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CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Probability Syllabus Guide 2024

Author : Shashwat Srivastava

Updated On : February 12, 2024


Reader's Digest: If you're a Class 12 student gearing up for the CBSE Applied Maths exam in 2024, you won't want to miss what's coming next. Probability is a crucial topic that can make or break your performance. Dive into this article to uncover essential tips, tricks, and insights that will not only simplify probability but also boost your confidence.

In the ever-evolving world of education, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) consistently strives to cater to the diverse needs of students.

Recognizing the immense practical value and interdisciplinary nature of mathematics, the board has unveiled 'Applied Maths' as a fresh optional subject tailored specifically for students in the Class 12 Commerce stream. A standout topic within this subject is 'Probability'.

Now, why is probability so noteworthy? It's a mathematical tool that allows us to measure the likelihood of an event. From predicting weather patterns to calculating the odds in gambling, probability plays an integral role. The CBSE aims not just to introduce this intriguing topic but also to ensure students build a robust foundation.

So let's begin by understanding the topic!

Key Contents:
  • Importance of Probability: Its real-world applications.
  • Basic vs Applied Maths: Examples illustrating the difference.
  • Real-world Applications: Uses in sports betting, economics, and weather predictions.
  • Syllabus Breakdown: Coverage of Probability Distributions topics.
  • Exam Weightage: Marks allocation for probability.
  • Expected Exam Questions: Real-world and inter-disciplinary applications.
  • Study Tips: Importance of syllabus, real-life examples, and past papers.
  • Notes vs Textbooks: Emphasis on concise notes.
  • Sample Questions: Glimpse into potential exam questions.
  • Preparation Strategies: Avoiding calculators and hands-on problem-solving.

Understanding Applied Maths Probability and Its Real-world Applications

Probability is like the tool of convenience in the world of mathematics. But what exactly is it? In simple terms, think of it as measuring the chance of something happening. For instance, have you ever thought about whether it might rain before leaving home without an umbrella? If you've ever said, "There's a 50% chance it might rain," you've used probability!

Now, let's dig a bit deeper into Applied Maths Probability.

What is Applied Maths Probability?

At its core, probability is about predicting the likelihood of events. When we talk about 'Applied Maths Probability', we mean using these predictions in real-life situations.

For instance, if you have two shirts - one blue and one black, and you close your eyes and pick one randomly, there's a 50% chance you'll pick the blue one. That's basic probability.

But Applied Maths takes it further. Let's say you have to pick a shirt to match a pair of pants you bought. The chance you'll pick a shirt that matches could depend on factors like the colors of the shirts you have and the color of the pants. This kind of scenario, where one event (the color of the pants) affects another (the shirt you pick), is where Applied Maths steps in.

Applications in Our Everyday Life

  1. Betting and Sports: When watching a cricket match and guessing which team might win, or when playing cards with friends, you're unknowingly using probability. Bookmakers use advanced probability calculations to set betting odds for sports.

  2. Economic Predictions: Ever heard of experts predicting how well India's economy will perform? They use probability to make these forecasts, determining how likely it is that the economy will grow or shrink.

  3. Weather Forecasts: When the weather app says there's an 80% chance of rain, it's using probability models to predict rainfall based on current weather conditions.

  4. Decision Making: From businesses deciding where to set up a new shop, to you choosing the best route to school based on traffic, probability helps us make informed decisions every day.

So, next time you hear someone talking about the 'probability' of an event, remember that it's all around us, guiding decisions in various industries and even our daily lives. And as you dive deeper into your CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths syllabus, you'll uncover even more exciting ways in which probability touches our world!

CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths: Probability Distributions Syllabus

Dive into UNIT-4 of your Class 12 Applied Mathematics Syllabus and uncover the fascinating world of Probability Distributions. Here's a structured breakdown to help you sail smoothly:

4.1 Probability Distribution

  • Main Focus:
    • Comprehending the notion of Random Variables and the Probability Distributions associated with them.
  • In-depth Content:
    • Grasp the distinction between discrete and continuous random variables, exploring their respective distributions with definitions and examples.

4.2 Mathematical Expectation

  • Main Focus:
    • Harness the power of arithmetic mean from frequency distributions to pinpoint the expected value of a given random variable.
  • In-depth Content:
    • Learn how to determine the expected value of discrete random variables by summing the product of the discrete random variable and its likelihood of occurrence.

