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CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus 2024 (Applied Mathematics)

Author : Shashwat Srivastava

Updated On : February 12, 2024


Reader's Digest: If you're a Class 11 student gearing up for the 2024 CBSE exams, don't miss out on the exciting world of Applied Maths Calculus. This subject is not just about numbers; it's about understanding how the world works mathematically. Check out this article to discover how Calculus can help you build a strong foundation for your academic journey.

"The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has unveiled a pivotal update to the Class 11 Commerce Stream syllabus: the introduction of Applied Mathematics as an elective subject.

One of the significant components of this new addition is 'Calculus'. While it may initially seem like its counterpart in the regular Math syllabus, Applied Math's version of Calculus places a stronger emphasis on practical applications and problem-solving techniques.

This article delves deep into the intricacies of this topic, offering a comprehensive overview of its syllabus, its relevance in the exam, and invaluable preparation insights for students

Key Contents

  • Introduction to Applied Maths in CBSE.

  • Role of Calculus in Applied Math.

  • Differential vs. Integral Calculus.

  • Topics in Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus

  • Examination Weightage.

  • Study Materials and Preparation Tips.

  • Applications of Calculus.

What is Calculus in CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths?

Calculus might sound like a complicated term, but let's break it down into simple terms in order to understand it.

Imagine you're tracking how much money you earn every day. You'd want to know not just how much you have now, but also how these earnings change from day to day. This is where Calculus comes in. It's like a tool that helps you understand these changes.

In the CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus 2024 syllabus, Calculus is described as a branch of mathematics that studies changes associated with a function. Think of a function like a machine: you put something in, and you get something out. Calculus helps you understand how what you get out (the output) changes as you change what you put in (the input).

For instance, if you had a formula to calculate your daily earnings, Calculus would assist you in understanding related aspects like your total savings over time or if you're earning more money today compared to yesterday.

In the world of business, this is incredibly useful. Calculus plays an essential role in understanding things like taxes, profit, and revenue calculations. These calculations help businesses make vital decisions, ensuring they stay profitable.

There are two main parts to Calculus in the CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus 2024 curriculum:

  1. Differential Calculus: This breaks things down into smaller pieces to understand how they change step by step.
  2. Integral Calculus: This is the opposite – it combines these small changes to give a complete picture or a total value.

In simpler terms, while Differential Calculus might help you figure out the change in your daily earnings, Integral Calculus will help you understand your total earnings over a month.

The Twin Pillars of CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus 2024: Differential and Integral Calculus

1. Differential Calculus: The Magnifying Glass

Imagine you're looking at a smooth curve on a graph, representing the growth of a plant over time. Now, suppose you wish to understand how fast the plant grows each day. What you're looking for is the 'rate of change' at any given point on that curve. This is where Differential Calculus comes into play.

Differential Calculus can be envisioned as a magnifying glass. When you look at the curve under this magnifying glass, instead of seeing a smooth curve, you start to see tiny straight lines or slopes. Each of these slopes represents how steep the curve is at that exact point, giving you the rate of change.

For instance, in the context of the CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus 2024, you'd use Differential Calculus to understand concepts like:

  • How quickly a car accelerates or decelerates at any given moment.
  • The rate at which water fills up in a tank.
  • How rapidly a business's profit changes day by day.

2. Integral Calculus: The Big Picture Painter

Now, let's reverse our perspective. Instead of looking at minute changes, what if you wanted to know the total growth of the plant over a specific period? Or how much distance the car covered during its journey, considering all its accelerations and decelerations? That's where Integral Calculus steps in.

If Differential Calculus is about breaking things down, Integral Calculus is about summing things up. It provides a holistic view by accumulating all the tiny changes over a particular interval. It gives you the 'total' or 'net change' over a specified period.

In the framework of the CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus 2024 syllabus, students will leverage Integral Calculus to explore scenarios like:

  • Calculating the total area covered by a specific region on a graph.
  • Understanding the total profit a business made over a quarter or year.
  • Finding out the total volume of water that flowed through a pipe over an hour.

