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CBSE Class 12 English Formal Invitation Format: Tips to Craft Perfect Invitations?

Author : Shashwat Srivastava

Updated On : November 14, 2023


Reader's Digest: Are you struggling with formal invitation formats for your CBSE Class 12 English project? Look no further! In this article, we'll guide you through the intricacies of crafting a flawless formal invitation, ensuring you score top marks.

Invitations are a way to tell people, "Come join us for a special event!" There are two main types: formal and informal. Imagine choosing between formal clothes for a big event and casual clothes for a day out. Each has its special time and place.

In school, especially for CBSE Class 12 English students, they learn about the 'formal' type of invitations. These are very specific in how they are written. They are like the fancy clothes of the invitation world. These are used for big events like official meetings or big family events like weddings.

Why do students learn this in school? Because it's an important skill. They will use it many times in their lives. This guide will discuss these formal invitations, how they are made, and why they are so important. It's designed to be easy to understand, even if English isn’t your first language. So, let's learn together!

  Key Contents:

  1. Introduction: Insights into the significance of invitations in human interactions.
  2. Nature of Communication: The essentiality of oral and written communication in society.
  3. Two Types of Invitations:
    • Distinctions between formal and informal invitation styles.
    • Characteristics and examples for clarity.
  4. Deep Dive into Formal Invitations:
    • Explanation of printed formal invitations with relevant examples.
    • Details about handwritten formal invitations for VIPs with illustrative instances.

Nature of Communication in Society

Communication is how we share ideas, feelings, and information with others. It can be divided into two main types:

Oral Communication:

  • Talking directly with others.
  • Example: Speaking with friends, giving a speech, or making a phone call.

Written Communication:

  • Sharing information using words on paper or digital platforms.
  • Example: Writing letters, emails, or texts.

Discover More - CBSE Class 12 English Elective Syllabus

Why is communication so important in society?

  • Sharing Happiness:
    • We tell others about good things in our lives, like promotions or birthdays.
  • Seeking Support:
    • When we feel sad or face problems, we talk to others for comfort and help.
  • Expressing Ourselves:
    • We show who we are and what we feel through communication. It's not just something we do sometimes; it's a crucial part of our daily lives.

What about invitations?

  • Invitations are special types of communication.
    • They ask people to join us in celebrating special moments in our lives.
  • Invitations can be:
    • Oral: Inviting a friend for coffee by asking them directly.
    • Written: Sending a card to invite someone to a wedding or birthday party.

In short, communication helps us connect with others, share our experiences, and invite people to be part of our important moments.

Don't Miss - CBSE Class 12 English Important Questions

The Two Types of Invitations

1. Formal Invitations:

What are they?

  • These are official-looking invites that have a very respectful tone.
  • Think of them as wearing a "suit" – they are dressed up and mean business.

When are they used?

  • Business or Company Events: Here, we discuss seminars, product launches, or annual meetings. The attendees are professionals, and the setting is very official.
  • Official Ceremonies: Imagine events where people get awards, like graduation ceremonies or formal recognition events.
  • Big Personal Events: Like weddings. Though a personal event, weddings are formal because they're significant and involve many people, often including acquaintances or distant relatives.

Special features:

  • Exact Structure: Formal invitations follow a set pattern. Every word is chosen carefully, and there's no room for slang or casual language.
  • Short & Crisp: Following CBSE's rules, they shouldn’t be too long – around 50 words is ideal.
  • Third-Person Writing: Instead of saying, "I am hosting a party", it'll be "Mr and Mrs. Sharma request your presence...".
  • Clear Details: These invitations are like giving directions. They’ll tell:
  • Event Purpose: What's the celebration about?
  • Organizer: Who's hosting or responsible for it?
  • Time & Place: When and where you should be.

Read More - CBSE Class 12 English Writing Skills Formats

2. Informal Invitations:

What are they?

  • Friendly invites. It’s like a friend chatting with you.
  • They feel personal as if someone close to you is speaking.

When are they used?

  • Casual Meetings: Think of friends gathering for a coffee chat or a book club meeting.
  • Birthday Parties: Especially among close friends or kids. These are fun, relaxed, and don't require official language.
  • Small Family Gatherings: Like a Sunday brunch or a surprise visit. The people involved are usually close-knit, so the tone is warm.
  • Special features:
  1. Easy & Friendly Tone: It's more like how you'd speak in a relaxed setting. You can use simple words, emojis, or even slang.
  2. Feels Personal: Unlike the formal ones, these can have personal anecdotes or jokes. It's like writing a letter to a close friend – filled with warmth.


