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Future Career Plans for Students: Examples & Tips

Author : Tanya Kaushal

Updated On : June 25, 2024


Reader's Digest: Kuch toh log kahenge, logon ka kaam hai kehna," lekin kyun na chale humare saath, aur apne career ki raftaar badhaye? Read this blog to know the future career plans for students.

"Kya aapke career plans secure hain, ya phir aap bhi woh 'Rahul' ban rahe hain jo apni 'Anjali' kho deta hai?" Like in Bollywood, where missed opportunities lead to heartbreak, the real world is no different.

Have you ever wondered if you're on the right path or if a more exciting career adventure awaits you? 

Deciding your future career isn't just a step; it's a long journey filled with opportunities and choices. But do you know how to make a foolproof career plan for your future? 

We'll unravel the importance of future career plans, share diverse career goals, and offer inspiring examples of students who've aced the game. Buckle up; it's time to steer your career ship in the right direction. 😊

Here is a glimpse of the main points that will be discussed in the blog:

  • Why Future Career Plans for Students is Important: Highlighting the significance of career planning for students.
  • List of Career Goals for Students: Enumerating various career goals students can consider.
  • Career Goals Examples of School & College Students: Offering real-life examples of career goals tailored to different academic phases

Read More - Why Career Counselling is Important

Significance of Future Career Plans for Students 

The significance of future career plans for students can be summarized in the following key points:

  • Direction: Career plans provide a clear path for students, helping them make informed decisions about their education and future.
  • Motivation: Having a career goal to strive for can boost motivation and commitment to academic and personal growth.
  • Goal Achievement: It enables students to set specific goals and work toward them, increasing the likelihood of success.
  • Optimized Resources: Career plans guide choices about courses, internships, and extracurricular activities, ensuring resources are used effectively.
  • Reduced Stress: A well-defined career plan can alleviate uncertainty and reduce stress about the future.
  • Skill Development: Students can focus on developing skills relevant to their chosen field, enhancing their job prospects.
  • Networking Opportunities: Career plans may involve networking strategies, which can be invaluable for future job opportunities.
  • Early Adaptation: Planning for potential changes in the job market helps students adapt and stay relevant in their chosen fields.
  • Confidence: A clear career plan can boost students' confidence, as they have a sense of purpose and direction.
  • Life Satisfaction: Aligning career goals with personal values and interests can lead to greater life satisfaction and fulfillment.

Read More - Career Options After 12th Science PCM Apart From Engineering Or Btech

List of Career Goals for Students

Refer to the following future career plans for students:

Obtain a Degree: A degree is a foundational career goal for many students. Steps to accomplish:

  • Research programs and institutions.
  • Apply for admission.
  • Secure financial aid or scholarships.
  • Attend classes and complete coursework.

Secure an Internship: Gaining real-world experience is crucial. Steps to accomplish:

  • Identify potential internships.
  • Prepare a resume and cover letter.
  • Apply to internships.
  • Excel during the internship.

Build a Professional Network: Networking can open doors. Steps to accomplish:

  • Attend industry events and seminars.
  • Join professional organizations.
  • Connect on LinkedIn.
  • Seek mentorship.

Develop Marketable Skills: Skills are essential for job readiness. Steps to accomplish:

  • Identify in-demand skills.
  • Take relevant courses.
  • Practice and gain proficiency.
  • Obtain certifications, if applicable.

Clarify Career Path: Defining your career direction is vital. Steps to accomplish:

  • Self-assessment: Identify interests and strengths.
  • Research various career options.
  • Seek guidance from mentors or career counsellors.
  • Set a clear career goal.

Gain Leadership Experience: Leadership skills are highly valued. Steps to accomplish:

  • Join clubs or organizations.
  • Volunteer for leadership roles.
  • Take on responsibilities at work or school.
  • Seek leadership training opportunities.

Check More - Career Planning Questions for Students

Achieve Work-Life Balance: Balancing work and personal life is essential for well-being. Steps to accomplish:

  • Set boundaries and priorities.
  • Time management: Plan and schedule tasks.
  • Maintain a support system.
  • Manage stress and practice self-care.