In Summary

Differential and Integral Calculus are like two sides of the same coin. While one zeroes in on instantaneous changes, the other zooms out to provide the broader scenario. Together, as part of the CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus, they offer students a comprehensive toolkit to analyze and understand the dynamic world of change around them.

So, as you begin preparing for the CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus 2024 syllabus, remember that Calculus is not just about formulas and equations. It's a practical tool that you can use to understand various changes in everyday life, from your personal savings to big business revenues.

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Topics Included in Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus

According to the CBSE Class 11 Applied Mathematics Syllabus, there are various topics included in calculus topic and those are as listed below.

  1. Functions:

    • Understanding Variables: Here, students will learn about two types of variables:
      • Dependent Variable: This variable's value depends on another.
      • Independent Variable: This variable stands alone; its value isn't based on any other variable.
    • Defining a Function: A function is essentially a rule or a law that links an independent variable to a dependent variable. So, when you change the independent variable's value, it can lead to changes in the dependent variable.
  2. Domain and Range of a Function:

    • Domain: Simply put, it's a collection of all values an independent variable can have.
    • Co-domain: This is a set containing potential values for the dependent variable.
    • Range: The range is the set of actual values that the dependent variable can take, based on the function.
  3. Types of Functions:

    • Here, students will delve deep into various functions. Each function has its unique properties and characteristics. Some key functions you'll learn about include Polynomial, Logarithm, Exponential, and even more specific ones like the Greatest Integer function.
  4. Graphical Representation of Functions:

    • This part of the CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus 2024 syllabus will teach students how to visually represent functions on a graph. They'll explore graphs for functions like Exponential, Logarithm, and more.
  5. Concepts of Limits and Continuity:

    • Limit of a Function: Imagine you're approaching a point on a graph; the value you're getting close to is the limit.
    • Understanding Continuity: A function is continuous if it doesn’t have any breaks or gaps. It’s smooth all the way.
    • Students will also learn about specific limits: the Left Hand Limit and the Right Hand Limit.
  6. Instantaneous Rate of Change:

    • Think of this as the speed at a specific moment. Not an average speed over time, but the speed right at that instant. The formula given, with ∆𝑦 and ∆𝑥, will help students calculate this exact change rate.
  7. Differentiation:

    • This is a method to find a function's derivative. For now, students will focus on non-trigonometric functions. Think of the derivative as a function that describes how another function changes.
  8. Derivatives Using the Chain Rule:

    • Sometimes, to find a derivative, you might need to use the Chain Rule. It's especially useful when you have a function inside another function. The given formula, with 𝑑𝑦/𝑑𝑥, helps in such cases.

These are the key concepts covered in the CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus 2024 unit. With dedication and practice, students can master these topics and excel in their examinations.

Read More: CBSE Class 11th Maths Syllabus

CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus Weightage

The calculus unit holds a weightage of 10 marks out of 80 marks in the CBSE Class 11 Applied Mathematics theory exam, which means it holds a 12.5% weightage of Class 11 CBSE Maths Board Paper. 

Topic No. of Periods Total Marks
Calculus 30 10

Read More: CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Probability

CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus Study Material PDF

Calculus is an easy and scoring topic if studied with the correct approach and methodology. You can refer to some of the below-mentioned preparation tips to become more confident, and successful in calculus. Algebra is also an important topic under Maths subject which requires equal preparation. 

Develop an effective and time-efficient schedule for practicing problems regularly. Go through with the conceptual meaning of the definition before starting practicing questions of Limits, Derivatives, Integrals, continuity, etc.

  • Firstly, understand limits and continuity, then start derivatives as many concepts of previous topics are used in solving questions of the next topic.
  • Revise trigonometry and algebra to excel in calculus, you will be able to grasp new concepts of calculus only if your basics of algebra and Trigonometry are clear.
  • Try to understand the meaning of the definition, like derivative is just the instantaneous rate of change at a specific time.
  • Attempt solved examples and then solve the exercise questions to evaluate your knowledge about the concept.

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Read Also: CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths - Mathematical Reasoning

Calculus and Its Applications

Calculus is used in almost every branch of fields like social sciences, actuarial sciences, computer sciences, stats, aerospace, economics, business, medicine, demographic shifts, etc, or wherever a problem can be mathematically modeled and an optimal solution is desired. 

