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CUET Anthropology Syllabus 2024: Complete Subject Details

Author : Palak Khanna

Updated On : June 25, 2024


The Central University Entrance Test (CUET) Anthropology Syllabus 2024 has been issued by the National Testing Agency (NTA), covering material relevant to Class 12th.

The PDF of the topic may now be downloaded from the official website (cuet.samarth.ac.in), and a link to the file can be found below. Download the PDF and get started on your entrance exam preparation right now, as it is compulsory for all applicants.

The courses Physical Anthropology, Prehistoric Archaeology, Material Culture, Economic Anthropology, Social Anthropology, and Ethnography and Ecology may be found in the CUET 2024 Anthropology Syllabus.

You are expected to study all of the pertinent material in the aforementioned unit to succeed on the Common Universities Entrance Test and get admission to the higher education institution of your choice.

Continue reading to acquire a deeper comprehension of the CUET 2024 Syllabus for the Anthropology course.

Learn More: CUET Exam Pattern 2024

Download CUET Anthropology Syllabus Pdf Here

The CUET Anthropology Syllabus And Course Outline for 2024

The CUET Anthropology curriculum is broken down into a total of five distinct components. Each of these five parts consists of multiple sub-sections almost equally significant to the overall article. These sub-sections are all contained inside the sections themselves.

In an ideal scenario, you would prepare for each of these areas with the same level of concentration and devotion. The scientific study of mankind known as anthropology focuses on human behaviour, human biology, human cultures, human civilizations, and human languages in both the present and the past, including the study of extinct human species.

The study of social patterns is the domain of social anthropology, but the study of cultural meaning, including norms and values, is within the purview of cultural anthropology.

How Should I Get Ready for the Anthropology Test at CUET?

The CUET Anthropology preparation tips consist of broad recommendations and procedures you must implement to pass this test successfully. In the following paragraphs, we will go over four crucial pieces of preparation advice that each student, regardless of the desired domain subject, should adhere to perform on the examination successfully.

  • Conduct a careful and complete examination of the exam syllabus: If you are interested in taking the entrance test are required to have a solid understanding of all that is included in the CUET Anthropology syllabus.
  • Develop a Plan of Action for Your Preparation and Stay with It: Before starting to prepare for the exam, you just need to sit down and make a study plan. You need to plan ahead and properly divide your time across several subjects. They have to come up with objectives that can be accomplished if they want the preparation to be doable.
  • Practice, Practice, and More Practice, but Directed Toward the Right Goals: It is important to get enough practice to do well on the CUET 2024 Anthropology test. You are required to complete as many sample papers, mock examinations, and question papers from the previous year as is humanly feasible.
  • Revision is the essential step that will ultimately lead to success: Reviewing previously learned material is essential to CUET test preparation. You are required to set aside at least two to three weeks entirely for the purposes of review.

Books to Help You Prepare for the CUET Anthropology Exam

When it comes to successfully passing the CUET Anthropology test, having books to study from is of the utmost significance. Students are encouraged to make curated notebooks in which they may write, study, and review the information included in the books they read, in addition to reading these well-known and helpful works.

  • AM Tripathi's Trueman's UGC NET Anthropology was published by Danisha Publishing Company
  • Carol R. Ember, Melvin R. Ember, and Peter N. Peregrine authored the 15th edition of Anthropology published by Pearson.

CUET Anthropology Syllabus from Class 12 (303)

Note: There will be a single-question paper including 50 questions, of which 40 must be answered.

Check out the complete CUET Anthropology syllabus below: 

Unit-1: Physical Anthropology: 

  1. Introduction to Human Genetics Mendel’s Laws of heredity Monohybrid and Dihybrid ratio.
  2. The meaning of skin colour, eye shape and colour, head shape, and ABa blood groups as racial criteria.
  3. Racial classification, distinguishing physical characteristics, and geographical distribution of the four major human racial groups: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, and Australoid.

