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NCERT 11th Maths Book PDF Download Here

Author : Palak Khanna

September 13, 2024


The National Council for Educational Research and Training ( NCERT) is an autonomous body of the Government of India, founded in 1961, which aims to provide quality education to primary, intermediate, secondary and higher secondary education students and publishes NCERT textbooks as prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) from Class I to Class XII.

NCERT 11th maths book plays the most critical role in improving the student's knowledge and awareness of the principles or concepts addressed by the subject. Keeping in view the enormous importance and relevance of the NCERT 11th Maths Textbook, here we have included the NCERT 11th Maths Book PDF which can be directly downloaded by clicking on the links attached.

  • The NCERT Maths Books are extensively reviewed, updated periodically, and are based on the latest exam pattern and syllabus prescribed by CBSE
  • The whole book has been divided into 16 chapters, namely Sets, Relations & Functions, Mathematical Induction, Linear Inequalities, Conic Sections, Limits & Derivatives, Statistics, Probability, Mathematical Reasoning, Straight Lines, Conic Sections, Binomial Theorem, etc., covering detailed CBSE 11th Maths Syllabus.
  • You can use NCERT 11th Maths Book in both the offline and online mode.
  • you can either download the PDF for each subject separately or can download a combined NCERT 11th Maths Book PDF.

NCERT 11th Maths Book PDF Download (English Medium)

Candidates can download the 11th NCERT Maths Book PDF chapter-wise directly by clicking on the links below.

Chapter Number Chapter Link
Chapter 1 Sets Click Here
Chapter 2 Relations and Functions Click Here
Chapter 3 Trigonometric Functions Click Here
Chapter 4 principle of Mathematical Induction Click Here
Chapter 5 Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations Click Here
Chapter 6 Linear Inequalities Click Here
Chapter 7 Permutations and Combinations Click Here
Chapter 8 Binomial Theorem Click Here
Chapter 9 Sequences and Series Click Here
Chapter 10 Straight Lines Click Here
Chapter 11 Conic sections Click Here
Chapter 12 Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry Click Here
Chapter 13 Limits and Derivatives Click Here
Chapter 14 Mathematical Reasoning Click Here
Chapter 15 Statistics Click Here
Chapter 16 Probability Click Here
NCERT 11th Class Maths Book PDF Free Download Click Here
NCERT 11th Maths Book Solution PDF Click Here

NCERT 11th Maths Book PDF (Hindi Medium)

नेशनल काउंसिल फॉर एजुकेशन रिसर्च एंड ट्रेनिंग (NCERT) भारत सरकार का एक स्वायत्त निकाय है, जिसका उद्देश्य प्राथमिक, इंटरमीडिएट, माध्यमिक और उच्चतम माध्यमिक शिक्षा के छात्रों को गुणवत्तापूर्ण शिक्षा प्रदान करना और ग्यारह वीं मैक्स बुक प्रकाशित करना है।

उम्मीदवार नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करके सीधे NCERT 11th Maths Book PDF चैप्टर-वार डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं।

अध्याय चैप्टर Link
अध्याय 1 समुच्चय -
अध्याय 2 संबंध एवं फलन
अध्याय 3 त्रिकोणमितीय फलन
अध्याय 4 गणितीय आगमन का सिद्धांत
अध्याय 5 सम्मिश्र संख्याएँ और द्विघातीय समीकरण
अध्याय 6 रैखिक असामिकाएँ
अध्याय 7 क्रमचय और संयोजक
अध्याय 8 द्विपद प्रमेय
अध्याय 9 अनुक्रम तथा श्रेणी
अध्याय 10 सरल रेखाएँ
अध्याय 11 शंकु परिच्छेद
अध्याय 12 त्रिविमीय ज्यामिति का परिचय
अध्याय 13 सीमा और अवकलज
अध्याय 14 गणितीय विवेचन
अध्याय 15 सांख्यिकी
अध्याय 16 प्रायिकता
NCERT 11 वीं मैथ्स बुक पीडीएफ
11th class maths NCERT Book solution in Hindi pdf download