You can understand the importance of Calculus by reviewing these daily life problems which are solved using calculus concepts like derivatives, integrals, etc.

  • A stone is dropped into a quiet lake and waves move in circles at a speed of 4cm per second. At the instant, when the radius of the circular wave is 10 cm, how fast is the enclosed area increasing?
  • The total revenue in Rupees received from the sale of x units of a product is given by R(x) = 3x^2+ 36x + 5. Find the marginal revenue, when x = 5, whereby marginal revenue we mean the rate of change of total revenue for the number of items sold at an instant.
  • The total cost C(x) in Rupees, associated with the production of x units of an item is given by

C(x) = 0.005 x^3– 0.02 x^2+ 30x + 5000

Find the marginal cost when 3 units are produced, whereby marginal cost means the instantaneous rate of change of total cost at any level of output.

Read More: CBSE Class 11 Applied Math Books

Key Takeaways

  • Applied Maths Calculus is a new, exciting addition to the CBSE Class 11 syllabus for 2024, emphasizing practical applications and problem-solving techniques.
  • Calculus is not just about complex equations; it's a real-world tool that helps decipher changes around us, from personal finances to business metrics.
  • The subject divides into two main parts: Differential Calculus, focusing on minute changes, and Integral Calculus, looking at the broader picture.
  • Students will explore a variety of topics, from understanding functions and their graphical representations to diving deep into limits, continuity, and differentiation.
  • Finally, calculus is immensely relevant, with applications across diverse fields, underscoring its importance in both academic and practical realms.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference in the Calculus syllabus of Applied Mathematics and Mathematics?

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How to prepare for CBSE Class 11th Applied Mathematics Calculus Unit?

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How to download CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus Study Material PDF?

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How is the CBSE class 11th applied maths calculus useful for commerce students?

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What is the difference between the subjects 'Mathematics' and 'Applied Mathematics'?

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Can a student opt for both ‘Mathematics ’ and ‘Applied Mathematics’?

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CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus 2024 (Applied Mathematics)

Author : Shashwat Srivastava

February 12, 2024


Reader's Digest: If you're a Class 11 student gearing up for the 2024 CBSE exams, don't miss out on the exciting world of Applied Maths Calculus. This subject is not just about numbers; it's about understanding how the world works mathematically. Check out this article to discover how Calculus can help you build a strong foundation for your academic journey.

"The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has unveiled a pivotal update to the Class 11 Commerce Stream syllabus: the introduction of Applied Mathematics as an elective subject.

One of the significant components of this new addition is 'Calculus'. While it may initially seem like its counterpart in the regular Math syllabus, Applied Math's version of Calculus places a stronger emphasis on practical applications and problem-solving techniques.

This article delves deep into the intricacies of this topic, offering a comprehensive overview of its syllabus, its relevance in the exam, and invaluable preparation insights for students

Key Contents

  • Introduction to Applied Maths in CBSE.

  • Role of Calculus in Applied Math.

  • Differential vs. Integral Calculus.

  • Topics in Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus

  • Examination Weightage.

  • Study Materials and Preparation Tips.

  • Applications of Calculus.

What is Calculus in CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths?

Calculus might sound like a complicated term, but let's break it down into simple terms in order to understand it.

Imagine you're tracking how much money you earn every day. You'd want to know not just how much you have now, but also how these earnings change from day to day. This is where Calculus comes in. It's like a tool that helps you understand these changes.

In the CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus 2024 syllabus, Calculus is described as a branch of mathematics that studies changes associated with a function. Think of a function like a machine: you put something in, and you get something out. Calculus helps you understand how what you get out (the output) changes as you change what you put in (the input).

For instance, if you had a formula to calculate your daily earnings, Calculus would assist you in understanding related aspects like your total savings over time or if you're earning more money today compared to yesterday.

In the world of business, this is incredibly useful. Calculus plays an essential role in understanding things like taxes, profit, and revenue calculations. These calculations help businesses make vital decisions, ensuring they stay profitable.

