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Careers in STEM: Traditional v/s Emerging Career Options

Author : Palak Khanna

Updated On : June 25, 2024


How many of us dreamed of being astronauts, doctors, maybe Engineers or scientists? But do you know the umbrella under which all these careers fall? What are they called?

Well, let us walk you through what STEM is and what are careers in stem available for you to discover for yourself. Of all the possibilities that a career in STEM provides you. 

Here are the topics to be discussed in the blog: 

  • What is STEM?: A concise definition of STEM and why it matters today. 
  • Traditional Careers in STEM: An exploration of the well-trodden paths within STEM, highlighting their significance and demand. 
  • Emerging Careers in STEM: An In-depth look at the cutting-edge and unconventional STEM Careers that are gaining traction in the modern job market. 

What is STEM? 

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The term STEM was coined by Judith Ramaley while a director at NSF (National Science Foundation) in 2001. Careers in STEM include science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields, driving innovation across industries.

  • In Science, researchers explore discoveries in biology, chemistry, and physics. 
  • Technology professionals design and develop cutting-edge software, hardware, and digital solutions.
  • Engineers tackle complex challenges, from constructing infrastructure to designing advanced electronics. 
  • Mathematicians analyse data, solve problems, and contribute to diverse sectors. 

These careers merge creativity, critical thinking, and technical expertise, shaping our world's future through advancements in healthcare, communication, transportation, and beyond. 

Today, STEM fields are intricately woven together, driving innovation in fields ranging from medicine and communication to sustainability and artificial intelligence.

Collaborations between disciplines have become essential for solving complex global challenges.

STEM education now emphasizes hands-on learning and problem-solving, nurturing the next generation of scientists, engineers, and mathematicians who will shape our future. 

Explore More - Career Options for Commerce Students

What are the Best Traditional Careers in STEM? 

STEM Careers  Description  Pay Scale 
Biologist  Study living organisms and their interactions.  ₹300,000 - ₹800,000 
Chemist  Analyse substances at the molecular level.  ₹300,000 - ₹800,000 
Physicist  Investigate fundamental laws governing matter and energy.  ₹400,000 - ₹1,000,000 
Engineer  Apply scientific principles to solve real-world problems.  ₹400,000 - ₹1,200,000 
Computer scientist  Develop software, algorithms, and systems for computation.  ₹400,000 - ₹1,500,000 
Mathematician  Explore abstract structures and patterns.  ₹350,000 - ₹900,000 
Astronomer  Study celestial objects and phenomena beyond Earth.  ₹400,000 - ₹1,200,000 
Geologist  Examine Earth's composition, structure, and history.  ₹350,000 - ₹900,000 
 Architect  Design buildings with aesthetic and functional considerations.  ₹400,000 - ₹1,200,000

These traditional careers in STEM continue to be pillars of innovation, contributing to advancements that shape industries like healthcare, energy, communication, and more.

They provide a solid foundation for those passionate about making a tangible impact through science and technology. 

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What are the Best Emerging Careers in STEM? 

The rapid pace of technological development has significantly reshaped the landscape of careers in STEM, introducing exciting opportunities that were once science fiction into the realm of reality.

Here are some noteworthy advancements that have transformed the traditional STEM landscape- 

The Fourth Industrial Revolution marked a gigantic shift in careers in STEM. AI and robotics have broken the barriers of traditional fields in careers in STEM and integrated with almost every other field of finance, social work, communication, healthcare etc here are some jobs created by the latest technology in careers in STEM. 

Healthcare Careers in STEM 

Some new careers in STEM in the Healthcare industry that integrate the latest technology with medical sciences are mentioned below:

Job Title  Job Description  Average Pay Scale for Freshers 
Robotic Surgeon  Operate surgical procedures with precision using robotic assistance.  INR 21 LPA 
Biomedical Engineer  Design and develop medical robots and devices for patient care.  INR 8 LPA 
Medical Data Analyst  Extract insights from patient data to aid diagnosis and treatment plans.  INR 2.4 - 6 LPA 
Health Informatics Specialist  Manage electronic health records and implement AI-driven solutions for healthcare efficiency.  INR 7 LPA 
Telemedicine Engineer  Develop AI-powered telehealth platforms for remote patient care.  INR 2-8 LPA 

