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CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Important Question with Solutions 2024

Author : Palak Khanna

Updated On : November 15, 2023


Summary: This article "CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Important Question with Solutions 2024" offers a comprehensive guide for CBSE Class 12 Computer Science students, providing a strategic study plan, 15 essential questions with solutions, reference book recommendations, and a handy FAQ section. Reading the CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Important Question with Solutions will equip you with the knowledge essential for acing your Class 12 Computer Science exam.

The CBSE Class 12 Computer Science exam is a pivotal milestone in your educational journey. 

For those aspiring for a career in software development, data science, or any field related to computing, this is a crucial stage. 

Scoring well in this exam not only boosts your aggregate marks but also sets a strong foundation for your higher studies in computer science. 

However, Computer Science is a subject that demands both conceptual understanding and practical skills.

Let's check the CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Important Question with Solutions 2024!

Preparation Plan for Studying CBSE Class 12 computer science important question with solutions 2024

This article is designed to guide you through your preparation and help you tackle some of the most challenging aspects of the subject.

Understanding the Syllabus

Familiarise yourself with the CBSE Class 12 Computer Science syllabus.


Prepare a structured timetable dedicating specific hours to theory and programming practice.

Programming Languages

Get comfortable with the programming languages specified in your syllabus (usually C++ or Python).

Check: CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Viva Questions

Reference Books

Refer to standard textbooks and sample papers.

Mock Tests

Take regular mock tests to identify your strong and weak areas.

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cuet online coaching

Regular Revision

Allocate the last month before the exam solely for revision.

Check: CBSE class 12 Chemistry Reference books

Stay Updated

Follow the CBSE official website for any updates or changes in the syllabus or exam pattern.

Sample CBSE Class 12 computer science important question with solutions 2024

CBSE class 12 computer science important with solutions 2024 Questions 1: What is polymorphism?

Solution: Polymorphism in computer science refers to the ability of a function, method, or operator to behave differently based on the inputs. In Object-Oriented Programming, it allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common superclass.

CBSE class 12 computer science important 2024 questions chapter wise 2: Write a Python program to find the factorial of a number.

def factorial(n):

if n==0 or n==1:

return 1


return n * factorial(n-1)

Check: Best Books for CBSE Class 12 Computer Science

Class 12 CBSE Computer Acience important questions 3: Explain Data Abstraction with an example.

Solution: Data Abstraction refers to providing only essential information while hiding the details. For example, a car's dashboard shows speed and fuel level without showing the engine's complexities.

CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Important Question with Solutions 4: What are tokens in C++?

Solution: Tokens are the smallest units in a C++ program. These could be keywords, identifiers, literals, operators, and punctuation symbols.

CBSE class 12 computer science important Question 5: Given the following Tuple

Tup = (10, 20, 30, 50)

Which of the following statements will result in an error? 

(a) print (Tup [0])

(b) Tup.insert 

(c) print (Tup [1:2])

(d) print (len (Tup))

Solution: Tup.insert 

Check: CBSE class 12 Computer Science Exam Pattern

CBSE class 12 computer science important questions chapter wise Question 6: Consider the given expression: 

5<10 and 12>7 or not 7>4 

Which of the following will be the correct output of the given expression evaluated? 

(a) True

(b) False

(c) NONE

(d) NULL

Solution: True

cuet mock test

cuet mock test

CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Important Question with Solutions 7: Fill in the blank: 

_ is used for point-to-point communication or unicast communication such as radar and satellite. 

(a) Infrared waves

(b) Bluetooth

(c) Microwaves

(d) Radiowaves

Solution: Microwaves

Check: CBSE 2023 Toppers Talk

CBSE class 12 computer science important Question 8: Fill in the blank: 

_ clause is used with a SELECT statement to display data in a sorted form with respect to a specified column.

(a) Where

(b) Order by

(c) Having 

(d) Distinct

Solution: (b) Order by

CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Important Question with Solutions 9: What will the following expression be evaluated to in Python? 

print (4+3*5/3-5%2) 

(a) 8.5

(b) 8.0

(c) 10.2

(d) 10.0

Solution: (b) 8.0

Check: CBSE Class 12 Applied Mathematics

CBSE class 12 computer science important Question 10: fetchall () method fetches all rows in a result set and returns a: 

(a) Tuple of lists

(b) List of Tuples

(c) List of strings

(d) Tuple of strings

Solution: (b) List of Tuples

Class 12 CBSE Computer Acience important Questions 11: 

Write the output of the code given below: 

def short_sub (lst, n): 

for i in range (0,n): 

if len (lst)>4:

lst [i]=(lst) [i]+lst[i]






Check: How to get 90+ Marks in Economics Class 12 CBSE Board?

