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Important Tips for Securing and Excelling in Internship Opportunities During Law School

Author : Nimisha Nayak

Updated On : June 25, 2024


Reader's Digest: Do you also find it challenging to secure top-notch internships during law school? These can be game-changers for your legal career. Remember to brush up on your research and writing skills when tailoring your applications; this can lead to ample legal opportunities. Let's understand what are the tips for internship in law school?

If you’re reading this article, you must be an aspiring law student, someone enrolled in law looking for the perfect internship for law students, or someone who has already had one and is looking for tips for internship in law school for making the most of it.

Either way, you are in the right place. Legal Internship for law students is more than just a box to tick; they are opportunities to start your legal career, build a network, and apply your classroom knowledge in a real-world setting.

So, let's understand how you can secure and excel in these essential stepping stones.

  Key Contents:

  • Importance of Internships: Discuss tips for internships in law school and the benefits of internships, such as skill development, networking, and real-world application of theory.
  • Preliminary Steps: offers guidance on researching law firms, crafting effective resumes and cover letters, and preparing for interviews.
  • Securing an Internship: Tips on networking, utilizing school resources, and finding opportunities online to secure that dream internship.
  • Excelling in Your Internship: Advice on maintaining professionalism, effective communication, proactive engagement, and adaptability to make a lasting impression.
  • Navigating Remote Internships: Best practices for excelling in remote or online internships for law students.
  • Post-Internship Tips: Emphasizes maintaining connections and seeking references after your internship ends.

Importance of Internships in Legal Education 

While learning through law textbooks and case studies, you might wonder when you will get to practice whatever you know and how it will be executed.

Well, internships are your golden ticket, for that matter. As it offers you a vital hands-on experience that complements your academic learning.

Let us understand why internships are the real challenge in your legal education, how to get internship in law firms and what are the tips for internship in law school?

Read: Alternative Career for Law Graduates

Skill Development

  • Legal Research: Research is essential for law students and, later, as legal professionals. Internships offer a unique setting where you can polish your legal research skills. During the internship, you will learn to search volumes of information to find exactly what you need, making your academic research seem like a breeze. Researching is like finding that one pearl from the pearls of the ocean. 

  • Legal Drafting: Mastering the art of legal writing is crucial, and an internship is a perfect place to learn that skill. You will learn how to draft legal documents, such as contracts or pleadings, under the supervision of experienced professionals.

  • Client Interaction: You will not learn to interact with clients until you practice it in the real world. Likewise, textbooks don't teach you how to interact with clients, but internships do. Understanding the client's perspective is vital if you are a practising legal professional, and learning this skill from the internships will make you a better advocate in the future.

  • Courtroom Etiquette: If your law internship allows you to accompany lawyers to court, pay attention! The courtroom has its own set of unspoken rules and formalities that, once mastered, can give you a significant edge in your future career.

NEXTGen Internship On Corporate Laws

NEXTGen Internship On Corporate Laws

Networking Opportunities

  • Building Professional Relationships: During your internships, you will assist legal professionals, paralegals, and other interns. These individuals can become an essential contact for your future career and can be a helping hand. 

  • Mentorship: Experienced lawyers at your internship place can offer valuable insights and practical advice you won't find in textbooks. Many of them are open to mentorship relationships that continue beyond the internship.

  • Job Opportunities: Performing well in an internship can often lead to job offers. Employers are more likely to hire you if you have performed well at your internship, and if they are happy with your performance, there is a chance that they might hire you in future as well. 

  • Professional Endorsements: When you impress people in a professional setting, they’re more likely to endorse you in the future, whether through a LinkedIn recommendation, a reference letter, or word-of-mouth. Anything works!

Learn: Achieving Work-Life Balance as a Law Student

Application of Theoretical Knowledge

  • Understanding the Law in Action: Academic theories sometimes feel abstract and complex to connect to real-life situations. Internships allow you to apply your theoretical understanding in a real-world context and help you understand the perspective.

  • Legal Procedures and Protocols: Reading about how a motion is filed is entirely different from actually filing one. During your internship, you will witness and participate in these standard legal procedures.

  • Case Strategy: Watching how senior lawyers plan and strategize a case can offer invaluable insights and help you understand the practical implications of legal theories in the real world.

Preliminary Steps: Preparation and Research 

How to Research Law Firms and Organizations

Before you hit "send" on that job application, you should make sure where you are applying and whether it fits into your career trajectory or not:

  • Know Your Interests: Identify your areas of interest first, whether Criminal Law, Corporate Law, Public Interest Law, or any other stream.
  • Online Resources: Websites like Glassdoor, Vault, and LinkedIn can give you an exact idea about the firm's culture, areas of practice, and even employee reviews.
  • Consult the Alumni Network. Alumni can provide insider perspectives that you would not find anywhere else. They have been where you are and can better guide you.
  • Talk to Professors: Professors are well-informed and usually have extensive networks. They can help you find organizations that align with your career goals.
  • Attend Career Fairs: These events often have representatives from various law firms and can be a great way to gather information first-hand.
  • Ask for Recommendations: Don't be afraid to ask for suggestions from people already in the legal field.