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Finance Careers in STEM

Once a sector that did not have careers in STEM with the advent of new technology, the Finance industry also has several opportunities for STEM professionals mentioned in table below:

Job Title  Job Description  PayScale for freshers 
Algorithmic Trader Design trading algorithms that analyse market data and execute trades autonomously. INR 2.5-100 LPA 
Financial Analyst Utilize AI tools to predict market trends and make investment recommendations. INR 2- 11 LPA 
Fraud Detection Analyst Create AI models to identify and prevent fraudulent transactions.  INR 5-10 LPA 

Manufacturing Industry: Careers in STEM 

The Manufacturing industry uses the technology developed by STEM but now also has unique career opportunities for students of STEM stated in the table below:

Job Title  Job Description  Pay Scale for Freshers 
Industrial Automation Engineer Implement AI-driven robotics and automation systems on factory floors. INR 8- 15 LPA 
Robotics engineer Design, build, and maintain robotic systems for manufacturing processes. INR 2-10 LPA 
Quality Control Analyst Develop AI-based systems for monitoring product quality and ensuring consistency. INR 1.5- 6.5 LPA 
Supply Chain Analyst Use AI to optimize supply chain processes and enhance inventory management.  INR 2.4- 12.5 LPA 

Read More: Best Institutes for Management Studies

Retail & E-Commerce Careers in STEM 

The Retail and e-commerce industry is one of the biggest emerging industries and has several career options for STEM professionals, such as mentioned in the table:

Job Title  Job Description  Pay Scale for Freshers 
Personalization Specialist Implement AI algorithms to tailor customer experiences and product recommendations. INR 1.8- 8.1 LPA 
Inventory Optimization Analyst Utilize AI to forecast demand and manage inventory levels efficiently. INR 2-11 LPA 
Chatbot Developer Design conversational AI agents for customer support and engagement.  INR 4-15 LPA 

Marketing Careers in STEM

Traditionally, the Marketing industry did not cater specifically to STEM, but the changing global scenario has created roles specifically for STEM careers.

Job Title  Job Description  Pay Scale for Freshers 
Digital Marketing Strategist Use AI to analyse customer behaviour and optimize digital marketing campaigns. INR 2-22 LPA 
SEO Analyst Implement AI tools to enhance search engine optimization strategies. INR 1.2- 5 LPA 
Social Media Analyst Utilize AI for sentiment analysis and social media engagement insights.  INR 1.5- 7.1 LPA 

Find Out: Fashion Designing As A Career 

STEM Transporation Careers 

The Transportation industry is also one of the newest avenues of careers in STEM with specific profiles like the following:

Job Title  Job Description  Pay Scale for Freshers 
Autonomous Vehicle Engineer Develop AI algorithms for self-driving cars and vehicles. INR 4- 15 LPA 
Traffic Management Analyst Use AI to optimize traffic flow and reduce congestion in urban areas. INR 2.5- 8.3 LPA 
Logistics Optimization Specialist Implement AI-driven solutions to enhance route planning and logistics operations.  INR 5.4 LPA 

STEM Careers in the Energy Sector 

The Energy industry, along with the traditional roles that it has been offering, has now diversified into new, more technical career opportunities in STEM.

Job Title  Job Description  Pay Scale for Freshers 
Energy Efficiency Analyst Utilize AI to optimize energy consumption and improve the efficiency of energy systems. INR 2.2-9 LPA 
Renewable Energy Technician Maintain and optimize robotic systems in solar, wind, and hydropower. INR 1.7- 4.8 LPA 
Nuclear Robotics Specialist Design robots for the safe handling of nuclear materials and reactors. INR 20- 25 LPA 
Grid Management Engineer Implement AI for smart grid management and demand-response systems.  INR 8-45 LPA 

Read More - Career Options After 12th Science PCM Apart From Engineering Or Btech

STEM Career Options in Aerospace Sector  

The Aerospace industry is a new and growing space with brilliant career opportunities for STEM professionals.

