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SLAT Personal Interview Topics 2024

Author : Samriddhi Pandey

Updated On : June 25, 2024


Reader's Digest: Have you completed your SLAT exams and waiting to be called in for the interview? Taking a look at the question curated in the article will be helpful. 

To begin with, confidence and being yourself is the key to feeling comfortable during the interview process.

This post will help ease your preparations and give you an idea of the type of questions and the personal interview process.

SLAT Personal Interview: KEY DATES

SLS PUNE 3rd June-10th June
SLS NOIDA 31st May-8th June
SLS HYDERABAD 1st June-8th June
SLS NAGPUR 1st June-6th June

You must clear the entrance test personal interview to study at the Symbiosis International University for both UG and PG programs. 

What is a Personal Interview in SLAT?

The aim of a personal interview is to test whether you are suitable for a law career or not. Based on your SLAT score, you will be called for the interview. Make sure to secure a score about the minimum qualifying marks.

Understanding the SLAT Personal Interview

The SLAT Personal Interview is a vital component of the admission process. It allows the interviewers to evaluate your:

  • Communication skills: Why you can articulate these thoughts in a very particular manner.
  • Analytical skills: Logical and Critical Thinking ability.
  • General Awareness: Your knowledge about what is happening around you and about the general topics.
  • Personality: Your overall demeanor, confidence, and attitude.

LegalEdge CLAT Result

LegalEdge CLAT Result

Documents to be carried for SLAT Personal Interview

You must prepare a Curriculum Vitae (CV) and carry it to the interview round. Along with your CV, you need to carry a few documents like

  1. Your SLAT ID and score
  2. Marks sheet of 10th and 12th standard
  3. Any achievements or certificates

Important Topics for SLAT Personal Interview 2024

Here is the table of the important interview topics for SLAT:

S.No. Important Topics for SLAT Personal Interview Answers Guide
1 Self-introduction and background Share relevant personal and educational details, highlight achievements, and discuss future aspirations. Emphasize skills, experiences, and values that make you a strong candidate for the program.
2 Motivation to pursue law and SLAT selection Discuss your passion for the legal field, reasons for choosing law as a career, and how SLAT aligns with your goals. Highlight experiences, events, or individuals that influenced your decision.
3 Awareness of current legal and social issues Stay updated with recent legal developments, landmark cases, and social issues. Express your understanding, opinions, and possible solutions for addressing these matters.
4 Knowledge about the Symbiosis Law School Research the law school thoroughly. Familiarize yourself with its history, programs, faculty, achievements, and unique features. Demonstrate your interest and why you believe it is the right fit for you.
5 Strengths and weaknesses Identify your strengths relevant to the legal profession, such as analytical thinking, communication skills, or problem-solving abilities. Address weaknesses positively, showing your willingness to learn and improve.
6 Extracurricular activities and leadership Highlight involvement in extracurricular activities, leadership roles, community service, or internships that demonstrate your diverse skills and abilities outside academics. Explain how these experiences have shaped you.
7 Ethical and moral dilemmas Discuss ethical situations you have encountered and the principles that guided your decision-making. Demonstrate your understanding of ethical implications in legal scenarios.
8 Case study analysis Prepare by analyzing landmark cases, legal controversies, or hypothetical scenarios. Practice critical thinking, logical reasoning, and applying legal principles to reach conclusions.
9 Communication skills Showcase your ability to articulate thoughts clearly, listen actively, and respond thoughtfully. Practice effective communication, maintaining a confident and professional demeanor.
10 Questions for the interview panel Prepare relevant and thoughtful questions about the law school, curriculum, faculty, student life, career opportunities, or any specific areas of interest to demonstrate your enthusiasm and curiosity.

Preparing for Specific SLAT Interview Topics

  1. Why Law?

This is one of the most common SLAT important interview questions. Be prepared to articulate why you are passionate about law and what motivates you to pursue this career. Support your statement with the experiences that follow: internships, debates, volunteer work.

  1. Why Symbiosis Law School?

Research distinguishing features of the Symbiosis Law School—its curriculum, faculty, infrastructure, and student life. Highlight how these aspects align with your career goals and why you believe this institution is the best fit for you.

  1. Strengths and Weaknesses

Self-awareness is key. Know your strengths and weaknesses truthfully. For every weakness, try to outline how you are working toward an issue at length. For instance, if you have problems in time management, you can explain how you are going to become a better organizer.

  1. Legal Cases

Stay updated with recent legal cases and be prepared to comment on some of the implications of these cases, render an opinion, which does show your analytical skills and interest in the law.