Entrepreneurship: Starting your own business is a bold career goal. Steps to accomplish:

  • Identify a viable business idea.
  • Develop a business plan.
  • Secure financing, if needed.
  • Launch and grow the business.

Climb the Career Ladder: Advancing within an organization is a common goal. Steps to accomplish:

  • Set clear career progression objectives.
  • Continuously improve skills and knowledge.
  • Seek promotions or additional responsibilities.
  • Build a positive reputation at work.

Financial Stability: Achieving financial security is a significant goal. Steps to accomplish:

  • Create a budget and financial plan.
  • Save and invest wisely.
  • Manage debt responsibly.
  • Seek opportunities for career advancement and salary growth.

Read More - Why Career Counselling is Important

Contribute to Society: Many students aspire to impact society positively. Steps to accomplish:

  • Identify social causes or issues of interest.
  • Volunteer or work with organizations aligned with those causes.
  • Advocate for change and engage in community service.
  • Support or initiate charitable initiatives.

Continuous Learning: Lifelong learning is essential in today's rapidly evolving world. Steps to accomplish:

  • Enroll in courses, workshops, or online learning platforms.
  • Read and stay updated in your field.
  • Attend seminars and conferences.
  • Seek mentorship and guidance from experts.

Work in a Global Environment: Global experience can be a valuable career goal. Steps to accomplish:

  • Learn a second language, if relevant.
  • Seek opportunities for international internships or work.
  • Develop cross-cultural competence.
  • Build a global professional network.

Work-Life Integration: Integrating work and personal life is an alternative to balance. Steps to accomplish:

  • Find roles or companies that support flexible work arrangements.
  • Set boundaries and manage time effectively.
  • Communicate needs with employers or clients.
  • Prioritize well-being and happiness in career choices.

Contribute to Innovation: Contributing to innovation and groundbreaking solutions is an exciting goal. Steps to accomplish:

  • Stay updated on industry trends.
  • Foster creativity and critical thinking.
  • Collaborate on innovative projects.
  • Seek opportunities with innovative companies or startups

Find Out: Fashion Designing As A Career

Career Goals Examples

Setting clear career goals is essential for both high school and college students. It provides direction and motivation for their academic and professional journey. Let's explore some insightful career goal examples to inspire students in shaping their own future.

Sample Career Plan for High School Students

High school, often seen as a formative phase of a student's life, can also be the ideal starting point for shaping one's professional destiny. As young minds teeter on the brink of adulthood, equipping them with a solid career plan can be the compass they need to navigate their future.

Let's delve into this sample future career plans for students tailored for high school students:

Self-Discovery & Skill Assessment:

Even before delving into specific careers, it's pivotal for students to introspect. What subjects or activities resonate most with them? Are they more analytically inclined, or do their strengths lie in creativity?

Tools like aptitude tests or career counselling sessions can aid in this self-exploration phase, offering insights into their innate strengths, interests, and potential career paths.

Check More: Best Institutes for Management Studies

Research & Exploration:

With a clearer understanding of their inclinations, students should immerse themselves in researching potential career fields. This could involve reading books, attending seminars, or even informal discussions with professionals in areas of interest.

For instance, if students discover an inclination towards science, they might explore fields ranging from medicine to aerospace engineering.

Academic Focus & Course Selection:

High school offers many courses, and making informed choices can align students better with their future aspirations. For instance, a student leaning towards a career in literature might opt for advanced literature classes or join the school's editorial club.

Extracurricular Engagements:

Beyond academics, extracurricular activities provide a platform for skill enhancement and real-world application. Joining clubs, participating in competitions, or volunteering can not only hone specific skills but also offer insights into potential careers.

A student considering a career in environmental science might engage in eco-friendly initiatives or join environmental clubs.

Explore More - Career Options for Commerce Students

Internships & Job Shadowing:

While typically associated with college, high school students can also benefit immensely from internships or job shadowing experiences.

It gives them a tangible taste of the professional world, helping in validating or re-evaluating their career choices. A budding entrepreneur might consider interning at a local startup to understand the dynamics of the business world.

Continuous Learning & Workshops:

The world is evolving, and so are career landscapes. Students should be encouraged to attend workshops, online courses, or seminars that align with their interests. This not only augments their knowledge but keeps them updated with industry trends.