NCERT 11th Maths Book Chapters

List of chapters of NCERT 11th Maths Book along with weightage, details of important topics, etc, are mentioned below:

Unit 1 Sets and Functions

Sets and functions topic holds a weightage of 23 marks out of 80 marks theory exam. Chapters included in Sets and Function are listed below:


One cannot think of modern-day mathematics without the concepts of sets, nowadays this concept is being used in almost every field of mathematics. Sets are used to define various mathematical concepts like relation and functions, geometry, sequences, probability, etc.

Important concepts addressed in 11th maths chapter 1 are listed below.

  • Sets and their Representation
  • Empty Set
  • finite and Infinite Sets
  • Equal Sets
  • Subsets
  • Power Set
  • Universal sets
  • Venn diagram
  • Operations on sets
  • The complement of a set

Relations and Functions

Mathematics is all about finding a pattern or a recognizable link between the quantities that change. A relation involves pairs of objects in a certain order. This chapter deals with how to link pairs of objects from two sets, how to establish a relation between the two objects in a pair, and special relations that qualify to function.. The concept of function is very important in mathematics as it captures the idea of a mathematically accurate correspondence between one quantity and the other.

Important concepts addressed in 11th maths chapter 2 are listed below.

  • Cartesian Product of sets
  • Relations
  • Functions

Trigonometric Functions

Trigonometry is used in many fields, such as the study of seismology, the construction of electrical circuits, the explanation of the condition of the atom, the calculation of tidal heights in the seas, the examination of musical tones and many others. This Chapter includes generalizing the concept of trigonometric ratios to trigonometric functions and studying their properties.

Important concepts addressed in 11th maths chapter 3 are listed below.

  • Trigonometric Functions
  • Trigonometric Function of Sums and difference of two angles
  • Trigonometric equations

Unit 2 Algebra

Algebra topic holds a weightage of 30 marks out of 80 marks theory exam. Chapters included in the algebra section are listed below:

Principle of Mathematical Induction

This chapter introduces students to mathematical induction. The Principle of Mathematical Induction is a well-adapted principle used in many mathematical disciplines to solve equations and statements formulated in terms of n, where n is a positive integer.(Deleted from the syllabus for the academic session 2020-21)

Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations

Complex numbers is a very important chapter of the curriculum which introduces students with concepts like imaginary numbers, argand plane, modulus of complex numbers etc, with the main objective to help students solve equations like ax2+bx+c=0 where D=b2-4ac<0, which is not possible in the system of real numbers.

Important concepts addressed in 11th maths chapter 5 are listed below.

  • Complex numbers
  • Algebra of complex numbers
  • Argand and polar representation
  • Modulus and conjugate of a complex number

Linear Inequalities

Linear inequality involves inequalities of linear function, which is usually solved using equations and graphical methods. In this Chapter one will learn concepts of linear inequalities in one and two variables. The study of inequalities is very useful in solving problems in the field of science, mathematics, statistics, economics, psychology, etc.

Permutations and Combinations

This chapter introduces students to one of the most interesting topics of mathematics i.e Permutations and Combinations. Permutation is arranging a number of objects in a definite order taken at a time.

Important concepts addressed in 11th maths chapter 7 are listed below.

  • Fundamental principle of counting
  • Permutation
  • combination

Binomial Theorem (Deleted from the syllabus for the academic session 2020-21)

Binomial theorem helps students to conceptualize a widely used concept for expanding high power numbers and variables like 9876, 5343etc. This chapter provides an easier way to expand (a+b)n, where n is an integer or a rational number.

Important concepts addressed in 11th maths chapter 8 are listed below.

  • Binomial theorem for positive integral indices
  • General and middle term

Sequences and Series

Sequences chapter provides information about some new concepts of A.M. In addition to discussing more on A.P. in this chapter;it also discusses arithmetic mean, geometric mean, relationship between A.M. And G.M., special series in sum to n terms of consecutive natural numbers, sum to n terms of natural number squares and sum to n terms of natural number cubes.