Unit-2: Prehistoric Archaeology:

  1. Tool Making: Techniques of manufacturing core and flake tools, primary and secondary flaking, pressure flaking, grinding, and polishing. Materials used in the production of prehistoric tools.
  2. Toolfamilies: Pebbletools, Handaxe, Cleaver, Scrapers, Microliths, Points, Blades, Awl, Graver, Celts, Sickles, Spear-head, Arrow-head, and Bone tools.
  3. Prehistoric Cultures: Brief Outline Of the following prehistoric cultures of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods.
  4. A comparative study of the salient features of Paleolithic and Neolithic cultures.

Unit 3: Material culture and economic anthropology: 

  1. Economic life: meaning and aspects of a simple or primitive financial system.
  2. Subsistence Economy: domestication of animals-pastoralism, agriculture-shifting cultivation, horticulture, terrace cultivation, and plough cultivation.
  3. A brief outline of the methods of hunting, fishing, and agriculture with reference to Various communities of North East India as far as practicable.

Check: What was the cut off for CUET in the previous sessions?

Unit-4: Social Anthropology and Ethnography:

  1. : Social Anthropology :
  1. Family: Definition, forms, and types: nuclear family, joint family, a family of orientation, family of procreation, monogamous and polygamous (polygynous and polyandrous).
  2. Clustered Relationship in a nuclear family.
  3. Rules Of Residence:Patrilocal,matrilocal,neolocal,avancolocal,bi-local,matri patrilocal. Rules of descent: Patrilineal and matrilineal descent.
  4. Functions of family, social nature of family.
  1.  : Ethnography :

(i) A brief outline of the land and people of North-East India.

(ii) Study of material culture and economic life of the following communities

(iii) The Garo: Shiftingor Jhumcultivation.

(iv) TheMishing:Plough Cultivation

(v) A study of the social organization of the Ao Naga and the Apa Tani.

Check: CUET Psychology Syllabus

Unit-5: Ecology :

(i) Meaning And Definition of ecology and environment.

(ii) Elements of the environment: Solid, liquid, and gas.

(iii) Physical or abiotic environment, biological or biotic environment, and socio-cultural environment.

(iv) Man is the primary agent in altering the natural balance.

cuet online coaching

cuet online coaching

A Guide to Help You Succeed on the CUET Exam

Check out the steps below to understand the CUET Anthropology Syllabus 2024 and prepare effectively for the exam. 

Understand CUET Exam Pattern 2024

In order to increase one's level of readiness for the CUET NTA Exam Pattern, it is of the highest essential to understand the format of the examination.

Before beginning their preparations, you must first become familiar with the detailed CUET 2024 test pattern. This is a prerequisite for beginning their preparations. Following your review of the pattern, the next step is to look over the CUET 2024 exam curriculum and familiarise yourself with the subject areas that will be assessed.

To perform well on the test, you need to devote a significant amount of time to studying the CUET Syllabus 2024. You need to organize schedules regularly, including monthly, weekly, and even daily get-togethers, to outline their strategies. There is no chance of success unless there is an unflinching dedication to the goal and persistent work throughout time.

Therefore, in order for applicants to be successful on the test, they need to begin their preparation by determining which topics require more in-depth coverage and which subjects merely necessitate a fundamental comprehension of the material. Only then will they be able to effectively prioritize their study time and ensure that they are adequately prepared?

This might be accomplished by the student referencing one or more of the CUET preparation options indicated below:

Find The Gaps In Your Preparation

Make the categories for the many different topics that you've covered both straightforward and difficult. Create a list of the topics that are considered to be of the utmost significance (based on your analysis of the question papers from the previous year).

Put the schools and universities that are on your list in the order of your top choices.

There are around twenty universities in India that are regarded as being very important to the country. It is recommended that you make a list of all the educational institutions you are most interested in attending and build this list in order of your level of interest.

This list will be of great assistance to you in acquiring an understanding of the cut-off from the previous year as well as the guiding position of the institution. You will realize that this list is quite beneficial.