  1. Extracurricular Activities

Your involvement in extracurricular activities reflects your well-rounded personality. Discuss your participation in activities such as debates, sports, cultural events, or volunteer work. Explain how these experiences have shaped your skills and character.

SLAT Important Interview Questions to Practice

Practicing SLAT important interview questions is essential for a successful interview. Here are few questions to consider:

  1. What inspired you to pursue a career in law?

    • Reflect on your motivations and experiences that led you to choose law as a career.
  2. How do you stay updated with current affairs?

    • Discuss your sources of information and how you keep yourself informed about legal and general news.
  3. Can you describe a challenging situation you faced and how you handled it?

    • Share a specific example and highlight your problem-solving skills and resilience.
  4. What do you consider to be the most pressing legal issue in India today?

    • Identify a significant legal issue and provide your analysis and opinion.
  5. How do you plan to contribute to the Symbiosis Law School community?

    • Discuss your potential contributions to the institution, including your participation in clubs, events, and initiatives.

LegalEdge SLAT Coaching

LegalEdge SLAT Coaching

Key Strategies for SLAT Personal Interview Preparation

  1. Research the Institution

Carry out extensive research on Symbiosis Law School before your SLAT interview. You should have knowledge about the history, mission, values, and the most recent achievements of the institution. This will also help answer why one selected that particular institution and how it aligns with their values.

  1. Self-Assessment

Conduct a self-assessment to determine your strengths and weaknesses. Reflect upon your previous academic performance, any extra-curricular activities, and experiences you may have had that would fit well in your application. Be prepared to discuss this confidently with interviewers.

  1. Practice Common Questions

Practicing common SLAT important interview questions can significantly enhance your performance. Here are some frequently asked questions:

  • Why do you want to pursue a career in law?
  • Why did you choose Symbiosis Law School?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Can you discuss a recent legal case that caught your attention?
  • How do you handle stress and pressure?
  1. Stay Updated with Current Affairs

Being well-informed about current affairs is crucial for the SLAT Personal Interview. Read newspapers, follow news websites, and stay updated with recent developments in law, politics, and society. This will help you answer questions related to current events confidently.

  1. Mock Interviews

Engage in mock interviews. These simulate the interview, meantime giving you a feel for the actual event, making you familiar with the format, giving you an idea of what can be done better, and generally helping you improve your communication skills. Do this with your friends, family, or mentors.

Do's & Don'ts to Clear SLAT Personal Interview 2024

Do's Don'ts
1. Dress professionally and maintain good posture 1. Don't be late for the interview
2. Research the law school and its programs 2. Don't memorize answers, be genuine and authentic
3. Practice mock interviews to build confidence 3. Don't interrupt or dominate the conversation
4. Listen attentively and clarify questions, if needed 4. Don't provide vague or incomplete answers
5. Express your passion for the legal field 5. Don't criticize or speak negatively about others
6. Provide examples and real-life experiences 6. Don't rush through answers, take time to think
7. Maintain eye contact and engage with the interviewers 7. Don't make up information or exaggerate your achievements
8. Show enthusiasm, positivity, and confidence 8. Don't use slang or inappropriate language
9. Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses 9. Don't appear disinterested or unprepared
10. Follow up with a thank-you note after the interview 10. Don't be overly casual or informal

LegalEdge CLAT Mocks

LegalEdge CLAT Mocks


The Personal Interview (PI) is a crucial component of the admission process at Symbiosis Law School and many other law schools. This phase allows the admissions committee to assess your communication skills, confidence, personality, and your ability to think on your feet.

Key Takeaways for SLAT Personal Interview Preparation:

  • Be Yourself and Stay Confident: Confidence and authenticity are crucial for making a positive impression during the interview.
  • Thorough Research: Know about Symbiosis Law School's history, programs, and values to effectively answer why you chose this institution.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with current legal issues, recent legal cases, and general affairs to demonstrate your awareness and analytical skills.
  • Practice Common Questions: Regularly practice typical interview questions, focusing on your motivation for law, strengths and weaknesses, and relevant experiences.
  • Professionalism and Positivity: Dress appropriately, maintain good posture, be polite, and follow up with a thank-you note post-interview to leave a lasting positive impression.

Remember, the goal of the Personal Interview is not just to test your knowledge but also to assess your potential as a law student and future legal professional. Show enthusiasm, confidence, and a genuine interest in the field of law. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

How should I introduce myself in the SLAT Personal Interview?

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How can I demonstrate my interest in current legal and social issues during the PI Round of SLAT ?

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Should I mention my weaknesses during the personal interview in SLAT?

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What if I am asked about a case study or hypothetical scenario during the SLAT PI?

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How can I demonstrate good communication skills in the SLAT interview?