CBSE class 12 computer science important Question 12: Which function returns the sum of all elements of a list? 

(a) count ()

(b) sum ()

(c) total ()

(d) add ()

Solution: (b) sum ()

Class 12 CBSE Computer Acience important questions 13: Differentiate between wired and wireless transmission. 

CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Important Question with Solutions 14: Differentiate between URL and domain name with the help of an appropriate example. 

Class 12 CBSE Computer Acience important Question 15: (a) Given is a Python list declaration: 

Listofnames = ["Aman", "Ankit", "Ashish", "Rajan", "Rajat"]

Write the output of: 

print (Listofnames [-1:4:-1])

(b) Consider the following tuple declaration: 

tupl = (10, 20, 30, (10, 20, 30), 40)

Write the output of: 

print (tupl.index(20))

Check: CBSE class 12 Chemistry Marking scheme

CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Important Question with Solutions 2024: CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Reference Books 

  • NCERT Computer Science Textbooks
  • Computer Science with C++ by Sumita Arora
  • Python for Class 12" by Sumita Arora
  • CBSE All In One Computer Science with Python Class 12 2022-23 Edition by Neetu Gaikwad
  • Data Structures Through C++ by Yashwant Kanetkar

Check: CBSE Class 12 English Elective Syllabus 


The CBSE Class 12 Computer Science exam requires a balanced approach between theory and practical skills. A well-planned study schedule, coupled with regular practice and revision, is key to excelling in this subject. Utilise the questions and solutions provided in this article for effective preparation. By investing your time wisely and using the resources outlined in this article, you can ensure a robust preparation for the CBSE Class 12 Computer Science exam. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

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CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Important Question with Solutions 2024

Author : Palak Khanna

November 15, 2023


Summary: This article "CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Important Question with Solutions 2024" offers a comprehensive guide for CBSE Class 12 Computer Science students, providing a strategic study plan, 15 essential questions with solutions, reference book recommendations, and a handy FAQ section. Reading the CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Important Question with Solutions will equip you with the knowledge essential for acing your Class 12 Computer Science exam.

The CBSE Class 12 Computer Science exam is a pivotal milestone in your educational journey. 

For those aspiring for a career in software development, data science, or any field related to computing, this is a crucial stage. 

Scoring well in this exam not only boosts your aggregate marks but also sets a strong foundation for your higher studies in computer science. 

However, Computer Science is a subject that demands both conceptual understanding and practical skills.

Let's check the CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Important Question with Solutions 2024!

Preparation Plan for Studying CBSE Class 12 computer science important question with solutions 2024

This article is designed to guide you through your preparation and help you tackle some of the most challenging aspects of the subject.

Understanding the Syllabus

Familiarise yourself with the CBSE Class 12 Computer Science syllabus.


Prepare a structured timetable dedicating specific hours to theory and programming practice.

Programming Languages

Get comfortable with the programming languages specified in your syllabus (usually C++ or Python).

Check: CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Viva Questions

Reference Books

Refer to standard textbooks and sample papers.

Mock Tests

Take regular mock tests to identify your strong and weak areas.

cuet online coaching

cuet online coaching

Regular Revision

Allocate the last month before the exam solely for revision.

Check: CBSE class 12 Chemistry Reference books

Stay Updated

Follow the CBSE official website for any updates or changes in the syllabus or exam pattern.

Sample CBSE Class 12 computer science important question with solutions 2024

CBSE class 12 computer science important with solutions 2024 Questions 1: What is polymorphism?

Solution: Polymorphism in computer science refers to the ability of a function, method, or operator to behave differently based on the inputs. In Object-Oriented Programming, it allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common superclass.

CBSE class 12 computer science important 2024 questions chapter wise 2: Write a Python program to find the factorial of a number.

def factorial(n):

if n==0 or n==1:

return 1


return n * factorial(n-1)

Check: Best Books for CBSE Class 12 Computer Science

Class 12 CBSE Computer Acience important questions 3: Explain Data Abstraction with an example.