Important concepts addressed in 11th maths chapter 9 are listed below.

  • Sequence
  • Series
  • Arithmetic mean
  • Geometric Mean
  • Sum to n terms of Special Series

Unit 3 Coordinate Geometry

Coordinate Geometry topic holds a weightage of 10 marks out of 80 marks theory exam. Chapters included in Coordinate Geometry section are listed below:

Straight Lines

You already know what a straight line is, and you might have drawn loads of straight lines on graph papers. This chapter will however introduce you to many important straight line concepts. It can delve into subjects such as a line's slope, two-line tilt, two-point collinearity, and several other such topics.

Important concepts addressed in 11th maths chapter 10 are listed below.

  • Slope of a line
  • Various forms of the equation of a line
  • General equation of a line
  • Distance of a point from a line

Conic Sections

This chapter includes chapter curves, particularly circles, ellipses, parabolas and hyperbolas. These curves are, in fact, known as conic sections or, more commonly, conic ones, because they can be obtained as intersections of a plane with a double napped right circular cone. These curves have a very wide range of applications in fields such as planetary motion, design of telescopes and antennas, reflectors in flashlights and automobile headlights, etc.

Important concepts addressed in 11th maths chapter 11 are listed below.

  • Sections of a cone
  • Circle
  • Parabola
  • Eclipse
  • Hyperbola

Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry

We need three reference planes to define the position of an object in space. The three numbers representing the three distances are referred to as point coordinates with reference to the three coordinate planes. In this chapter, students will study the basic concepts of geometry in three-dimensional space.

Important concepts addressed in 11th maths chapter 12 are listed below.

  • Coordinate axis and planes in three-dimensional space
  • Coordinate of a point in space
  • Distance between two points
  • Section Formula

Unit 4 Limits and Derivatives

This chapter is an introduction to the Calculus section. Calculus is the branch of mathematics, which deals mainly with the study of change in the value of a function as a domain change point. Limits and derivatives topic holds a weightage of 7 marks out of 80 marks theory exam. Chapters included in Limits and derivatives section are listed below:

Limits and Derivatives

Firstly students are given an intuitive idea of the derivative (without actually defining it). Then provided with a naive definition of the boundary and study some algebra of the boundary.

Important concepts addressed in 11th maths chapter 13 are listed below.

  • Intuitive idea of derivatives
  • Limits
  • Limits of trigonometric functions
  • Derivatives

Mathematical Reasoning (Deleted from the syllabus for the academic session 2020-21)

There are two kinds of reasoning in mathematical language – inductive and deductive. In the context of mathematical induction, we have already discussed inductive reasoning. In this chapter, we shall discuss some of the fundamentals of deductive reasoning.

Important concepts addressed in 11th maths chapter 14 are listed below.

  • Statements
  • New statements from old
  • Special words
  • Implications
  • Validating statements

Unit 5 Statistics and Probability

Statistics and Probability topic holds a weightage of 10 marks out of 80 marks theory exam. Chapters included in the Statistics and Probability section are listed below:


You've dealt with the basics of statistics in the previous classes. In this chapter, students will learn some of the important dispersion measures and their calculation methods for grouped and ungrouped data.

Important concepts addressed in 11th maths chapter 15 are listed below.

  • Measure of depression
  • Mean deviation
  • Range
  • Standard deviation and variance
  • Analysis of frequency distributions


Probability is about finding the likelihood of a favorable outcome of a random event. In high school lessons, you've come across basic probability concepts with dice, cards, coins, and other related issues. In this chapter, students will study a new approach called the axiomatic approach of probability. To understand this approach students must know about a few basic terms viz. random experiment, sample space, events, etc. which are included in the chapter.

Important concepts addressed in 11th maths chapter 16 are listed below.

  • Random Experiment
  • Event
  • Axiomatic approach to probability

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