There are two main parts to Calculus in the CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus 2024 curriculum:

  1. Differential Calculus: This breaks things down into smaller pieces to understand how they change step by step.
  2. Integral Calculus: This is the opposite – it combines these small changes to give a complete picture or a total value.

In simpler terms, while Differential Calculus might help you figure out the change in your daily earnings, Integral Calculus will help you understand your total earnings over a month.

The Twin Pillars of CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus 2024: Differential and Integral Calculus

1. Differential Calculus: The Magnifying Glass

Imagine you're looking at a smooth curve on a graph, representing the growth of a plant over time. Now, suppose you wish to understand how fast the plant grows each day. What you're looking for is the 'rate of change' at any given point on that curve. This is where Differential Calculus comes into play.

Differential Calculus can be envisioned as a magnifying glass. When you look at the curve under this magnifying glass, instead of seeing a smooth curve, you start to see tiny straight lines or slopes. Each of these slopes represents how steep the curve is at that exact point, giving you the rate of change.

For instance, in the context of the CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus 2024, you'd use Differential Calculus to understand concepts like:

  • How quickly a car accelerates or decelerates at any given moment.
  • The rate at which water fills up in a tank.
  • How rapidly a business's profit changes day by day.

2. Integral Calculus: The Big Picture Painter

Now, let's reverse our perspective. Instead of looking at minute changes, what if you wanted to know the total growth of the plant over a specific period? Or how much distance the car covered during its journey, considering all its accelerations and decelerations? That's where Integral Calculus steps in.

If Differential Calculus is about breaking things down, Integral Calculus is about summing things up. It provides a holistic view by accumulating all the tiny changes over a particular interval. It gives you the 'total' or 'net change' over a specified period.

In the framework of the CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus 2024 syllabus, students will leverage Integral Calculus to explore scenarios like:

  • Calculating the total area covered by a specific region on a graph.
  • Understanding the total profit a business made over a quarter or year.
  • Finding out the total volume of water that flowed through a pipe over an hour.

In Summary

Differential and Integral Calculus are like two sides of the same coin. While one zeroes in on instantaneous changes, the other zooms out to provide the broader scenario. Together, as part of the CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus, they offer students a comprehensive toolkit to analyze and understand the dynamic world of change around them.

So, as you begin preparing for the CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus 2024 syllabus, remember that Calculus is not just about formulas and equations. It's a practical tool that you can use to understand various changes in everyday life, from your personal savings to big business revenues.

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Topics Included in Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus

According to the CBSE Class 11 Applied Mathematics Syllabus, there are various topics included in calculus topic and those are as listed below.

  1. Functions:

    • Understanding Variables: Here, students will learn about two types of variables:
      • Dependent Variable: This variable's value depends on another.
      • Independent Variable: This variable stands alone; its value isn't based on any other variable.
    • Defining a Function: A function is essentially a rule or a law that links an independent variable to a dependent variable. So, when you change the independent variable's value, it can lead to changes in the dependent variable.
  2. Domain and Range of a Function:

    • Domain: Simply put, it's a collection of all values an independent variable can have.
    • Co-domain: This is a set containing potential values for the dependent variable.
    • Range: The range is the set of actual values that the dependent variable can take, based on the function.
  3. Types of Functions:

    • Here, students will delve deep into various functions. Each function has its unique properties and characteristics. Some key functions you'll learn about include Polynomial, Logarithm, Exponential, and even more specific ones like the Greatest Integer function.
  4. Graphical Representation of Functions:

    • This part of the CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus 2024 syllabus will teach students how to visually represent functions on a graph. They'll explore graphs for functions like Exponential, Logarithm, and more.
  5. Concepts of Limits and Continuity:

    • Limit of a Function: Imagine you're approaching a point on a graph; the value you're getting close to is the limit.
    • Understanding Continuity: A function is continuous if it doesn’t have any breaks or gaps. It’s smooth all the way.
    • Students will also learn about specific limits: the Left Hand Limit and the Right Hand Limit.
  6. Instantaneous Rate of Change:

    • Think of this as the speed at a specific moment. Not an average speed over time, but the speed right at that instant. The formula given, with ∆𝑦 and ∆𝑥, will help students calculate this exact change rate.
  7. Differentiation:

    • This is a method to find a function's derivative. For now, students will focus on non-trigonometric functions. Think of the derivative as a function that describes how another function changes.
  8. Derivatives Using the Chain Rule:

    • Sometimes, to find a derivative, you might need to use the Chain Rule. It's especially useful when you have a function inside another function. The given formula, with 𝑑𝑦/𝑑𝑥, helps in such cases.