4.3 Variance

  • Main Focus:
    • Master the art of determining the Variance and Standard Deviation (S.D.) of a random variable.
  • In-depth Content:
    • Solve intriguing problems that revolve around variance and standard deviation calculations.

4.4 Binomial Distribution

  • Main Focus:
    • Recognize Bernoulli Trials and put the Binomial Distribution into action.
    • Delve into computing the Mean, Variance, and S.D. of a binomial distribution.
  • In-depth Content:
    • Unravel the distinctive features of the binomial distribution.
    • Get hands-on with the Binomial formula: P(r) = nCr p^r q^(n-r) Where:
      • n = number of trials
      • p = probability of success
      • q = probability of failure
      • Mean = np
      • Variance = npq
      • Standard Deviation = √(npq)

4.5 Poisson Distribution

  • Main Focus:
    • Understand the conditions leading to Poisson Distribution and adeptly compute its Mean and Variance.
  • In-depth Content:
    • Decode the traits of the Poisson Probability distribution using the Poisson formula: P(x) = (λ^x * e^(-λ))/x! Where: - Mean = Variance = λ

4.6 Normal Distribution

  • Main Focus:
    • Realize that the normal distribution is a continuous distribution.
    • Hone skills to evaluate the value of the Standard normal variate and understand the area relationship between Mean and Standard Deviation.
  • In-depth Content:
    • Navigate the characteristics of a normal probability distribution.
    • Understand that the total area under the curve represents the complete probability, equaling 1.
    • Grasp the Standard Normal Variate formula: Z = (x - 𝜇)/𝜎 Where: - x = value of the random variable - 𝜇 = mean - 𝜎 = S.D.

Read about: CBSE Class 12 Linear programming

CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Probability Weightage in Examination

The probability topic holds 10 marks out of the total 80 marks in the question paper, which means it holds a 12.5% weightage of Class 12 CBSE Maths Board Paper. Thus it is highly advisable to check all the previous year's questions and sample papers available to you in order to excel at CBSE Class 12 Maths Exam.


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Total Marks




Read About CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Inferential Statistics

Which type of Questions will be asked in CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Probability Exam?

As mentioned earlier, the Curriculum of Class 12 Applied Maths Probability is devised to encourage you in engaging in mathematical investigations. It also intends to build connections within mathematical topics and with other disciplines.

Thus, you can see topics that involve real-life examples, such as problems on drawing a ball out from a pool of balls or projecting an election result based on the voting, or problems based on a coin toss. You will also be facing questions that involve the direct application of theorems and distribution curves that are mentioned in your syllabus.

Since Applied Mathematics is all about the application of math to other disciplines, you could see a question or two that involve basic concepts from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Statistics, Economics, or other subjects. These concepts will be basic and even a high school level of knowledge will be enough to apply them.

In some questions, you could be required to take the help of graphs, distribution curves, and other standard mathematical models. You will be trained well in advance for such questions.

Read About CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Basic Financial with Mathematics

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CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Probability Notes

Notes are the crux of complex textbook language. Notes comprising important theorems and formulae for subject such as Maths is more important than books at any given time of the day.

It saves you time, prevents irrelevant information, and since they are curated for you, you are able to grasp more in the minimum time possible.

A handbook on the day of examination is always handy than heavy textbooks.

Read About CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Inferential Statistics

CBSE 12 Applied Math Probability Sample Questions

Follow the Sample Questions of CBSE Class 12 Maths Probability mentioned below. Questions will be based on sets, relations, Binomial Theorems, Normal and Poisson Distribution, Statistics, Variation, and other formulae-based questions.

  • How to get convergence in Monte Carlo simulation?
  • What is the difference between a distribution function and a probability distribution function?
  • How to calculate the sum and the subtraction of many random variables that follow exponential distributions and have different parameters?
  • Can the probabilities of two mutually exclusive events be quantitatively compared to two or more other mutually exclusive events?
  • How to calculate the Outage Probability of Simple Dual Hop Relay Systems?

Check Tips CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Algebra

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How to Prepare for CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Probability?

There are various Differences between Applied Maths and Mathematics due to which extra effort is required for applied maths preparation. How you score in your Class 12 Applied Mathematics Probability test depends on how you prepare for it. How you Prepare for the subject depends on what your Preparation Strategy for the subject is.

We will discuss some important pointers that you must keep in mind while excelling at CBSE Class 12 Probability. Some of the major pointers are mentioned below:

Study the Syllabus

When we said we could not stress enough the significance of the Probability Syllabus; we were not lying. It is the most important piece of paper/PDF related to the subject. You are advised to refer to the syllabus every time you are in doubt about the relevance of questions. The syllabus shall be your guiding light in your journey towards acing CBSE 12 Applied Mathematics Probability.

