Overview: The CUET MBA Syllabus 2024 is a comprehensive guide to prepare for the rigorous entrance exam for business management aspirants. Dive into its modules, strategies, and tips to ace the test.
MBA entrance exams are the gateway to top-notch business schools, with the CUET MBA being one of the prominent tests for aspirants.
A clear understanding of the CUET MBA Syllabus is imperative for effective preparation.
This article delves into its key components, offers insights, and answers some pressing queries.
General Structure of the CUET MBA Syllabus 2024
The CUET MBA examination syllabus is designed to evaluate candidates' aptitude in various skills necessary for business management.
Typically, the syllabus spans across multiple domains:
CUET MBA Syllabus 2024: Paper Code
CUET MBA Paper: (COQP08)
CUET MBA General Eligibility Requirement: A pass in any UG degree in Arts/Humanities/Science/Engineering and Technology with a minimum of 50% marks in Part III. Pattern 2 (25 General + 75 Domain Specific Knowledge Questions)
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CUET MBA Exam Pattern 2024
Here is the general exam pattern for CUET MBA listed below:
- i. There will be one Question Paper, which will have 100 questions.
- ii. All questions will be compulsory.
- iii. The Question Paper will have two Parts i.e. Part A and Part B:
- iv. Part A will have 25 questions based on Language Comprehension/Verbal Ability,
- General Awareness, Mathematical/Quantitative ability and Analytical Skills.
- v. Part B will have 75 questions based on Subject-Specific Knowledge.

CUET MBA Syllabus 2024
Commerce (COQP08)
Important concepts of CUET MBA Syllabus 2024:
- Microeconomics
- Currency and Banking
- Essential of Management
- Office Management
- Accounting
- Business Organization
- Statistical Methods
- Public Finance
- Business Law
- Cost Accounting
- Company Law and Secretarial Practice
- Selling and Advertising
- Business Mathematics
- Insurance Law and Accounts
- Income Tax Law and Accounts
- Contemporary Audit
- Indian Economic Structure
- Macro- Economics
- Trade of India
- Applied & Business Statistics
- Law and Practice of Banking
- Development Banking
- Capital Market
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Important subtopics of some of the above topics are as follows -
Essential of Management
- Nature, Scope and Functions of Management, Evolution of Management Thought, Various Approaches to Management, Functions of a Manager, Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility.
- Planning: Objective, Nature and Process of Planning, SWOT Analysis, Formulation of Plans, Decision Making Process.
- Organizing: Objectives, Nature and Process of Organizing Formal and Informal Organization, Authority and Responsibility, Delegation and Empowerment, Centralization and Decentralization, Concept of Departmentation, Organization Chart, Line, Staff and Functional Relationships.
- Staffing: Concept, Manpower Planning, Recruitment, Selection, Training and Development, Performance Appraisal. Directing: Concept and Techniques of Motivation and Leadership. Process and Barriers to Communication.
- Controlling: Concept, Need and Techniques. Controlling: Concept, Process and Techniques and Control, Management by Objectives (MBO), Management by Exception (MBE), Essentials of Effective Control, Managerial Effectiveness.
Check: CUET Syllabus
Office Management
- Office: Meaning, Importance, Activities, Emerging Trends, Concept of Paperless Office.
- Office Management: Meaning, Functions. Office Organization: Definition, Characteristics, Types of Organization, Office Systems and Procedures, Charts and Manuals. Office Location, Layout and Environment, Flow of Work.
- Computer Fundamentals: Concept, Components and Types of Computers. Operating System: Concept, Functions, Types. Managing Files and Folders. Internet: Basics, Features, Methods of Access. Applications and Benefits of Computerization and Internet in Office. Introduction to
- Word Processing and Spreadsheets: Templates and Creation of Documents, Editing and Formatting, Creating tables, Basic Applications.
- Office Record Management: Importance, Filing Essentials, Modern Methods of Filing, Modern Filing Devices, Indexing System. Office Forms: Meaning, Principles, Design and Control of Office Forms.
- Office Supplies: Management and Control of Office Supplies. Office Correspondence: Types, Centralized and Decentralized Correspondence, Procedure of Handling Inward and Outward Correspondence, Electronic Communication.
- Office Information System: Concept, Basic Types and Business Applications. Planning and
- Designing of Information System: System Development Life Cycle, Flow Charts.
- Office Reports: Types of Reports, Report Writing and Precis Writing.