Networking & Mentorship:

Building relationships with professionals, teachers, or counsellors can be instrumental for high school students. These connections can offer guidance, open doors to opportunities, and provide invaluable insights into various professions.

Review & Adapt:

It's essential to remember that career planning is not set in stone. Periodic reviews, especially in the dynamic high school phase, are crucial. Students might discover new passions or evolve their aspirations, necessitating tweaks in their career plans.

Read More: Courses in Management after 12th

Examples of Future Career Plans for Students in College

In the vibrant phase of college life, where aspirations are high and possibilities seem endless, it's paramount to chalk out strategic career goals. Not only does this provide a clear vision, but also equips students with a roadmap to their desired professional destination.

Let's delve into some well-structured future career plans for students in college:

Specialization Mastery:

In an ever-evolving job market, a niche skill or specialization can set students apart.

By targeting a particular industry specialization, they not only cater to specific market demands but also enhance their employability quotient.

A budding entrepreneur, for instance, could sharpen their expertise in digital marketing, ensuring they navigate the e-commerce landscape effectively.

Adaptability and Continuous Learning:

The job market and industries are in constant flux. Being adaptable and open to continuous learning ensures that students remain relevant and can navigate changes effectively.

Mental and Emotional Preparedness:

Transitioning from college to a professional setting can be challenging. Preparing mentally and emotionally for this shift, possibly through workshops or counselling, can be immensely beneficial.

Work-Life Balance Aspirations:

While a career is vital, aspiring for a balanced life where personal passions and relaxation aren't sidelined is crucial for holistic happiness and well-being.

Academic Excellence:

Academic achievements often open doors to prime opportunities. Aiming for top-tier grades can position students advantageously in the eyes of potential employers.

Prestigious firms often scout for top-performing graduates, believing that academic prowess translates into professional excellence.

Read More: Difference between Management and Marketing

Building a Robust Network:

The adage, "It's not what you know, but who you know," holds weight in the professional realm.

Cultivating a strong professional network during college can set the foundation for future collaborations and job prospects. Engaging in seminars, workshops, and industry conferences can be pivotal.

A computer science student, for example, could benefit immensely by networking at tech summits and potentially meeting future employers or collaborators.

Salary Aspirations:

Financial aspirations are both pragmatic and motivating. Setting a targeted salary not only helps justify the educational investment but also guides students in aligning themselves with sectors and roles that meet their financial expectations.

While financial rewards are essential, it's also crucial to balance them with job satisfaction and growth prospects.

Internship Goals:

Internships are the bridges between academic learning and real-world applications.

Securing internships in the desired industry can offer students invaluable insights, hands-on experience, and a glimpse into their future roles.

For instance, a journalism student might aim for an internship at a renowned media house to grasp the nuances of the profession.

Pursuit of Additional Credentials:

In certain professions, the journey doesn't end with a degree. Pursuing further certifications or advanced degrees can bolster one's credibility and expertise.

A psychology major, for instance, might look at additional counselling certifications to enhance their practice.

Targeting Dream Companies:

Everyone has that dream brand or organization they'd love to participate in. Identifying and working towards joining such companies can be deeply fulfilling.

The company's ethos, groundbreaking work, or even its work culture might resonate with the student's values.

Explore More - Career Options for Commerce Students


In navigating the dynamic landscapes of high school and college, shaping future career plans is a pivotal journey. From self-discovery to internships, the process evolves, offering insights and opportunities.

Here are the key takeaways: 

  • Direction and Motivation: Career plans provide a roadmap, fostering motivation and commitment.
  • Optimized Resource Use: Plans guide choices, ensuring effective use of resources.
  • Stress Reduction: Well-defined plans alleviate uncertainty, reducing stress about the future.
  • Skill Development and Networking: Focus on skill enhancement and networking for enhanced job prospects.
  • Adaptability: Plans include early adaptation strategies to stay relevant in evolving fields.
  • Life Satisfaction: Aligning goals with values leads to greater life satisfaction and fulfilment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I write my future career goals?

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What is a career plan example?

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What are my skills in career plan?

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What is a career goal plan?

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Why is a career plan important?