Job title  Job description  PayScale for freshers 
Aerospace Robotics Engineer Develop robots for assembling and maintaining spacecraft components. INR 1.8-8 LPA 
Drone Operator Develop robots for assembling and maintaining spacecraft components.  INR 1.8-5.2 LPA

Exploration Sector Career Options in STEM 

The advent of the Exploration Industry is a manifestation of our technological evolution, and it offers careers in STEM which would not have been possible a decade ago, such as mentioned below:

Job title  Job description  PayScale for freshers 
Planetary Rover Operator Control and operate robotic rovers on planets for scientific exploration. INR 2-30 LPA 
Underwater Robotics Engineer Design robots for deep-sea exploration and underwater research.  $69k-$103k per year 

Agriculture Careers in STEM 

The fourth industrial revolution has changed the face of the agriculture industry by adding new ways of farming and processing products and by creating career opportunities in STEM, such as mentioned below:

Job title  Job description  PayScale for freshers 
Precision Agriculture Specialist Implement robots for precise planting, irrigation, and crop monitoring. INR 11- 15 LPA 
Agricultural Robot Technician Maintain and repair robots used in farming and agricultural tasks.  INR 2-5 LPA 

Explore More - How to choose the right career after 12th?

Education STEM Careers 

The field of Education has always been dynamic and ever-changing, which now requires the expertise of STEM professionals for roles like the following: 

Job Title  Job Description  Pay Scale for Freshers 
Robotics Educator Teach students about robotics technology and its applications. INR 1.8 - 8 LPA 
STEM Curriculum Developer Create educational materials and programs centred around robotics.  INR 9-20 LPA

These are some of the many new and exciting opportunities in careers in STEM. These positions serve as an example of the variety of opportunities opening in STEM sectors because of technological developments, which support innovation across industries. 


In conclusion, STEM isn't just a career path; it's a journey of discovery, creativity, and relentless innovation.

The force propels us into a future where the impossible becomes possible. Embrace STEM; you'll be at the heart of shaping a brighter tomorrow. 

Here are the key takeaways: 

  • STEM encompasses Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, driving innovation across industries. 
  • Traditional STEM careers include Biologist, Engineer, Chemist, and Mathematician. 
  • Emerging STEM careers span healthcare, finance, manufacturing, retail, marketing, transportation, energy, aerospace, exploration, agriculture, and education. 
  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution has led to the integration of STEM into various sectors, creating exciting opportunities. 
  • Technology, robotics, and AI are reshaping the STEM landscape, offering diverse and high-paying roles 

Careers in STEM: Traditional v/s Emerging Career Options

Author : Palak Khanna

June 25, 2024


How many of us dreamed of being astronauts, doctors, maybe Engineers or scientists? But do you know the umbrella under which all these careers fall? What are they called?

Well, let us walk you through what STEM is and what are careers in stem available for you to discover for yourself. Of all the possibilities that a career in STEM provides you. 

Here are the topics to be discussed in the blog: 

  • What is STEM?: A concise definition of STEM and why it matters today. 
  • Traditional Careers in STEM: An exploration of the well-trodden paths within STEM, highlighting their significance and demand. 
  • Emerging Careers in STEM: An In-depth look at the cutting-edge and unconventional STEM Careers that are gaining traction in the modern job market. 

What is STEM? 

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The term STEM was coined by Judith Ramaley while a director at NSF (National Science Foundation) in 2001. Careers in STEM include science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields, driving innovation across industries.

  • In Science, researchers explore discoveries in biology, chemistry, and physics. 
  • Technology professionals design and develop cutting-edge software, hardware, and digital solutions.
  • Engineers tackle complex challenges, from constructing infrastructure to designing advanced electronics. 
  • Mathematicians analyse data, solve problems, and contribute to diverse sectors. 

These careers merge creativity, critical thinking, and technical expertise, shaping our world's future through advancements in healthcare, communication, transportation, and beyond. 

Today, STEM fields are intricately woven together, driving innovation in fields ranging from medicine and communication to sustainability and artificial intelligence.

Collaborations between disciplines have become essential for solving complex global challenges.

STEM education now emphasizes hands-on learning and problem-solving, nurturing the next generation of scientists, engineers, and mathematicians who will shape our future. 

Explore More - Career Options for Commerce Students

What are the Best Traditional Careers in STEM? 