Use real-life examples

Try to involve real-life examples of things happening around you and calculate the probability of them happening. Practicing with original events will help you clear your doubts multi-fold and far quicker than your textbook solutions.

Solve a Reference Book

Once you are done with NCERT and exhausted to the limit where you know every question, graduate to a reference book. You must ensure to refer to the right books that cover each topic in depth. 

NOTE: This should be done after completing the NCERT Textbook and not before it.

Practise Previous Year papers

Almost as important as CBSE 12 Applied mathematics Probability Syllabus if not more, Previous Year papers help you with the Exam Pattern and trends of questions asked in the examination. Solving Previous Year paper will acquaint one with the Exam Pattern and the methods used to calculate the answer.

Say no to Calculators, Yes to the Pen

The more you solve your problems in your head and on paper, the better you become at it. Consider it as a workout for the brain. This increases your calculation skills and metal storage. Which in turn helps you solve even bigger and more complex questions later.

Know About CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Linear Programming

Key Takeaways

  1. Importance of Probability: CBSE's introduction of 'Applied Maths' underscores the significance of probability in real-world scenarios.
  2. Practical Application: Beyond theoretical understanding, probability plays a role in economics, weather predictions, decision-making, and sports.
  3. Exam Weightage: Probability constitutes 12.5% of the Class 12 Applied Maths paper, emphasizing its importance.
  4. Preparation Tips: Prioritize the syllabus, incorporate real-life examples in practice, consult reference books post-NCERT, and solve previous year papers.
  5. Handwritten Notes: Streamlined notes can be more beneficial than bulky textbooks, especially during revisions.
  6. Avoid Calculators: Boost your mental math skills by manually solving problems for better understanding and retention.

Remember, mastering probability can not only help you ace your exams but also enhance your decision-making in daily life!

Frequently Asked Questions

How many chances are there for the compartment examination in class XII?

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What is the pass criteria for Class XII?

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Can a candidate appear in two or more subjects in compartment examination in class XII?

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I have compartment in Physics. Can I appear in Maths?

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CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Probability Syllabus Guide 2024

Author : Shashwat Srivastava

February 12, 2024


Reader's Digest: If you're a Class 12 student gearing up for the CBSE Applied Maths exam in 2024, you won't want to miss what's coming next. Probability is a crucial topic that can make or break your performance. Dive into this article to uncover essential tips, tricks, and insights that will not only simplify probability but also boost your confidence.

In the ever-evolving world of education, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) consistently strives to cater to the diverse needs of students.

Recognizing the immense practical value and interdisciplinary nature of mathematics, the board has unveiled 'Applied Maths' as a fresh optional subject tailored specifically for students in the Class 12 Commerce stream. A standout topic within this subject is 'Probability'.

Now, why is probability so noteworthy? It's a mathematical tool that allows us to measure the likelihood of an event. From predicting weather patterns to calculating the odds in gambling, probability plays an integral role. The CBSE aims not just to introduce this intriguing topic but also to ensure students build a robust foundation.

So let's begin by understanding the topic!

Key Contents:
  • Importance of Probability: Its real-world applications.
  • Basic vs Applied Maths: Examples illustrating the difference.
  • Real-world Applications: Uses in sports betting, economics, and weather predictions.
  • Syllabus Breakdown: Coverage of Probability Distributions topics.
  • Exam Weightage: Marks allocation for probability.
  • Expected Exam Questions: Real-world and inter-disciplinary applications.
  • Study Tips: Importance of syllabus, real-life examples, and past papers.
  • Notes vs Textbooks: Emphasis on concise notes.
  • Sample Questions: Glimpse into potential exam questions.
  • Preparation Strategies: Avoiding calculators and hands-on problem-solving.

Understanding Applied Maths Probability and Its Real-world Applications

Probability is like the tool of convenience in the world of mathematics. But what exactly is it? In simple terms, think of it as measuring the chance of something happening. For instance, have you ever thought about whether it might rain before leaving home without an umbrella? If you've ever said, "There's a 50% chance it might rain," you've used probability!

Now, let's dig a bit deeper into Applied Maths Probability.

What is Applied Maths Probability?

At its core, probability is about predicting the likelihood of events. When we talk about 'Applied Maths Probability', we mean using these predictions in real-life situations.