  • Formal = Very important, serious events.
  • Informal = Relaxed, friendly events.

Find Out - CBSE Class 12 English Tips & Tricks

Understanding Formal Invitations for CBSE Class 12

Printed Formal Invitations

What are they?

  • These are specialized cards or papers designed specifically for events. They have printed designs and text on them.
  • They often have a professional appearance, using glossy paper or elegant fonts. The design can be colorful or simple, depending on the event.

When to use them?

  • For major events where many people are invited. They are used because:
    • They can be made in large quantities.
    • They give a uniform look, making them appear organized and planned.
  • Events like:
    • Birthdays: Celebrating the day someone was born.
    • Weddings: Announcing the union of two individuals.
    • Business Openings: Sharing the news of a new shop or service in town.


  • M/s Shyam Lai & Sons used such an invitation when they opened their new shop, ‘Galaxy Novelties’ in Delhi. This told people about the new place and invited them to join the celebration.
  • Mr & Mrs Raj Karan opted for this kind of card when they wanted friends and family to join in celebrating their son Nikhil's 5th birthday.

Read More - CBSE Class 12 English syllabus

Handwritten Formal Invitations for VIPs (Very Important People)

What are they?

  • These invitations are personally written by hand instead of being printed by a machine.
  • They show extra effort and care and make the receiver feel particularly valued.
  • The writing style is often elegant, sometimes using calligraphy for an extra touch of class.

When to use them?

  • For events where personal touch matters. They are especially used when:
    • The event is very important.
    • The invitees are special guests or dignitaries.
  • The invitee's (often a VIP) name is highlighted or emphasized. This is done to show respect and to indicate their importance at the event.

Check - How to Score Good Marks in CBSE Class 12 English


  • Mr & Mrs K.S. Bhardwaj chose to handwrite an invitation for their daughter's wedding. It showcased their personal touch and the significance they placed on the presence of their guests, especially when inviting Nivedita and Akhilesh.


M/s Shyam Lai & Sons are opening a new general store, ‘Galaxy Novelties’, in Geetanjali Enclave, Dwarika, Delhi. The inauguration ceremony is fixed for Sunday, the 19th of October, 20XX, at 11 a.m. Prepare a draft of a formal invitation letter for the purpose.

Invitations, whether printed or handwritten, serve as a doorway to an event. They provide a glimpse of what's to come and set the tone for the occasion. Choosing the right kind of invitation can make a huge difference in how the event is perceived and how special the guests feel.

Exercise: Writing and Understanding Formal Invitations for CBSE Class 12

Practising regularly is crucial to ace the art of crafting formal invitations. Here's a comprehensive exercise section tailored for Class 12 students. Let's embark on this enlightening journey.

1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Test your grasp on formal invitation nuances.

Which tense is predominantly used in formal invitations?

  1. Past
  2. Present
  3. Future

In a formal invitation, the venue is usually mentioned.

  1. Before the date
  2. After the date
  3. No mention of the venue

The primary tone of a formal invitation is:

  1. Casual and Friendly
  2. Warm and Personal
  3. Polite and Courteous

2. Fill in the Blanks

Ensure you know the integral components of a formal invite.

  • A formal invitation typically begins with the word ________ followed by the event details.
  • Invitations to VIPs for formal events prominently display the ________ of the VIP.
  • A formal invitation typically limits its length to ________ words as per CBSE guidelines.

3. Match the Following

Identify the correct components of an invitation.

Column A Column B
Date and Time Chief Guest
Venue Occasion
Host Address
Designation of Organizer Event Details

4. Practice Crafting a Formal Invitation

Get your hands on creating perfect invites.

  • Your school, Modern Public School, is organizing an Annual Day celebration on 12th December 2023. Create a formal invitation inviting parents. Mention the chief guest, Mr. Anil Kapoor, the Bollywood actor. The function starts at 5 pm in the school auditorium.
  • The Rotary Club of Bangalore has organized a charity event to support the underprivileged. As the club secretary, draft a formal invitation for the event, scheduled for 20th December 2023, at the Taj Hotel, Bangalore, from 7 pm onwards.
  • Your cousin, Priya, is marrying Rahul on 5th January 2024. On behalf of your family, draft a formal invitation to invite your relatives and friends. The wedding is set at The Grand Palace, Mumbai, starting at 6:30 pm.