These are the key concepts covered in the CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus 2024 unit. With dedication and practice, students can master these topics and excel in their examinations.

Read More: CBSE Class 11th Maths Syllabus

CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus Weightage

The calculus unit holds a weightage of 10 marks out of 80 marks in the CBSE Class 11 Applied Mathematics theory exam, which means it holds a 12.5% weightage of Class 11 CBSE Maths Board Paper. 

Topic No. of Periods Total Marks
Calculus 30 10

Read More: CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Probability

CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus Study Material PDF

Calculus is an easy and scoring topic if studied with the correct approach and methodology. You can refer to some of the below-mentioned preparation tips to become more confident, and successful in calculus. Algebra is also an important topic under Maths subject which requires equal preparation. 

Develop an effective and time-efficient schedule for practicing problems regularly. Go through with the conceptual meaning of the definition before starting practicing questions of Limits, Derivatives, Integrals, continuity, etc.

  • Firstly, understand limits and continuity, then start derivatives as many concepts of previous topics are used in solving questions of the next topic.
  • Revise trigonometry and algebra to excel in calculus, you will be able to grasp new concepts of calculus only if your basics of algebra and Trigonometry are clear.
  • Try to understand the meaning of the definition, like derivative is just the instantaneous rate of change at a specific time.
  • Attempt solved examples and then solve the exercise questions to evaluate your knowledge about the concept.

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Read Also: CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths - Mathematical Reasoning

Calculus and Its Applications

Calculus is used in almost every branch of fields like social sciences, actuarial sciences, computer sciences, stats, aerospace, economics, business, medicine, demographic shifts, etc, or wherever a problem can be mathematically modeled and an optimal solution is desired. 

You can understand the importance of Calculus by reviewing these daily life problems which are solved using calculus concepts like derivatives, integrals, etc.

  • A stone is dropped into a quiet lake and waves move in circles at a speed of 4cm per second. At the instant, when the radius of the circular wave is 10 cm, how fast is the enclosed area increasing?
  • The total revenue in Rupees received from the sale of x units of a product is given by R(x) = 3x^2+ 36x + 5. Find the marginal revenue, when x = 5, whereby marginal revenue we mean the rate of change of total revenue for the number of items sold at an instant.
  • The total cost C(x) in Rupees, associated with the production of x units of an item is given by

C(x) = 0.005 x^3– 0.02 x^2+ 30x + 5000

Find the marginal cost when 3 units are produced, whereby marginal cost means the instantaneous rate of change of total cost at any level of output.

Read More: CBSE Class 11 Applied Math Books

Key Takeaways

  • Applied Maths Calculus is a new, exciting addition to the CBSE Class 11 syllabus for 2024, emphasizing practical applications and problem-solving techniques.
  • Calculus is not just about complex equations; it's a real-world tool that helps decipher changes around us, from personal finances to business metrics.
  • The subject divides into two main parts: Differential Calculus, focusing on minute changes, and Integral Calculus, looking at the broader picture.
  • Students will explore a variety of topics, from understanding functions and their graphical representations to diving deep into limits, continuity, and differentiation.
  • Finally, calculus is immensely relevant, with applications across diverse fields, underscoring its importance in both academic and practical realms.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference in the Calculus syllabus of Applied Mathematics and Mathematics?

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How to prepare for CBSE Class 11th Applied Mathematics Calculus Unit?

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How to download CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Calculus Study Material PDF?

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How is the CBSE class 11th applied maths calculus useful for commerce students?

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What is the difference between the subjects 'Mathematics' and 'Applied Mathematics'?

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Can a student opt for both ‘Mathematics ’ and ‘Applied Mathematics’?

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