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Future Career Plans for Students: Examples & Tips

Author : Tanya Kaushal

June 25, 2024


Reader's Digest: Kuch toh log kahenge, logon ka kaam hai kehna," lekin kyun na chale humare saath, aur apne career ki raftaar badhaye? Read this blog to know the future career plans for students.

"Kya aapke career plans secure hain, ya phir aap bhi woh 'Rahul' ban rahe hain jo apni 'Anjali' kho deta hai?" Like in Bollywood, where missed opportunities lead to heartbreak, the real world is no different.

Have you ever wondered if you're on the right path or if a more exciting career adventure awaits you? 

Deciding your future career isn't just a step; it's a long journey filled with opportunities and choices. But do you know how to make a foolproof career plan for your future? 

We'll unravel the importance of future career plans, share diverse career goals, and offer inspiring examples of students who've aced the game. Buckle up; it's time to steer your career ship in the right direction. 😊

Here is a glimpse of the main points that will be discussed in the blog:

  • Why Future Career Plans for Students is Important: Highlighting the significance of career planning for students.
  • List of Career Goals for Students: Enumerating various career goals students can consider.
  • Career Goals Examples of School & College Students: Offering real-life examples of career goals tailored to different academic phases

Read More - Why Career Counselling is Important

Significance of Future Career Plans for Students 

The significance of future career plans for students can be summarized in the following key points:

  • Direction: Career plans provide a clear path for students, helping them make informed decisions about their education and future.
  • Motivation: Having a career goal to strive for can boost motivation and commitment to academic and personal growth.
  • Goal Achievement: It enables students to set specific goals and work toward them, increasing the likelihood of success.
  • Optimized Resources: Career plans guide choices about courses, internships, and extracurricular activities, ensuring resources are used effectively.
  • Reduced Stress: A well-defined career plan can alleviate uncertainty and reduce stress about the future.
  • Skill Development: Students can focus on developing skills relevant to their chosen field, enhancing their job prospects.
  • Networking Opportunities: Career plans may involve networking strategies, which can be invaluable for future job opportunities.
  • Early Adaptation: Planning for potential changes in the job market helps students adapt and stay relevant in their chosen fields.
  • Confidence: A clear career plan can boost students' confidence, as they have a sense of purpose and direction.
  • Life Satisfaction: Aligning career goals with personal values and interests can lead to greater life satisfaction and fulfillment.

Read More - Career Options After 12th Science PCM Apart From Engineering Or Btech

List of Career Goals for Students

Refer to the following future career plans for students:

Obtain a Degree: A degree is a foundational career goal for many students. Steps to accomplish:

  • Research programs and institutions.
  • Apply for admission.
  • Secure financial aid or scholarships.
  • Attend classes and complete coursework.

Secure an Internship: Gaining real-world experience is crucial. Steps to accomplish:

  • Identify potential internships.
  • Prepare a resume and cover letter.
  • Apply to internships.
  • Excel during the internship.

Build a Professional Network: Networking can open doors. Steps to accomplish:

  • Attend industry events and seminars.
  • Join professional organizations.
  • Connect on LinkedIn.
  • Seek mentorship.

Develop Marketable Skills: Skills are essential for job readiness. Steps to accomplish:

  • Identify in-demand skills.
  • Take relevant courses.
  • Practice and gain proficiency.
  • Obtain certifications, if applicable.

Clarify Career Path: Defining your career direction is vital. Steps to accomplish:

  • Self-assessment: Identify interests and strengths.
  • Research various career options.
  • Seek guidance from mentors or career counsellors.
  • Set a clear career goal.

Gain Leadership Experience: Leadership skills are highly valued. Steps to accomplish:

  • Join clubs or organizations.
  • Volunteer for leadership roles.
  • Take on responsibilities at work or school.
  • Seek leadership training opportunities.

Check More - Career Planning Questions for Students

Achieve Work-Life Balance: Balancing work and personal life is essential for well-being. Steps to accomplish:

  • Set boundaries and priorities.
  • Time management: Plan and schedule tasks.
  • Maintain a support system.
  • Manage stress and practice self-care.