You may make an educated guess as to whether or not you will be admitted into the program of your choice at the institution of your choice by using these statistics to make an estimate of the scores you will need to enrol in the program of your choice.

Be knowledgeable about the most recent events.

The third portion of the examination is dedicated entirely to determining whether or not applicants have a general aptitude and are up to date on current events.

Candidates are held to the standard of maintaining an awareness of what is going on in the world, and reading newspapers are one of the most effective methods to keep up with current events.

It is highly suggested that you make it a practice to read newspapers on a daily basis since doing so may help you strengthen your vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension abilities. Reading newspapers on a regular basis is a good habit to get into.

You are highly advised to spend at least half an hour or an hour reading editorials in the opinion sections of local newspapers. The recommended amount of time is between half an hour and an hour.

There have been other instances that have been reported in publications and that have been used as test material in earlier CUET examinations. As a consequence of this, making it part of your daily habit to read the newspaper is something that comes highly recommended.

Practice Mocks

Learn the material from CUET examinations from the previous year, then put what you've learned to the test by taking some practice tests. If you are interested in taking the CUCET NTA entrance exam, you should read through the previous year's question papers to have a full grasp of the many different types of questions that may be asked during the subsequent examination.

By reviewing previously administered tests, you will be able to determine which concepts are given a high priority and which concepts may assist you in achieving a higher grade on the exam.

You will be able to gain an understanding of which topics are given a high priority as a result of this.

After you have finished going over everything that is included in the course material, it is strongly suggested that you take part in the CUET Mock Test 2024.

In order to ensure that you are well prepared for the test, you are expected to include the CUET 2024 practice exam into your overall study plan.

The practice exam is a complete and accurate representation of the actual examination.

You will have an easier time grasping the arrangement of the exam, and you will boost their pace when responding to questions.

They are able to learn a broad variety of questions and anticipate questions that are regularly asked with the help of the CUET Mock Test Series 2024.

cuet mock test

cuet mock test

Key Points For CUET Preparation

The most important piece of guidance I can provide you regarding your preparation for the CUET 2024 is to ensure that you thoroughly study all of the primary subject areas.

The following recommendations come from some of the most informed CUET experts:

  • Identify the different areas in which you will need to focus most of your efforts.
  • Develop an in-depth approach to deal with each of these issues.
  • You should go over the parts of the content that you find the most difficult to grasp again.
  • Following that, you will be able to go on to the Mock Papers
  • You are going to discover that this makes it much simpler for you to organize and prioritize your time.
  • Reviewing the test from the previous year can give you an idea of the most important topics covered and the types of questions that were asked.
  • Make an effort to figure out what the exam pattern on the paper is supposed to represent.
  • Make it a habit, in the days leading up to the test, to keep going over the information that applies to the topics on which you already have a strong grasp.
  • Take CUET coaching if required.


It is essential that when one is prepared, they should not allow themselves to become overawed by the large number of content that will be scrutinized. In the months that immediately follow the board exams for the 12th grade, it is not evident which course of action would be most helpful to students' futures.

It is critical to keep one's calm in precarious circumstances like these.

If you prepare for the logical thinking portion of the test by adhering to a sound approach and devoting adequate time to practice, you should have no trouble passing that portion of the test.

You are required to maintain a balanced diet and get an adequate amount of rest.

Rereading the material on a regular basis ensures that each and every aspect of the preparation process is covered.

Although it is impossible to eliminate stress, dealing with it completely does not have to be overpowering. To break up the monotony of studying for a test, it is vital to meditate, get some exercise, or take a break every so often. Candidates need to have the utmost faith in their own abilities and in who they are as individuals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any new information that has been added to the CUET Anthropology Syllabus recently?

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The CUET Anthropology Syllabus 2024 covers a wide variety of topics, but which ones are the most important and central ones?

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Where can I get the CUET Anthropology course outline to download?

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Can you provide me a high-level summary of the CUET Anthropology curriculum?

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During the time that I spend studying for the CUET History test, what specific things should I keep in mind?