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SLAT Personal Interview Topics 2024

Author : Samriddhi Pandey

June 25, 2024


Reader's Digest: Have you completed your SLAT exams and waiting to be called in for the interview? Taking a look at the question curated in the article will be helpful. 

To begin with, confidence and being yourself is the key to feeling comfortable during the interview process.

This post will help ease your preparations and give you an idea of the type of questions and the personal interview process.

SLAT Personal Interview: KEY DATES

SLS PUNE 3rd June-10th June
SLS NOIDA 31st May-8th June
SLS HYDERABAD 1st June-8th June
SLS NAGPUR 1st June-6th June

You must clear the entrance test personal interview to study at the Symbiosis International University for both UG and PG programs. 

What is a Personal Interview in SLAT?

The aim of a personal interview is to test whether you are suitable for a law career or not. Based on your SLAT score, you will be called for the interview. Make sure to secure a score about the minimum qualifying marks.

Understanding the SLAT Personal Interview

The SLAT Personal Interview is a vital component of the admission process. It allows the interviewers to evaluate your:

  • Communication skills: Why you can articulate these thoughts in a very particular manner.
  • Analytical skills: Logical and Critical Thinking ability.
  • General Awareness: Your knowledge about what is happening around you and about the general topics.
  • Personality: Your overall demeanor, confidence, and attitude.

LegalEdge CLAT Result

LegalEdge CLAT Result

Documents to be carried for SLAT Personal Interview

You must prepare a Curriculum Vitae (CV) and carry it to the interview round. Along with your CV, you need to carry a few documents like

  1. Your SLAT ID and score
  2. Marks sheet of 10th and 12th standard
  3. Any achievements or certificates

Important Topics for SLAT Personal Interview 2024

Here is the table of the important interview topics for SLAT:

S.No. Important Topics for SLAT Personal Interview Answers Guide
1 Self-introduction and background Share relevant personal and educational details, highlight achievements, and discuss future aspirations. Emphasize skills, experiences, and values that make you a strong candidate for the program.
2 Motivation to pursue law and SLAT selection Discuss your passion for the legal field, reasons for choosing law as a career, and how SLAT aligns with your goals. Highlight experiences, events, or individuals that influenced your decision.
3 Awareness of current legal and social issues Stay updated with recent legal developments, landmark cases, and social issues. Express your understanding, opinions, and possible solutions for addressing these matters.
4 Knowledge about the Symbiosis Law School Research the law school thoroughly. Familiarize yourself with its history, programs, faculty, achievements, and unique features. Demonstrate your interest and why you believe it is the right fit for you.
5 Strengths and weaknesses Identify your strengths relevant to the legal profession, such as analytical thinking, communication skills, or problem-solving abilities. Address weaknesses positively, showing your willingness to learn and improve.
6 Extracurricular activities and leadership Highlight involvement in extracurricular activities, leadership roles, community service, or internships that demonstrate your diverse skills and abilities outside academics. Explain how these experiences have shaped you.
7 Ethical and moral dilemmas Discuss ethical situations you have encountered and the principles that guided your decision-making. Demonstrate your understanding of ethical implications in legal scenarios.
8 Case study analysis Prepare by analyzing landmark cases, legal controversies, or hypothetical scenarios. Practice critical thinking, logical reasoning, and applying legal principles to reach conclusions.
9 Communication skills Showcase your ability to articulate thoughts clearly, listen actively, and respond thoughtfully. Practice effective communication, maintaining a confident and professional demeanor.
10 Questions for the interview panel Prepare relevant and thoughtful questions about the law school, curriculum, faculty, student life, career opportunities, or any specific areas of interest to demonstrate your enthusiasm and curiosity.

Preparing for Specific SLAT Interview Topics

  1. Why Law?

This is one of the most common SLAT important interview questions. Be prepared to articulate why you are passionate about law and what motivates you to pursue this career. Support your statement with the experiences that follow: internships, debates, volunteer work.

  1. Why Symbiosis Law School?

Research distinguishing features of the Symbiosis Law School—its curriculum, faculty, infrastructure, and student life. Highlight how these aspects align with your career goals and why you believe this institution is the best fit for you.

  1. Strengths and Weaknesses

Self-awareness is key. Know your strengths and weaknesses truthfully. For every weakness, try to outline how you are working toward an issue at length. For instance, if you have problems in time management, you can explain how you are going to become a better organizer.

  1. Legal Cases

Stay updated with recent legal cases and be prepared to comment on some of the implications of these cases, render an opinion, which does show your analytical skills and interest in the law.