5. Analyze and Improve

Sharpen your critical thinking skills.

  • Examine an invitation you've received in the past. Identify and list the elements that classify it as formal. What changes would make it more aligned with CBSE guidelines?
  • Draft a formal invitation for a book launch event. Now, compare it with an example from your textbook. What improvements can you make?
  • Take an informal invitation and transform it into a formal one. Share with your peers and gather feedback.

Post these exercises, it's a great idea to engage in a review session. Discussing with teachers or peers will offer fresh perspectives and correct any oversight. With consistent practice, you'll soon become adept at writing formal invitations that are elegant and compliant with guidelines. Keep practising!

Key Takeaways

  1. Purpose of Invitations: Invitations are not just mere announcements; they express the desire to share special moments with others.
  2. Two Primary Types: There are two main types of invitations – formal and informal, each suited for different occasions.
  3. Nature of Communication: Invitations, whether oral or written, are forms of communication meant to share joy, seek support, or express oneself.
  4. Understanding Formal Invitations: These are meticulously crafted with a strict structure clear details, and are written in the third person. They are ideal for serious, significant events.
  5. Printed vs. Handwritten: Printed invitations are typically for large events, while handwritten ones are reserved for more personal, significant gatherings, especially for VIPs.
  6. Practice is Crucial: For CBSE Class 12 students, mastering formal invitations requires consistent practice. Engage in exercises, seek feedback, and regularly review your work.

Remember, the right invitation sets the tone for any event, making guests feel valued and special. Choose wisely and craft with care!

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the main distinction between formal and informal invitations?

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How long should a formal invitation be as per CBSE guidelines?

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In which person are formal invitations usually written?

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Are printed formal invitations supposed to include the name of the addressee?

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What details should be present in a formal invitation?

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Can informal invitations be written in a conversational tone?

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When would one use a handwritten formal invitation for a VIP?

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What's the primary difference in tone between formal and informal invitations?

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CBSE Class 12 English Formal Invitation Format: Tips to Craft Perfect Invitations?

Author : Shashwat Srivastava

November 14, 2023


Reader's Digest: Are you struggling with formal invitation formats for your CBSE Class 12 English project? Look no further! In this article, we'll guide you through the intricacies of crafting a flawless formal invitation, ensuring you score top marks.

Invitations are a way to tell people, "Come join us for a special event!" There are two main types: formal and informal. Imagine choosing between formal clothes for a big event and casual clothes for a day out. Each has its special time and place.

In school, especially for CBSE Class 12 English students, they learn about the 'formal' type of invitations. These are very specific in how they are written. They are like the fancy clothes of the invitation world. These are used for big events like official meetings or big family events like weddings.

Why do students learn this in school? Because it's an important skill. They will use it many times in their lives. This guide will discuss these formal invitations, how they are made, and why they are so important. It's designed to be easy to understand, even if English isn’t your first language. So, let's learn together!

  Key Contents:

  1. Introduction: Insights into the significance of invitations in human interactions.
  2. Nature of Communication: The essentiality of oral and written communication in society.
  3. Two Types of Invitations:
    • Distinctions between formal and informal invitation styles.
    • Characteristics and examples for clarity.
  4. Deep Dive into Formal Invitations:
    • Explanation of printed formal invitations with relevant examples.
    • Details about handwritten formal invitations for VIPs with illustrative instances.

Nature of Communication in Society

Communication is how we share ideas, feelings, and information with others. It can be divided into two main types:

Oral Communication:

  • Talking directly with others.
  • Example: Speaking with friends, giving a speech, or making a phone call.

Written Communication:

  • Sharing information using words on paper or digital platforms.
  • Example: Writing letters, emails, or texts.

Discover More - CBSE Class 12 English Elective Syllabus

Why is communication so important in society?

  • Sharing Happiness:
    • We tell others about good things in our lives, like promotions or birthdays.
  • Seeking Support:
    • When we feel sad or face problems, we talk to others for comfort and help.
  • Expressing Ourselves:
    • We show who we are and what we feel through communication. It's not just something we do sometimes; it's a crucial part of our daily lives.