- E-Commerce: Concepts, Types, Business Models, E-payment Systems.
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Business Organization
- Definition, Nature and Scope of Business, Business and Society, Social Responsibility of Business, Factors Determining the Size of Business Unit.
- Forms of Business Organization – A Comparative Study. Monopolistic Combination, Production Management, Rationalization & Methods of Remunerating Labor.
- Organization Process – Importance, Principles, Various Aspects of Organization, Organization Structure, Departmentation, Line and Staff Relationships, Span of Control, Delegation of Authority, Decentralization.
- Produce and Stock Exchange: Its Organization and Economic Functions.
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Main Principles of Indian Law
- Contract
- Agency, Sale of Goods
- Partnership, Negotiable Instruments and Hundis and Consumer Protection Act 1986
- Common Carriers and Carriage of Goods of Land and Air. Foreign Exchange Management Act.
2000: Definitions & Main Provisions.
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Business Mathematics
- Calculus: (Problems and Theorems Involving Trigonometrically Ratios are not to be done.)
- Differentiation: Partial Derivatives up to Second Order; Total Differentials. Maxima and Minima Cases of one Variable Involving Second or Higher Order; Cases of two Variables Involving not more than One Constraint, Integration as an Anti-derivative Process; Standard Forms; Methods of Regrating –by Substitution, by parts, and by use of Partial Functions; Definite Regrating; Finding Areas in Simple Cases.
- Matrices and Determinants: Definition of a Matrix, Types of Matrices; Algebra of Matrices; Properties of Determinants; Calculation of Values of Determinants up to Third Order, Adjoint a Matrix; Elementary Row or Column Operations; Finding Inverse of Matrix through Adjoint and Elementary Row and Column Operations; Solution of a System of Linear Equations having Unique Solution and Involving not more than three Variables.
- Linear Programming – Formulation of LPP: Graphical Method of Solution; Problems Relating to Two Variables Including the Case of Mixed Constraints; Simplex Method – Solution of Problems up to three Variables, Duality, Transportation Problem.
- Compound Interest and Annuities Certain, Different Types of Interest Rates; Concept of Present Value and Amount of a Sum; Equation of Payments, Types of Annuities; Present Value and Amount of an Annuity, Including the Case of Continuous Compounding; Analysis of Annuity; Valuation of Simple Loans and Debentures; Problems Relating to Sinking Funds
Note that each college might have different exam patterns and syllabi. Therefore, you are required to check the sub-topics under these units from the PDF given below.
CUET MBA Syllabus 2024 Preparation Tips
- Conceptual Clarity: In the early stages of your preparation process, ensure you understand basic concepts, especially in Business Mathematics, Economics and Business Awareness. Revisit your high school math textbooks if needed.
- Practice Problems Regularly: Dedicate time to solve diverse mathematical problems and concepts of decision-making related to business every day.
- Shortcut Techniques: Learn shortcut methods to solve problems faster. This can be especially useful for topics like Percentage, Profit & Loss, etc.
- Breakdown Complex Problems: Instead of trying to solve a problem in one go, break it down step-by-step.
- Solve with Rough Calculations: Often, exact values aren't necessary. Approximations can save time.
- Practice: Engage with different puzzles regularly to enhance your reasoning skills.
- Mock Tests: Regularly attempt quant-specific mock tests to gauge your preparation level and speed.
- Review Mistakes: Post every test and review your mistakes. Understand why you got questions wrong and learn from them.
Remember, the CUET MBA exam not only tests knowledge but also time management, decision-making under pressure, and analytical skills. Regular practice and a systematic approach to the syllabus will undeniably optimize your performance.
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Top CUET MBA Colleges 2024
Check out the table below showcasing some of the most reputable institutions along with their NIRF rankings:
College Name |
NIRF 2020 |
NIRF 2021 |
NIRF 2022 |
36 |
47 |
50 |
Graphic Era |
Not Ranked |
64 |
65 |
Not Ranked |
Not Ranked |
- |
Galgotias University |
Not Ranked |
Not Ranked |
93 |
University of Hyderabad |
Not Ranked |
Not Ranked |
94 |
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Key Takeaways
- Holistic Preparation: Don't just stick to one module; diversify your studies.
- Practice Regularly: The more you practice, the better you become. Mock tests are a must.
- Stay Updated: Especially for General Awareness, being in tune with current events is vital.
- Balance Speed with Accuracy: It's not just about finishing the exam but also about getting answers right.
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