transparency and fairness in decision-making processes

(b) Limiting its applications to the healthcare sector

(c) Automating all tasks without human supervision

(d) Ignoring biases in data analysis

Q5. What is the role of AI in the finance industry?

(a) Analyzing medical records for disease diagnosis

(b) Automating job tasks to replace human workers

(c) Analyzing market trends and predicting investment opportunities

(d) Enhancing communication through natural language processing

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Passage 5 of Reading Comprehension Questions for CLAT 

The invention of photography revolutionized the world of art and challenged traditional notions of representation. Before its emergence, paintings and drawings were the primary means of capturing and preserving visual imagery. However, with the advent of photography, artists faced a new dilemma. Should they continue to strive for realism and meticulous detail in their work or embrace the unique qualities and possibilities offered by this new medium?

Some artists, like the French painter Gustave Courbet, chose to defy convention and explore the unfiltered reality captured by photography. Courbet believed that art should reflect the truth of human experience, and he saw photography as a tool that could aid in this pursuit. His paintings often depicted everyday scenes and ordinary people, presenting a raw and unidealized worldview.

On the other hand, some artists viewed photography as a threat to the traditional role of painting. They argued that photography could reproduce reality with such accuracy that it rendered the need for paintings obsolete. These artists, such as the American painter Thomas Eakins, sought to reaffirm the unique, expressive power of painting. They focused on capturing the essence of their subjects through brushwork, colour, and composition, emphasizing the personal interpretation and emotional depth that photography could not replicate.

The tension between photography and painting gave rise to new artistic movements and debates about the nature of art. Some artists embraced the possibilities of combining both mediums, experimenting with techniques such as photo-realism and collage. Others continued to champion the distinct qualities of painting, pushing the boundaries of abstraction and expressionism.

In the end, the emergence of photography challenged artists to redefine their purpose and explore new avenues of creative expression. It sparked a dialogue about the relationship between art and reality and ultimately expanded the boundaries of artistic practice.

Q1. Gustave Courbet embraced photography because he believed that it:

(a) Could capture idealized scenes

(b) Offered a unique, expressive power

(c) Threatened the traditional role of painting

(d) Could reproduce reality accurately

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Q2. Thomas Eakins sought to reaffirm the unique power of painting by:

(a) Experimenting with photo-realism

(b) Focusing on personal interpretation and emotional depth

(c) Capturing ordinary scenes and people

(d) Combining painting and photography in his work

Q3. The tension between photography and painting led to the following:

(a) A decline in artistic movements

(b) An end to debates about the nature of art

(c) Exploration of new artistic techniques and styles

(d) A limitation of creative expression

Q4. Some artists combined photography and painting by:

(a) Focusing on abstraction and expressionism

(b) Defying conventions and exploring unfiltered reality

(c) Emphasizing the truth of human experience

(d) Experimenting with techniques like collage and photo-realism

Q5. The emergence of photography sparked a dialogue about:

(a) The essence of subjects through brushwork, colour, and composition

(b) The relationship between art and reality

(c) The unique qualities of photo-realism

(d) The obsolescence of paintings due to photography

Types of Reading Comprehension Questions in CLAT 2025 

  • As per the previous year's CLAT Syllabus, the English section includes passages of approximately 450 words each. 
  • Reading Comprehension Questions for CLAT 2025 are designed to test your understanding of passages. There are six passages in total, each followed by 5 questions. These questions are related to the passage you just read.
  • The passages in the test are written at a level similar to Class 12 standards. They cover various topics, such as fiction, contemporary and classical literature excerpts, and newspaper articles.
  • To answer the questions, you must read the passage carefully. You don't need any prior knowledge about the topic. All the answers and options will be based on the information provided in the passage.

Tips to Solve Reading Comprehension Questions for CLAT 2025

Discover essential tips and techniques to sharpen your skills and boost your performance while solving English comprehension passages for CLAT PDF.

Tip #1 - Improve your Speed

Apart from reading skills, it is essential to focus on your speed. The CLAT paper will have lengthy and complex passages, so you must improve your reading speed while understanding the passage simultaneously.

Regarding maintaining reading speed, aspirants often forsake accuracy for completion, where most of their mistakes are made. Here are the tips you must keep in mind to solve CLAT RC passages:

  • Read challenging materials like literature, editorials about current events, and other difficult writing pieces.
  • Use a timer to see how long it takes to read and understand the passage.
  • Practice regularly with tough articles and passages to develop your speed and comprehension skills.
  • It's important to be consistent and practice every day. Your reading speed and comprehension abilities won't improve without regular effort.

By following these tips and consistently practising important English language questions for CLAT and AILET, you can improve your reading speed and comprehension skills for the CLAT exam in 2025.

Tip #2 - Focus on Vocabulary

In the English section, most of the questions are based on topics like synonyms, antonyms, Idioms, etc. Hence, you must be strong in your vocabulary to attempt this section. 

The following are a few tips on how to improve vocabulary for CLAT:

  • Try to learn 20 new English words every day. Remember the meaning of words that are unfamiliar or hard to remember. This will help expand your vocabulary.
  • Develop a habit of reading the newspaper for at least 45 minutes daily. This will enhance your reading comprehension abilities.
  • Try using shortcuts to make learning new words more enjoyable and effortless.

Tip #3 - Practice Previous Year's Papers

The practice of CLAT question papers from the last 4 years will help you understand the structure and difficulty of real CLAT exams.

An important thing to note here is that the difficulty level in one paper will differ from another. Hence, alongside practising previous years’ papers, it is imperative to practice your mocks, which present you with an array of difficulty levels.

How to Approach English Reading Comprehension Questions for CLAT 2025?

Developing good reading skills is one of the best ways to answer the Reading Comprehension Questions for CLAT 2025. Here are some tips to solve 1000 reading comprehension PDF with answers for CLAT:

  • If you want to improve your English language skills for CLAT 2025, it's important to read the newspaper every day. Pay special attention to the editorial section, as it can help you learn new words and terms that are relevant.
  • To understand the types of questions and the difficulty level of the exam, it's recommended to attempt as many CLAT Mock Tests as possible. Simply participating in the mock tests is not sufficient; you should also analyze your mistakes and areas of confusion to make progress.
  • While it may be tempting to read quickly, speed-reading can sometimes result in wrong answers. It's better to read the passages carefully and attentively.
  • Additionally, make sure to read all the answer options before selecting an answer. Making hasty decisions and marking answers without proper consideration can lead to incorrect responses or mistakes in judgment.

Which Newspapers to Read for Solving Reading Comprehension Questions for CLAT 2025?

Most of you might wonder how to read a newspaper for CLAT to improve your vocabulary and grammar. First of all, you should filter out the main topics in the newspaper that are relevant for exams. 

The following are some newspapers you can read to improve your CLAT vocabulary:

  • The Hindu
  • The Indian Express 

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Before attempting Reading Comprehension Questions for CLAT 2025, understand the following things:

  • Efficient reading: Read at an appropriate speed, focusing on important information.
  • Understanding higher-level sentences: Develop a grasp of complex sentence structures and expand vocabulary.
  • Consistency: Regular and dedicated practice is key to maximising your score in CLAT reading comprehension.
  • Practice tips: Implement the shared tips to improve your performance in RC for CLAT.
  • Score improvement: Consistent practice and implementing the tips can help maximize your score in the CLAT RC passages.
  • Potential and ability: Based on your potential and the skills you develop, aim to achieve your highest possible score.

Frequently Asked Questions

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