What about invitations?

  • Invitations are special types of communication.
    • They ask people to join us in celebrating special moments in our lives.
  • Invitations can be:
    • Oral: Inviting a friend for coffee by asking them directly.
    • Written: Sending a card to invite someone to a wedding or birthday party.

In short, communication helps us connect with others, share our experiences, and invite people to be part of our important moments.

Don't Miss - CBSE Class 12 English Important Questions

The Two Types of Invitations

1. Formal Invitations:

What are they?

  • These are official-looking invites that have a very respectful tone.
  • Think of them as wearing a "suit" – they are dressed up and mean business.

When are they used?

  • Business or Company Events: Here, we discuss seminars, product launches, or annual meetings. The attendees are professionals, and the setting is very official.
  • Official Ceremonies: Imagine events where people get awards, like graduation ceremonies or formal recognition events.
  • Big Personal Events: Like weddings. Though a personal event, weddings are formal because they're significant and involve many people, often including acquaintances or distant relatives.

Special features:

  • Exact Structure: Formal invitations follow a set pattern. Every word is chosen carefully, and there's no room for slang or casual language.
  • Short & Crisp: Following CBSE's rules, they shouldn’t be too long – around 50 words is ideal.
  • Third-Person Writing: Instead of saying, "I am hosting a party", it'll be "Mr and Mrs. Sharma request your presence...".
  • Clear Details: These invitations are like giving directions. They’ll tell:
  • Event Purpose: What's the celebration about?
  • Organizer: Who's hosting or responsible for it?
  • Time & Place: When and where you should be.

Read More - CBSE Class 12 English Writing Skills Formats

2. Informal Invitations:

What are they?

  • Friendly invites. It’s like a friend chatting with you.
  • They feel personal as if someone close to you is speaking.

When are they used?

  • Casual Meetings: Think of friends gathering for a coffee chat or a book club meeting.
  • Birthday Parties: Especially among close friends or kids. These are fun, relaxed, and don't require official language.
  • Small Family Gatherings: Like a Sunday brunch or a surprise visit. The people involved are usually close-knit, so the tone is warm.
  • Special features:
  1. Easy & Friendly Tone: It's more like how you'd speak in a relaxed setting. You can use simple words, emojis, or even slang.
  2. Feels Personal: Unlike the formal ones, these can have personal anecdotes or jokes. It's like writing a letter to a close friend – filled with warmth.


  • Formal = Very important, serious events.
  • Informal = Relaxed, friendly events.

Find Out - CBSE Class 12 English Tips & Tricks

Understanding Formal Invitations for CBSE Class 12

Printed Formal Invitations

What are they?

  • These are specialized cards or papers designed specifically for events. They have printed designs and text on them.
  • They often have a professional appearance, using glossy paper or elegant fonts. The design can be colorful or simple, depending on the event.

When to use them?

  • For major events where many people are invited. They are used because:
    • They can be made in large quantities.
    • They give a uniform look, making them appear organized and planned.
  • Events like:
    • Birthdays: Celebrating the day someone was born.
    • Weddings: Announcing the union of two individuals.
    • Business Openings: Sharing the news of a new shop or service in town.


  • M/s Shyam Lai & Sons used such an invitation when they opened their new shop, ‘Galaxy Novelties’ in Delhi. This told people about the new place and invited them to join the celebration.
  • Mr & Mrs Raj Karan opted for this kind of card when they wanted friends and family to join in celebrating their son Nikhil's 5th birthday.

Read More - CBSE Class 12 English syllabus

Handwritten Formal Invitations for VIPs (Very Important People)

What are they?

  • These invitations are personally written by hand instead of being printed by a machine.
  • They show extra effort and care and make the receiver feel particularly valued.
  • The writing style is often elegant, sometimes using calligraphy for an extra touch of class.

When to use them?

  • For events where personal touch matters. They are especially used when:
    • The event is very important.
    • The invitees are special guests or dignitaries.
  • The invitee's (often a VIP) name is highlighted or emphasized. This is done to show respect and to indicate their importance at the event.

Check - How to Score Good Marks in CBSE Class 12 English


  • Mr & Mrs K.S. Bhardwaj chose to handwrite an invitation for their daughter's wedding. It showcased their personal touch and the significance they placed on the presence of their guests, especially when inviting Nivedita and Akhilesh.