  1. Extracurricular Activities

Your involvement in extracurricular activities reflects your well-rounded personality. Discuss your participation in activities such as debates, sports, cultural events, or volunteer work. Explain how these experiences have shaped your skills and character.

SLAT Important Interview Questions to Practice

Practicing SLAT important interview questions is essential for a successful interview. Here are few questions to consider:

  1. What inspired you to pursue a career in law?

    • Reflect on your motivations and experiences that led you to choose law as a career.
  2. How do you stay updated with current affairs?

    • Discuss your sources of information and how you keep yourself informed about legal and general news.
  3. Can you describe a challenging situation you faced and how you handled it?

    • Share a specific example and highlight your problem-solving skills and resilience.
  4. What do you consider to be the most pressing legal issue in India today?

    • Identify a significant legal issue and provide your analysis and opinion.
  5. How do you plan to contribute to the Symbiosis Law School community?

    • Discuss your potential contributions to the institution, including your participation in clubs, events, and initiatives.

LegalEdge SLAT Coaching

LegalEdge SLAT Coaching

Key Strategies for SLAT Personal Interview Preparation

  1. Research the Institution

Carry out extensive research on Symbiosis Law School before your SLAT interview. You should have knowledge about the history, mission, values, and the most recent achievements of the institution. This will also help answer why one selected that particular institution and how it aligns with their values.

  1. Self-Assessment

Conduct a self-assessment to determine your strengths and weaknesses. Reflect upon your previous academic performance, any extra-curricular activities, and experiences you may have had that would fit well in your application. Be prepared to discuss this confidently with interviewers.

  1. Practice Common Questions

Practicing common SLAT important interview questions can significantly enhance your performance. Here are some frequently asked questions:

  • Why do you want to pursue a career in law?
  • Why did you choose Symbiosis Law School?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Can you discuss a recent legal case that caught your attention?
  • How do you handle stress and pressure?
  1. Stay Updated with Current Affairs

Being well-informed about current affairs is crucial for the SLAT Personal Interview. Read newspapers, follow news websites, and stay updated with recent developments in law, politics, and society. This will help you answer questions related to current events confidently.

  1. Mock Interviews

Engage in mock interviews. These simulate the interview, meantime giving you a feel for the actual event, making you familiar with the format, giving you an idea of what can be done better, and generally helping you improve your communication skills. Do this with your friends, family, or mentors.

Do's & Don'ts to Clear SLAT Personal Interview 2024

Do's Don'ts
1. Dress professionally and maintain good posture 1. Don't be late for the interview
2. Research the law school and its programs 2. Don't memorize answers, be genuine and authentic
3. Practice mock interviews to build confidence 3. Don't interrupt or dominate the conversation
4. Listen attentively and clarify questions, if needed 4. Don't provide vague or incomplete answers
5. Express your passion for the legal field 5. Don't criticize or speak negatively about others
6. Provide examples and real-life experiences 6. Don't rush through answers, take time to think
7. Maintain eye contact and engage with the interviewers 7. Don't make up information or exaggerate your achievements
8. Show enthusiasm, positivity, and confidence 8. Don't use slang or inappropriate language
9. Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses 9. Don't appear disinterested or unprepared
10. Follow up with a thank-you note after the interview 10. Don't be overly casual or informal

LegalEdge CLAT Mocks

LegalEdge CLAT Mocks


The Personal Interview (PI) is a crucial component of the admission process at Symbiosis Law School and many other law schools. This phase allows the admissions committee to assess your communication skills, confidence, personality, and your ability to think on your feet.

Key Takeaways for SLAT Personal Interview Preparation:

  • Be Yourself and Stay Confident: Confidence and authenticity are crucial for making a positive impression during the interview.
  • Thorough Research: Know about Symbiosis Law School's history, programs, and values to effectively answer why you chose this institution.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with current legal issues, recent legal cases, and general affairs to demonstrate your awareness and analytical skills.
  • Practice Common Questions: Regularly practice typical interview questions, focusing on your motivation for law, strengths and weaknesses, and relevant experiences.
  • Professionalism and Positivity: Dress appropriately, maintain good posture, be polite, and follow up with a thank-you note post-interview to leave a lasting positive impression.

Remember, the goal of the Personal Interview is not just to test your knowledge but also to assess your potential as a law student and future legal professional. Show enthusiasm, confidence, and a genuine interest in the field of law. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

How should I introduce myself in the SLAT Personal Interview?

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How can I demonstrate my interest in current legal and social issues during the PI Round of SLAT ?

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Should I mention my weaknesses during the personal interview in SLAT?

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What if I am asked about a case study or hypothetical scenario during the SLAT PI?

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How can I demonstrate good communication skills in the SLAT interview?

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