For instance, if you have two shirts - one blue and one black, and you close your eyes and pick one randomly, there's a 50% chance you'll pick the blue one. That's basic probability.

But Applied Maths takes it further. Let's say you have to pick a shirt to match a pair of pants you bought. The chance you'll pick a shirt that matches could depend on factors like the colors of the shirts you have and the color of the pants. This kind of scenario, where one event (the color of the pants) affects another (the shirt you pick), is where Applied Maths steps in.

Applications in Our Everyday Life

  1. Betting and Sports: When watching a cricket match and guessing which team might win, or when playing cards with friends, you're unknowingly using probability. Bookmakers use advanced probability calculations to set betting odds for sports.

  2. Economic Predictions: Ever heard of experts predicting how well India's economy will perform? They use probability to make these forecasts, determining how likely it is that the economy will grow or shrink.

  3. Weather Forecasts: When the weather app says there's an 80% chance of rain, it's using probability models to predict rainfall based on current weather conditions.

  4. Decision Making: From businesses deciding where to set up a new shop, to you choosing the best route to school based on traffic, probability helps us make informed decisions every day.

So, next time you hear someone talking about the 'probability' of an event, remember that it's all around us, guiding decisions in various industries and even our daily lives. And as you dive deeper into your CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths syllabus, you'll uncover even more exciting ways in which probability touches our world!

CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths: Probability Distributions Syllabus

Dive into UNIT-4 of your Class 12 Applied Mathematics Syllabus and uncover the fascinating world of Probability Distributions. Here's a structured breakdown to help you sail smoothly:

4.1 Probability Distribution

  • Main Focus:
    • Comprehending the notion of Random Variables and the Probability Distributions associated with them.
  • In-depth Content:
    • Grasp the distinction between discrete and continuous random variables, exploring their respective distributions with definitions and examples.

4.2 Mathematical Expectation

  • Main Focus:
    • Harness the power of arithmetic mean from frequency distributions to pinpoint the expected value of a given random variable.
  • In-depth Content:
    • Learn how to determine the expected value of discrete random variables by summing the product of the discrete random variable and its likelihood of occurrence.

4.3 Variance

  • Main Focus:
    • Master the art of determining the Variance and Standard Deviation (S.D.) of a random variable.
  • In-depth Content:
    • Solve intriguing problems that revolve around variance and standard deviation calculations.

4.4 Binomial Distribution

  • Main Focus:
    • Recognize Bernoulli Trials and put the Binomial Distribution into action.
    • Delve into computing the Mean, Variance, and S.D. of a binomial distribution.
  • In-depth Content:
    • Unravel the distinctive features of the binomial distribution.
    • Get hands-on with the Binomial formula: P(r) = nCr p^r q^(n-r) Where:
      • n = number of trials
      • p = probability of success
      • q = probability of failure
      • Mean = np
      • Variance = npq
      • Standard Deviation = √(npq)

4.5 Poisson Distribution

  • Main Focus:
    • Understand the conditions leading to Poisson Distribution and adeptly compute its Mean and Variance.
  • In-depth Content:
    • Decode the traits of the Poisson Probability distribution using the Poisson formula: P(x) = (λ^x * e^(-λ))/x! Where: - Mean = Variance = λ

4.6 Normal Distribution

  • Main Focus:
    • Realize that the normal distribution is a continuous distribution.
    • Hone skills to evaluate the value of the Standard normal variate and understand the area relationship between Mean and Standard Deviation.
  • In-depth Content:
    • Navigate the characteristics of a normal probability distribution.
    • Understand that the total area under the curve represents the complete probability, equaling 1.
    • Grasp the Standard Normal Variate formula: Z = (x - 𝜇)/𝜎 Where: - x = value of the random variable - 𝜇 = mean - 𝜎 = S.D.

Read about: CBSE Class 12 Linear programming

CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Probability Weightage in Examination

The probability topic holds 10 marks out of the total 80 marks in the question paper, which means it holds a 12.5% weightage of Class 12 CBSE Maths Board Paper. Thus it is highly advisable to check all the previous year's questions and sample papers available to you in order to excel at CBSE Class 12 Maths Exam.


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Total Marks




Read About CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Inferential Statistics

Which type of Questions will be asked in CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Probability Exam?

As mentioned earlier, the Curriculum of Class 12 Applied Maths Probability is devised to encourage you in engaging in mathematical investigations. It also intends to build connections within mathematical topics and with other disciplines.