M/s Shyam Lai & Sons are opening a new general store, ‘Galaxy Novelties’, in Geetanjali Enclave, Dwarika, Delhi. The inauguration ceremony is fixed for Sunday, the 19th of October, 20XX, at 11 a.m. Prepare a draft of a formal invitation letter for the purpose.

Invitations, whether printed or handwritten, serve as a doorway to an event. They provide a glimpse of what's to come and set the tone for the occasion. Choosing the right kind of invitation can make a huge difference in how the event is perceived and how special the guests feel.

Exercise: Writing and Understanding Formal Invitations for CBSE Class 12

Practising regularly is crucial to ace the art of crafting formal invitations. Here's a comprehensive exercise section tailored for Class 12 students. Let's embark on this enlightening journey.

1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Test your grasp on formal invitation nuances.

Which tense is predominantly used in formal invitations?

  1. Past
  2. Present
  3. Future

In a formal invitation, the venue is usually mentioned.

  1. Before the date
  2. After the date
  3. No mention of the venue

The primary tone of a formal invitation is:

  1. Casual and Friendly
  2. Warm and Personal
  3. Polite and Courteous

2. Fill in the Blanks

Ensure you know the integral components of a formal invite.

  • A formal invitation typically begins with the word ________ followed by the event details.
  • Invitations to VIPs for formal events prominently display the ________ of the VIP.
  • A formal invitation typically limits its length to ________ words as per CBSE guidelines.

3. Match the Following

Identify the correct components of an invitation.

Column A Column B
Date and Time Chief Guest
Venue Occasion
Host Address
Designation of Organizer Event Details

4. Practice Crafting a Formal Invitation

Get your hands on creating perfect invites.

  • Your school, Modern Public School, is organizing an Annual Day celebration on 12th December 2023. Create a formal invitation inviting parents. Mention the chief guest, Mr. Anil Kapoor, the Bollywood actor. The function starts at 5 pm in the school auditorium.
  • The Rotary Club of Bangalore has organized a charity event to support the underprivileged. As the club secretary, draft a formal invitation for the event, scheduled for 20th December 2023, at the Taj Hotel, Bangalore, from 7 pm onwards.
  • Your cousin, Priya, is marrying Rahul on 5th January 2024. On behalf of your family, draft a formal invitation to invite your relatives and friends. The wedding is set at The Grand Palace, Mumbai, starting at 6:30 pm.

5. Analyze and Improve

Sharpen your critical thinking skills.

  • Examine an invitation you've received in the past. Identify and list the elements that classify it as formal. What changes would make it more aligned with CBSE guidelines?
  • Draft a formal invitation for a book launch event. Now, compare it with an example from your textbook. What improvements can you make?
  • Take an informal invitation and transform it into a formal one. Share with your peers and gather feedback.

Post these exercises, it's a great idea to engage in a review session. Discussing with teachers or peers will offer fresh perspectives and correct any oversight. With consistent practice, you'll soon become adept at writing formal invitations that are elegant and compliant with guidelines. Keep practising!

Key Takeaways

  1. Purpose of Invitations: Invitations are not just mere announcements; they express the desire to share special moments with others.
  2. Two Primary Types: There are two main types of invitations – formal and informal, each suited for different occasions.
  3. Nature of Communication: Invitations, whether oral or written, are forms of communication meant to share joy, seek support, or express oneself.
  4. Understanding Formal Invitations: These are meticulously crafted with a strict structure clear details, and are written in the third person. They are ideal for serious, significant events.
  5. Printed vs. Handwritten: Printed invitations are typically for large events, while handwritten ones are reserved for more personal, significant gatherings, especially for VIPs.
  6. Practice is Crucial: For CBSE Class 12 students, mastering formal invitations requires consistent practice. Engage in exercises, seek feedback, and regularly review your work.

Remember, the right invitation sets the tone for any event, making guests feel valued and special. Choose wisely and craft with care!

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the main distinction between formal and informal invitations?

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How long should a formal invitation be as per CBSE guidelines?

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In which person are formal invitations usually written?

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Are printed formal invitations supposed to include the name of the addressee?

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What details should be present in a formal invitation?

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Can informal invitations be written in a conversational tone?

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When would one use a handwritten formal invitation for a VIP?

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What's the primary difference in tone between formal and informal invitations?

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