STEM Careers  Description  Pay Scale 
Biologist  Study living organisms and their interactions.  ₹300,000 - ₹800,000 
Chemist  Analyse substances at the molecular level.  ₹300,000 - ₹800,000 
Physicist  Investigate fundamental laws governing matter and energy.  ₹400,000 - ₹1,000,000 
Engineer  Apply scientific principles to solve real-world problems.  ₹400,000 - ₹1,200,000 
Computer scientist  Develop software, algorithms, and systems for computation.  ₹400,000 - ₹1,500,000 
Mathematician  Explore abstract structures and patterns.  ₹350,000 - ₹900,000 
Astronomer  Study celestial objects and phenomena beyond Earth.  ₹400,000 - ₹1,200,000 
Geologist  Examine Earth's composition, structure, and history.  ₹350,000 - ₹900,000 
 Architect  Design buildings with aesthetic and functional considerations.  ₹400,000 - ₹1,200,000

These traditional careers in STEM continue to be pillars of innovation, contributing to advancements that shape industries like healthcare, energy, communication, and more.

They provide a solid foundation for those passionate about making a tangible impact through science and technology. 

Read More: Difference between Management and Marketing

What are the Best Emerging Careers in STEM? 

The rapid pace of technological development has significantly reshaped the landscape of careers in STEM, introducing exciting opportunities that were once science fiction into the realm of reality.

Here are some noteworthy advancements that have transformed the traditional STEM landscape- 

The Fourth Industrial Revolution marked a gigantic shift in careers in STEM. AI and robotics have broken the barriers of traditional fields in careers in STEM and integrated with almost every other field of finance, social work, communication, healthcare etc here are some jobs created by the latest technology in careers in STEM. 

Healthcare Careers in STEM 

Some new careers in STEM in the Healthcare industry that integrate the latest technology with medical sciences are mentioned below:

Job Title  Job Description  Average Pay Scale for Freshers 
Robotic Surgeon  Operate surgical procedures with precision using robotic assistance.  INR 21 LPA 
Biomedical Engineer  Design and develop medical robots and devices for patient care.  INR 8 LPA 
Medical Data Analyst  Extract insights from patient data to aid diagnosis and treatment plans.  INR 2.4 - 6 LPA 
Health Informatics Specialist  Manage electronic health records and implement AI-driven solutions for healthcare efficiency.  INR 7 LPA 
Telemedicine Engineer  Develop AI-powered telehealth platforms for remote patient care.  INR 2-8 LPA 

Read More: Courses in Management after 12th  

Finance Careers in STEM

Once a sector that did not have careers in STEM with the advent of new technology, the Finance industry also has several opportunities for STEM professionals mentioned in table below:

Job Title  Job Description  PayScale for freshers 
Algorithmic Trader Design trading algorithms that analyse market data and execute trades autonomously. INR 2.5-100 LPA 
Financial Analyst Utilize AI tools to predict market trends and make investment recommendations. INR 2- 11 LPA 
Fraud Detection Analyst Create AI models to identify and prevent fraudulent transactions.  INR 5-10 LPA 

Manufacturing Industry: Careers in STEM 

The Manufacturing industry uses the technology developed by STEM but now also has unique career opportunities for students of STEM stated in the table below:

Job Title  Job Description  Pay Scale for Freshers 
Industrial Automation Engineer Implement AI-driven robotics and automation systems on factory floors. INR 8- 15 LPA 
Robotics engineer Design, build, and maintain robotic systems for manufacturing processes. INR 2-10 LPA 
Quality Control Analyst Develop AI-based systems for monitoring product quality and ensuring consistency. INR 1.5- 6.5 LPA 
Supply Chain Analyst Use AI to optimize supply chain processes and enhance inventory management.  INR 2.4- 12.5 LPA 

Read More: Best Institutes for Management Studies

Retail & E-Commerce Careers in STEM 

The Retail and e-commerce industry is one of the biggest emerging industries and has several career options for STEM professionals, such as mentioned in the table:

Job Title  Job Description  Pay Scale for Freshers 
Personalization Specialist Implement AI algorithms to tailor customer experiences and product recommendations. INR 1.8- 8.1 LPA 
Inventory Optimization Analyst Utilize AI to forecast demand and manage inventory levels efficiently. INR 2-11 LPA 
Chatbot Developer Design conversational AI agents for customer support and engagement.  INR 4-15 LPA 

Marketing Careers in STEM

Traditionally, the Marketing industry did not cater specifically to STEM, but the changing global scenario has created roles specifically for STEM careers.