Thus, you can see topics that involve real-life examples, such as problems on drawing a ball out from a pool of balls or projecting an election result based on the voting, or problems based on a coin toss. You will also be facing questions that involve the direct application of theorems and distribution curves that are mentioned in your syllabus.

Since Applied Mathematics is all about the application of math to other disciplines, you could see a question or two that involve basic concepts from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Statistics, Economics, or other subjects. These concepts will be basic and even a high school level of knowledge will be enough to apply them.

In some questions, you could be required to take the help of graphs, distribution curves, and other standard mathematical models. You will be trained well in advance for such questions.

Read About CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Basic Financial with Mathematics

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CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Probability Notes

Notes are the crux of complex textbook language. Notes comprising important theorems and formulae for subject such as Maths is more important than books at any given time of the day.

It saves you time, prevents irrelevant information, and since they are curated for you, you are able to grasp more in the minimum time possible.

A handbook on the day of examination is always handy than heavy textbooks.

Read About CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Inferential Statistics

CBSE 12 Applied Math Probability Sample Questions

Follow the Sample Questions of CBSE Class 12 Maths Probability mentioned below. Questions will be based on sets, relations, Binomial Theorems, Normal and Poisson Distribution, Statistics, Variation, and other formulae-based questions.

  • How to get convergence in Monte Carlo simulation?
  • What is the difference between a distribution function and a probability distribution function?
  • How to calculate the sum and the subtraction of many random variables that follow exponential distributions and have different parameters?
  • Can the probabilities of two mutually exclusive events be quantitatively compared to two or more other mutually exclusive events?
  • How to calculate the Outage Probability of Simple Dual Hop Relay Systems?

Check Tips CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Algebra

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How to Prepare for CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Probability?

There are various Differences between Applied Maths and Mathematics due to which extra effort is required for applied maths preparation. How you score in your Class 12 Applied Mathematics Probability test depends on how you prepare for it. How you Prepare for the subject depends on what your Preparation Strategy for the subject is.

We will discuss some important pointers that you must keep in mind while excelling at CBSE Class 12 Probability. Some of the major pointers are mentioned below:

Study the Syllabus

When we said we could not stress enough the significance of the Probability Syllabus; we were not lying. It is the most important piece of paper/PDF related to the subject. You are advised to refer to the syllabus every time you are in doubt about the relevance of questions. The syllabus shall be your guiding light in your journey towards acing CBSE 12 Applied Mathematics Probability.

Use real-life examples

Try to involve real-life examples of things happening around you and calculate the probability of them happening. Practicing with original events will help you clear your doubts multi-fold and far quicker than your textbook solutions.

Solve a Reference Book

Once you are done with NCERT and exhausted to the limit where you know every question, graduate to a reference book. You must ensure to refer to the right books that cover each topic in depth. 

NOTE: This should be done after completing the NCERT Textbook and not before it.

Practise Previous Year papers

Almost as important as CBSE 12 Applied mathematics Probability Syllabus if not more, Previous Year papers help you with the Exam Pattern and trends of questions asked in the examination. Solving Previous Year paper will acquaint one with the Exam Pattern and the methods used to calculate the answer.

Say no to Calculators, Yes to the Pen

The more you solve your problems in your head and on paper, the better you become at it. Consider it as a workout for the brain. This increases your calculation skills and metal storage. Which in turn helps you solve even bigger and more complex questions later.

Know About CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Linear Programming

Key Takeaways

  1. Importance of Probability: CBSE's introduction of 'Applied Maths' underscores the significance of probability in real-world scenarios.
  2. Practical Application: Beyond theoretical understanding, probability plays a role in economics, weather predictions, decision-making, and sports.
  3. Exam Weightage: Probability constitutes 12.5% of the Class 12 Applied Maths paper, emphasizing its importance.
  4. Preparation Tips: Prioritize the syllabus, incorporate real-life examples in practice, consult reference books post-NCERT, and solve previous year papers.
  5. Handwritten Notes: Streamlined notes can be more beneficial than bulky textbooks, especially during revisions.
  6. Avoid Calculators: Boost your mental math skills by manually solving problems for better understanding and retention.

Remember, mastering probability can not only help you ace your exams but also enhance your decision-making in daily life!

Frequently Asked Questions

How many chances are there for the compartment examination in class XII?

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What is the pass criteria for Class XII?

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Can a candidate appear in two or more subjects in compartment examination in class XII?

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I have compartment in Physics. Can I appear in Maths?

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How does a candidate apply for verification of marks in class XII?

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