Solution: Data Abstraction refers to providing only essential information while hiding the details. For example, a car's dashboard shows speed and fuel level without showing the engine's complexities.

CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Important Question with Solutions 4: What are tokens in C++?

Solution: Tokens are the smallest units in a C++ program. These could be keywords, identifiers, literals, operators, and punctuation symbols.

CBSE class 12 computer science important Question 5: Given the following Tuple

Tup = (10, 20, 30, 50)

Which of the following statements will result in an error? 

(a) print (Tup [0])

(b) Tup.insert 

(c) print (Tup [1:2])

(d) print (len (Tup))

Solution: Tup.insert 

Check: CBSE class 12 Computer Science Exam Pattern

CBSE class 12 computer science important questions chapter wise Question 6: Consider the given expression: 

5<10 and 12>7 or not 7>4 

Which of the following will be the correct output of the given expression evaluated? 

(a) True

(b) False

(c) NONE

(d) NULL

Solution: True

cuet mock test

cuet mock test

CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Important Question with Solutions 7: Fill in the blank: 

_ is used for point-to-point communication or unicast communication such as radar and satellite. 

(a) Infrared waves

(b) Bluetooth

(c) Microwaves

(d) Radiowaves

Solution: Microwaves

Check: CBSE 2023 Toppers Talk

CBSE class 12 computer science important Question 8: Fill in the blank: 

_ clause is used with a SELECT statement to display data in a sorted form with respect to a specified column.

(a) Where

(b) Order by

(c) Having 

(d) Distinct

Solution: (b) Order by

CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Important Question with Solutions 9: What will the following expression be evaluated to in Python? 

print (4+3*5/3-5%2) 

(a) 8.5

(b) 8.0

(c) 10.2

(d) 10.0

Solution: (b) 8.0

Check: CBSE Class 12 Applied Mathematics

CBSE class 12 computer science important Question 10: fetchall () method fetches all rows in a result set and returns a: 

(a) Tuple of lists

(b) List of Tuples

(c) List of strings

(d) Tuple of strings

Solution: (b) List of Tuples

Class 12 CBSE Computer Acience important Questions 11: 

Write the output of the code given below: 

def short_sub (lst, n): 

for i in range (0,n): 

if len (lst)>4:

lst [i]=(lst) [i]+lst[i]






Check: How to get 90+ Marks in Economics Class 12 CBSE Board?

CBSE class 12 computer science important Question 12: Which function returns the sum of all elements of a list? 

(a) count ()

(b) sum ()

(c) total ()

(d) add ()

Solution: (b) sum ()

Class 12 CBSE Computer Acience important questions 13: Differentiate between wired and wireless transmission. 

CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Important Question with Solutions 14: Differentiate between URL and domain name with the help of an appropriate example. 

Class 12 CBSE Computer Acience important Question 15: (a) Given is a Python list declaration: 

Listofnames = ["Aman", "Ankit", "Ashish", "Rajan", "Rajat"]

Write the output of: 

print (Listofnames [-1:4:-1])

(b) Consider the following tuple declaration: 

tupl = (10, 20, 30, (10, 20, 30), 40)

Write the output of: 

print (tupl.index(20))

Check: CBSE class 12 Chemistry Marking scheme

CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Important Question with Solutions 2024: CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Reference Books 

  • NCERT Computer Science Textbooks
  • Computer Science with C++ by Sumita Arora
  • Python for Class 12" by Sumita Arora
  • CBSE All In One Computer Science with Python Class 12 2022-23 Edition by Neetu Gaikwad
  • Data Structures Through C++ by Yashwant Kanetkar

Check: CBSE Class 12 English Elective Syllabus 


The CBSE Class 12 Computer Science exam requires a balanced approach between theory and practical skills. A well-planned study schedule, coupled with regular practice and revision, is key to excelling in this subject. Utilise the questions and solutions provided in this article for effective preparation. By investing your time wisely and using the resources outlined in this article, you can ensure a robust preparation for the CBSE Class 12 Computer Science exam. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any sample questions available for the practical viva questions?

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How many practical viva questions are normally asked in the examination?

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How should I split my time between theory and programming?

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Is it necessary to solve the previous year's question papers?

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