Entrepreneurship: Starting your own business is a bold career goal. Steps to accomplish:

  • Identify a viable business idea.
  • Develop a business plan.
  • Secure financing, if needed.
  • Launch and grow the business.

Climb the Career Ladder: Advancing within an organization is a common goal. Steps to accomplish:

  • Set clear career progression objectives.
  • Continuously improve skills and knowledge.
  • Seek promotions or additional responsibilities.
  • Build a positive reputation at work.

Financial Stability: Achieving financial security is a significant goal. Steps to accomplish:

  • Create a budget and financial plan.
  • Save and invest wisely.
  • Manage debt responsibly.
  • Seek opportunities for career advancement and salary growth.

Read More - Why Career Counselling is Important

Contribute to Society: Many students aspire to impact society positively. Steps to accomplish:

  • Identify social causes or issues of interest.
  • Volunteer or work with organizations aligned with those causes.
  • Advocate for change and engage in community service.
  • Support or initiate charitable initiatives.

Continuous Learning: Lifelong learning is essential in today's rapidly evolving world. Steps to accomplish:

  • Enroll in courses, workshops, or online learning platforms.
  • Read and stay updated in your field.
  • Attend seminars and conferences.
  • Seek mentorship and guidance from experts.

Work in a Global Environment: Global experience can be a valuable career goal. Steps to accomplish:

  • Learn a second language, if relevant.
  • Seek opportunities for international internships or work.
  • Develop cross-cultural competence.
  • Build a global professional network.

Work-Life Integration: Integrating work and personal life is an alternative to balance. Steps to accomplish:

  • Find roles or companies that support flexible work arrangements.
  • Set boundaries and manage time effectively.
  • Communicate needs with employers or clients.
  • Prioritize well-being and happiness in career choices.

Contribute to Innovation: Contributing to innovation and groundbreaking solutions is an exciting goal. Steps to accomplish:

  • Stay updated on industry trends.
  • Foster creativity and critical thinking.
  • Collaborate on innovative projects.
  • Seek opportunities with innovative companies or startups

Find Out: Fashion Designing As A Career

Career Goals Examples

Setting clear career goals is essential for both high school and college students. It provides direction and motivation for their academic and professional journey. Let's explore some insightful career goal examples to inspire students in shaping their own future.

Sample Career Plan for High School Students

High school, often seen as a formative phase of a student's life, can also be the ideal starting point for shaping one's professional destiny. As young minds teeter on the brink of adulthood, equipping them with a solid career plan can be the compass they need to navigate their future.

Let's delve into this sample future career plans for students tailored for high school students:

Self-Discovery & Skill Assessment:

Even before delving into specific careers, it's pivotal for students to introspect. What subjects or activities resonate most with them? Are they more analytically inclined, or do their strengths lie in creativity?

Tools like aptitude tests or career counselling sessions can aid in this self-exploration phase, offering insights into their innate strengths, interests, and potential career paths.

Check More: Best Institutes for Management Studies

Research & Exploration:

With a clearer understanding of their inclinations, students should immerse themselves in researching potential career fields. This could involve reading books, attending seminars, or even informal discussions with professionals in areas of interest.

For instance, if students discover an inclination towards science, they might explore fields ranging from medicine to aerospace engineering.

Academic Focus & Course Selection:

High school offers many courses, and making informed choices can align students better with their future aspirations. For instance, a student leaning towards a career in literature might opt for advanced literature classes or join the school's editorial club.

Extracurricular Engagements:

Beyond academics, extracurricular activities provide a platform for skill enhancement and real-world application. Joining clubs, participating in competitions, or volunteering can not only hone specific skills but also offer insights into potential careers.

A student considering a career in environmental science might engage in eco-friendly initiatives or join environmental clubs.

Explore More - Career Options for Commerce Students

Internships & Job Shadowing:

While typically associated with college, high school students can also benefit immensely from internships or job shadowing experiences.

It gives them a tangible taste of the professional world, helping in validating or re-evaluating their career choices. A budding entrepreneur might consider interning at a local startup to understand the dynamics of the business world.

Continuous Learning & Workshops:

The world is evolving, and so are career landscapes. Students should be encouraged to attend workshops, online courses, or seminars that align with their interests. This not only augments their knowledge but keeps them updated with industry trends.