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CUET Anthropology Syllabus 2024: Complete Subject Details

Author : Palak Khanna

June 25, 2024


The Central University Entrance Test (CUET) Anthropology Syllabus 2024 has been issued by the National Testing Agency (NTA), covering material relevant to Class 12th.

The PDF of the topic may now be downloaded from the official website (cuet.samarth.ac.in), and a link to the file can be found below. Download the PDF and get started on your entrance exam preparation right now, as it is compulsory for all applicants.

The courses Physical Anthropology, Prehistoric Archaeology, Material Culture, Economic Anthropology, Social Anthropology, and Ethnography and Ecology may be found in the CUET 2024 Anthropology Syllabus.

You are expected to study all of the pertinent material in the aforementioned unit to succeed on the Common Universities Entrance Test and get admission to the higher education institution of your choice.

Continue reading to acquire a deeper comprehension of the CUET 2024 Syllabus for the Anthropology course.

Learn More: CUET Exam Pattern 2024

Download CUET Anthropology Syllabus Pdf Here

The CUET Anthropology Syllabus And Course Outline for 2024

The CUET Anthropology curriculum is broken down into a total of five distinct components. Each of these five parts consists of multiple sub-sections almost equally significant to the overall article. These sub-sections are all contained inside the sections themselves.

In an ideal scenario, you would prepare for each of these areas with the same level of concentration and devotion. The scientific study of mankind known as anthropology focuses on human behaviour, human biology, human cultures, human civilizations, and human languages in both the present and the past, including the study of extinct human species.

The study of social patterns is the domain of social anthropology, but the study of cultural meaning, including norms and values, is within the purview of cultural anthropology.

How Should I Get Ready for the Anthropology Test at CUET?

The CUET Anthropology preparation tips consist of broad recommendations and procedures you must implement to pass this test successfully. In the following paragraphs, we will go over four crucial pieces of preparation advice that each student, regardless of the desired domain subject, should adhere to perform on the examination successfully.

  • Conduct a careful and complete examination of the exam syllabus: If you are interested in taking the entrance test are required to have a solid understanding of all that is included in the CUET Anthropology syllabus.
  • Develop a Plan of Action for Your Preparation and Stay with It: Before starting to prepare for the exam, you just need to sit down and make a study plan. You need to plan ahead and properly divide your time across several subjects. They have to come up with objectives that can be accomplished if they want the preparation to be doable.
  • Practice, Practice, and More Practice, but Directed Toward the Right Goals: It is important to get enough practice to do well on the CUET 2024 Anthropology test. You are required to complete as many sample papers, mock examinations, and question papers from the previous year as is humanly feasible.
  • Revision is the essential step that will ultimately lead to success: Reviewing previously learned material is essential to CUET test preparation. You are required to set aside at least two to three weeks entirely for the purposes of review.

Books to Help You Prepare for the CUET Anthropology Exam

When it comes to successfully passing the CUET Anthropology test, having books to study from is of the utmost significance. Students are encouraged to make curated notebooks in which they may write, study, and review the information included in the books they read, in addition to reading these well-known and helpful works.

  • AM Tripathi's Trueman's UGC NET Anthropology was published by Danisha Publishing Company
  • Carol R. Ember, Melvin R. Ember, and Peter N. Peregrine authored the 15th edition of Anthropology published by Pearson.

CUET Anthropology Syllabus from Class 12 (303)

Note: There will be a single-question paper including 50 questions, of which 40 must be answered.

Check out the complete CUET Anthropology syllabus below: 

Unit-1: Physical Anthropology: 

  1. Introduction to Human Genetics Mendel’s Laws of heredity Monohybrid and Dihybrid ratio.
  2. The meaning of skin colour, eye shape and colour, head shape, and ABa blood groups as racial criteria.
  3. Racial classification, distinguishing physical characteristics, and geographical distribution of the four major human racial groups: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, and Australoid.