Job Title  Job Description  Pay Scale for Freshers 
Digital Marketing Strategist Use AI to analyse customer behaviour and optimize digital marketing campaigns. INR 2-22 LPA 
SEO Analyst Implement AI tools to enhance search engine optimization strategies. INR 1.2- 5 LPA 
Social Media Analyst Utilize AI for sentiment analysis and social media engagement insights.  INR 1.5- 7.1 LPA 

Find Out: Fashion Designing As A Career 

STEM Transporation Careers 

The Transportation industry is also one of the newest avenues of careers in STEM with specific profiles like the following:

Job Title  Job Description  Pay Scale for Freshers 
Autonomous Vehicle Engineer Develop AI algorithms for self-driving cars and vehicles. INR 4- 15 LPA 
Traffic Management Analyst Use AI to optimize traffic flow and reduce congestion in urban areas. INR 2.5- 8.3 LPA 
Logistics Optimization Specialist Implement AI-driven solutions to enhance route planning and logistics operations.  INR 5.4 LPA 

STEM Careers in the Energy Sector 

The Energy industry, along with the traditional roles that it has been offering, has now diversified into new, more technical career opportunities in STEM.

Job Title  Job Description  Pay Scale for Freshers 
Energy Efficiency Analyst Utilize AI to optimize energy consumption and improve the efficiency of energy systems. INR 2.2-9 LPA 
Renewable Energy Technician Maintain and optimize robotic systems in solar, wind, and hydropower. INR 1.7- 4.8 LPA 
Nuclear Robotics Specialist Design robots for the safe handling of nuclear materials and reactors. INR 20- 25 LPA 
Grid Management Engineer Implement AI for smart grid management and demand-response systems.  INR 8-45 LPA 

Read More - Career Options After 12th Science PCM Apart From Engineering Or Btech

STEM Career Options in Aerospace Sector  

The Aerospace industry is a new and growing space with brilliant career opportunities for STEM professionals.

Job title  Job description  PayScale for freshers 
Aerospace Robotics Engineer Develop robots for assembling and maintaining spacecraft components. INR 1.8-8 LPA 
Drone Operator Develop robots for assembling and maintaining spacecraft components.  INR 1.8-5.2 LPA

Exploration Sector Career Options in STEM 

The advent of the Exploration Industry is a manifestation of our technological evolution, and it offers careers in STEM which would not have been possible a decade ago, such as mentioned below:

Job title  Job description  PayScale for freshers 
Planetary Rover Operator Control and operate robotic rovers on planets for scientific exploration. INR 2-30 LPA 
Underwater Robotics Engineer Design robots for deep-sea exploration and underwater research.  $69k-$103k per year 

Agriculture Careers in STEM 

The fourth industrial revolution has changed the face of the agriculture industry by adding new ways of farming and processing products and by creating career opportunities in STEM, such as mentioned below:

Job title  Job description  PayScale for freshers 
Precision Agriculture Specialist Implement robots for precise planting, irrigation, and crop monitoring. INR 11- 15 LPA 
Agricultural Robot Technician Maintain and repair robots used in farming and agricultural tasks.  INR 2-5 LPA 

Explore More - How to choose the right career after 12th?

Education STEM Careers 

The field of Education has always been dynamic and ever-changing, which now requires the expertise of STEM professionals for roles like the following: 

Job Title  Job Description  Pay Scale for Freshers 
Robotics Educator Teach students about robotics technology and its applications. INR 1.8 - 8 LPA 
STEM Curriculum Developer Create educational materials and programs centred around robotics.  INR 9-20 LPA

These are some of the many new and exciting opportunities in careers in STEM. These positions serve as an example of the variety of opportunities opening in STEM sectors because of technological developments, which support innovation across industries. 


In conclusion, STEM isn't just a career path; it's a journey of discovery, creativity, and relentless innovation.

The force propels us into a future where the impossible becomes possible. Embrace STEM; you'll be at the heart of shaping a brighter tomorrow. 

Here are the key takeaways: 

  • STEM encompasses Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, driving innovation across industries. 
  • Traditional STEM careers include Biologist, Engineer, Chemist, and Mathematician. 
  • Emerging STEM careers span healthcare, finance, manufacturing, retail, marketing, transportation, energy, aerospace, exploration, agriculture, and education. 
  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution has led to the integration of STEM into various sectors, creating exciting opportunities. 
  • Technology, robotics, and AI are reshaping the STEM landscape, offering diverse and high-paying roles 


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