Networking & Mentorship:

Building relationships with professionals, teachers, or counsellors can be instrumental for high school students. These connections can offer guidance, open doors to opportunities, and provide invaluable insights into various professions.

Review & Adapt:

It's essential to remember that career planning is not set in stone. Periodic reviews, especially in the dynamic high school phase, are crucial. Students might discover new passions or evolve their aspirations, necessitating tweaks in their career plans.

Read More: Courses in Management after 12th

Examples of Future Career Plans for Students in College

In the vibrant phase of college life, where aspirations are high and possibilities seem endless, it's paramount to chalk out strategic career goals. Not only does this provide a clear vision, but also equips students with a roadmap to their desired professional destination.

Let's delve into some well-structured future career plans for students in college:

Specialization Mastery:

In an ever-evolving job market, a niche skill or specialization can set students apart.

By targeting a particular industry specialization, they not only cater to specific market demands but also enhance their employability quotient.

A budding entrepreneur, for instance, could sharpen their expertise in digital marketing, ensuring they navigate the e-commerce landscape effectively.

Adaptability and Continuous Learning:

The job market and industries are in constant flux. Being adaptable and open to continuous learning ensures that students remain relevant and can navigate changes effectively.

Mental and Emotional Preparedness:

Transitioning from college to a professional setting can be challenging. Preparing mentally and emotionally for this shift, possibly through workshops or counselling, can be immensely beneficial.

Work-Life Balance Aspirations:

While a career is vital, aspiring for a balanced life where personal passions and relaxation aren't sidelined is crucial for holistic happiness and well-being.

Academic Excellence:

Academic achievements often open doors to prime opportunities. Aiming for top-tier grades can position students advantageously in the eyes of potential employers.

Prestigious firms often scout for top-performing graduates, believing that academic prowess translates into professional excellence.

Read More: Difference between Management and Marketing

Building a Robust Network:

The adage, "It's not what you know, but who you know," holds weight in the professional realm.

Cultivating a strong professional network during college can set the foundation for future collaborations and job prospects. Engaging in seminars, workshops, and industry conferences can be pivotal.

A computer science student, for example, could benefit immensely by networking at tech summits and potentially meeting future employers or collaborators.

Salary Aspirations:

Financial aspirations are both pragmatic and motivating. Setting a targeted salary not only helps justify the educational investment but also guides students in aligning themselves with sectors and roles that meet their financial expectations.

While financial rewards are essential, it's also crucial to balance them with job satisfaction and growth prospects.

Internship Goals:

Internships are the bridges between academic learning and real-world applications.

Securing internships in the desired industry can offer students invaluable insights, hands-on experience, and a glimpse into their future roles.

For instance, a journalism student might aim for an internship at a renowned media house to grasp the nuances of the profession.

Pursuit of Additional Credentials:

In certain professions, the journey doesn't end with a degree. Pursuing further certifications or advanced degrees can bolster one's credibility and expertise.

A psychology major, for instance, might look at additional counselling certifications to enhance their practice.

Targeting Dream Companies:

Everyone has that dream brand or organization they'd love to participate in. Identifying and working towards joining such companies can be deeply fulfilling.

The company's ethos, groundbreaking work, or even its work culture might resonate with the student's values.

Explore More - Career Options for Commerce Students


In navigating the dynamic landscapes of high school and college, shaping future career plans is a pivotal journey. From self-discovery to internships, the process evolves, offering insights and opportunities.

Here are the key takeaways: 

  • Direction and Motivation: Career plans provide a roadmap, fostering motivation and commitment.
  • Optimized Resource Use: Plans guide choices, ensuring effective use of resources.
  • Stress Reduction: Well-defined plans alleviate uncertainty, reducing stress about the future.
  • Skill Development and Networking: Focus on skill enhancement and networking for enhanced job prospects.
  • Adaptability: Plans include early adaptation strategies to stay relevant in evolving fields.
  • Life Satisfaction: Aligning goals with values leads to greater life satisfaction and fulfilment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I write my future career goals?

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What is a career plan example?

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What are my skills in career plan?

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What is a career goal plan?

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Why is a career plan important?

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