Unit-2: Prehistoric Archaeology:

  1. Tool Making: Techniques of manufacturing core and flake tools, primary and secondary flaking, pressure flaking, grinding, and polishing. Materials used in the production of prehistoric tools.
  2. Toolfamilies: Pebbletools, Handaxe, Cleaver, Scrapers, Microliths, Points, Blades, Awl, Graver, Celts, Sickles, Spear-head, Arrow-head, and Bone tools.
  3. Prehistoric Cultures: Brief Outline Of the following prehistoric cultures of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods.
  4. A comparative study of the salient features of Paleolithic and Neolithic cultures.

Unit 3: Material culture and economic anthropology: 

  1. Economic life: meaning and aspects of a simple or primitive financial system.
  2. Subsistence Economy: domestication of animals-pastoralism, agriculture-shifting cultivation, horticulture, terrace cultivation, and plough cultivation.
  3. A brief outline of the methods of hunting, fishing, and agriculture with reference to Various communities of North East India as far as practicable.

Check: What was the cut off for CUET in the previous sessions?

Unit-4: Social Anthropology and Ethnography:

  1. : Social Anthropology :
  1. Family: Definition, forms, and types: nuclear family, joint family, a family of orientation, family of procreation, monogamous and polygamous (polygynous and polyandrous).
  2. Clustered Relationship in a nuclear family.
  3. Rules Of Residence:Patrilocal,matrilocal,neolocal,avancolocal,bi-local,matri patrilocal. Rules of descent: Patrilineal and matrilineal descent.
  4. Functions of family, social nature of family.
  1.  : Ethnography :

(i) A brief outline of the land and people of North-East India.

(ii) Study of material culture and economic life of the following communities

(iii) The Garo: Shiftingor Jhumcultivation.

(iv) TheMishing:Plough Cultivation

(v) A study of the social organization of the Ao Naga and the Apa Tani.

Check: CUET Psychology Syllabus

Unit-5: Ecology :

(i) Meaning And Definition of ecology and environment.

(ii) Elements of the environment: Solid, liquid, and gas.

(iii) Physical or abiotic environment, biological or biotic environment, and socio-cultural environment.

(iv) Man is the primary agent in altering the natural balance.

cuet online coaching

cuet online coaching

A Guide to Help You Succeed on the CUET Exam

Check out the steps below to understand the CUET Anthropology Syllabus 2024 and prepare effectively for the exam. 

Understand CUET Exam Pattern 2024

In order to increase one's level of readiness for the CUET NTA Exam Pattern, it is of the highest essential to understand the format of the examination.

Before beginning their preparations, you must first become familiar with the detailed CUET 2024 test pattern. This is a prerequisite for beginning their preparations. Following your review of the pattern, the next step is to look over the CUET 2024 exam curriculum and familiarise yourself with the subject areas that will be assessed.

To perform well on the test, you need to devote a significant amount of time to studying the CUET Syllabus 2024. You need to organize schedules regularly, including monthly, weekly, and even daily get-togethers, to outline their strategies. There is no chance of success unless there is an unflinching dedication to the goal and persistent work throughout time.

Therefore, in order for applicants to be successful on the test, they need to begin their preparation by determining which topics require more in-depth coverage and which subjects merely necessitate a fundamental comprehension of the material. Only then will they be able to effectively prioritize their study time and ensure that they are adequately prepared?

This might be accomplished by the student referencing one or more of the CUET preparation options indicated below:

Find The Gaps In Your Preparation

Make the categories for the many different topics that you've covered both straightforward and difficult. Create a list of the topics that are considered to be of the utmost significance (based on your analysis of the question papers from the previous year).

Put the schools and universities that are on your list in the order of your top choices.

There are around twenty universities in India that are regarded as being very important to the country. It is recommended that you make a list of all the educational institutions you are most interested in attending and build this list in order of your level of interest.

This list will be of great assistance to you in acquiring an understanding of the cut-off from the previous year as well as the guiding position of the institution. You will realize that this list is quite beneficial.

You may make an educated guess as to whether or not you will be admitted into the program of your choice at the institution of your choice by using these statistics to make an estimate of the scores you will need to enrol in the program of your choice.

Be knowledgeable about the most recent events.

The third portion of the examination is dedicated entirely to determining whether or not applicants have a general aptitude and are up to date on current events.

Candidates are held to the standard of maintaining an awareness of what is going on in the world, and reading newspapers are one of the most effective methods to keep up with current events.

It is highly suggested that you make it a practice to read newspapers on a daily basis since doing so may help you strengthen your vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension abilities. Reading newspapers on a regular basis is a good habit to get into.

You are highly advised to spend at least half an hour or an hour reading editorials in the opinion sections of local newspapers. The recommended amount of time is between half an hour and an hour.

There have been other instances that have been reported in publications and that have been used as test material in earlier CUET examinations. As a consequence of this, making it part of your daily habit to read the newspaper is something that comes highly recommended.

Practice Mocks

Learn the material from CUET examinations from the previous year, then put what you've learned to the test by taking some practice tests. If you are interested in taking the CUCET NTA entrance exam, you should read through the previous year's question papers to have a full grasp of the many different types of questions that may be asked during the subsequent examination.

By reviewing previously administered tests, you will be able to determine which concepts are given a high priority and which concepts may assist you in achieving a higher grade on the exam.

You will be able to gain an understanding of which topics are given a high priority as a result of this.

After you have finished going over everything that is included in the course material, it is strongly suggested that you take part in the CUET Mock Test 2024.

In order to ensure that you are well prepared for the test, you are expected to include the CUET 2024 practice exam into your overall study plan.

The practice exam is a complete and accurate representation of the actual examination.

You will have an easier time grasping the arrangement of the exam, and you will boost their pace when responding to questions.

They are able to learn a broad variety of questions and anticipate questions that are regularly asked with the help of the CUET Mock Test Series 2024.

cuet mock test

cuet mock test

Key Points For CUET Preparation

The most important piece of guidance I can provide you regarding your preparation for the CUET 2024 is to ensure that you thoroughly study all of the primary subject areas.

The following recommendations come from some of the most informed CUET experts:

  • Identify the different areas in which you will need to focus most of your efforts.
  • Develop an in-depth approach to deal with each of these issues.
  • You should go over the parts of the content that you find the most difficult to grasp again.
  • Following that, you will be able to go on to the Mock Papers
  • You are going to discover that this makes it much simpler for you to organize and prioritize your time.
  • Reviewing the test from the previous year can give you an idea of the most important topics covered and the types of questions that were asked.
  • Make an effort to figure out what the exam pattern on the paper is supposed to represent.
  • Make it a habit, in the days leading up to the test, to keep going over the information that applies to the topics on which you already have a strong grasp.
  • Take CUET coaching if required.


It is essential that when one is prepared, they should not allow themselves to become overawed by the large number of content that will be scrutinized. In the months that immediately follow the board exams for the 12th grade, it is not evident which course of action would be most helpful to students' futures.

It is critical to keep one's calm in precarious circumstances like these.

If you prepare for the logical thinking portion of the test by adhering to a sound approach and devoting adequate time to practice, you should have no trouble passing that portion of the test.

You are required to maintain a balanced diet and get an adequate amount of rest.

Rereading the material on a regular basis ensures that each and every aspect of the preparation process is covered.

Although it is impossible to eliminate stress, dealing with it completely does not have to be overpowering. To break up the monotony of studying for a test, it is vital to meditate, get some exercise, or take a break every so often. Candidates need to have the utmost faith in their own abilities and in who they are as individuals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any new information that has been added to the CUET Anthropology Syllabus recently?

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The CUET Anthropology Syllabus 2024 covers a wide variety of topics, but which ones are the most important and central ones?

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Where can I get the CUET Anthropology course outline to download?

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Can you provide me a high-level summary of the CUET Anthropology curriculum?

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During the time that I spend studying for the CUET History test, what specific things should I keep in mind?

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