Read More: How to Become a Lawyer In India

Crafting an Effective Resume and Cover Letter

The details matter significantly in the legal world, starting with your resume and cover letter.

  • Tailored Resumes: Your resume shouldn't be a generic, one-size-fits-all document. Remember to tailor it to highlight your legal experience, moot courts, legal writing, or relevant coursework.
  • Be Specific: Use specific numbers or examples to demonstrate your achievements. For example, "Conducted research utilized in a case that won a $1M settlement."
  • Skills Section: Highlight skills like "Legal Research," "Client Interviews," or "Contract Drafting" in a dedicated section.
  • Cover Letter Matters: Your cover letter should complement, not duplicate, your resume. Use it to explain why you are interested in that specific area of law and why you are a perfect fit for the firm.
  • Show Your Knowledge: Mention any recent cases the firm has won or initiatives they have led that interest you. This shows you have done your homework before applying.

Learn: What are the essential skills for law students

Preparing for Interviews

Getting an interview invite is excellent, but the real work starts now.

  • Mock Interviews: Practice makes you perfect. Try mock interviews with friends, family, or career services at your school.
  • Know Your Resume: Be prepared to elaborate on everything you have written on your resume. If you put it there, they can ask you about it. So be prepared!
  • Legal Theories: Be ready to discuss fundamental legal theories relevant to the job you are applying for. This shows you not only have the skills but also possess the intellect.
  • Current Events: Knowing about recent landmark judgments or legal news can provide excellent talking points during the interview.
  • Ask Questions: Remember, an interview is a two-way process. Be prepared with questions about the firm's culture, growth opportunities, and expectations from interns.

How to Get Law Internship: Best Practices


  • Why It's Crucial: You are more likely to land an internship through a personal connection than simply sending your resume into the abyss of a company’s online portal.
  • Law-Related Events: Attend seminars, workshops, and conferences to meet industry professionals and other students who can share tips or opportunities.
    • Tip: Don't just collect business cards; follow up with a thoughtful message. This will help you in the near future.
  • LinkedIn: A well-maintained LinkedIn profile can act as an interactive resume.
    • Tip: Send personalized connection requests, join law-related groups, and engage in discussions to make your presence felt.
  • Alumni and Professors: Never underestimate the power of a warm introduction.
    • Tip: Professors often have industry connections, and alumni working where you want to intern can offer application tips or referrals.

Utilizing School Resources

  • Career Services: Your law school likely has a career services centre to help you find internships and jobs.
    • Tip: Schedule regular check-ins and take any resume-building or interview workshops they offer.
  • On-Campus Recruitment: Firms often visit campuses looking for potential interns.
    • Tip: Attend these events well-prepared, with resumes and a clear understanding of each firm's work.

Online Job Portals and Websites

  • General Job Portals: Websites like Indeed and Glassdoor allow you to filter job postings to show only legal internships.
    • Tip: Use targeted keywords like "legal intern," "law clerk," or "summer associate" for more specific results.
  • Law-Specific Sites: Websites like LawJobs or the American Bar Association have sections specifically dedicated to internships and clerkships.
    • Tip: Regularly checking these specialized sites can give you an edge, as they often list positions that aren’t as widely advertised.

Excelling in Your Internship: How to Make a Lasting Impression

Professionalism is Key

  • Dress Code: Always dress the part. Your attire should match or exceed the office dress code.
    • Tip: It's better to be overdressed than underdressed when in doubt.
  • Punctuality: Always be on time, or better yet, be early. It shows you’re eager and respectful of others’ time.
  • Demeanor: Maintain a respectful and professional attitude at all times.
    • Tip: Remember, you are representing both yourself and your law school.

Effective Communication

  • Verbal Communication: When explaining points, be concise yet thorough. Lawyers value the ability to convey complex ideas simply.
  • Written Communication: Whether it's an email or a legal document, ensure your writing is clear, grammatically correct, and free of jargon unless absolutely necessary.
    • Tip: Proofread everything at least twice.

Proactive Engagement

  • Seek Out Tasks: Don’t wait to be assigned work. If you have free time, ask for additional responsibilities.
    • Tip: This shows you are willing to learn and contribute, which leaves a positive impression.
  • Show Initiative: If you see something that needs doing or an area where you can contribute, speak up.
    • Tip: Your proactiveness could solve a problem before others even recognize it exists.

Conflict Resolution and Adaptability

  • Conflict Management: Workplace conflicts are inevitable. Handle them professionally and respectfully, and seek a resolution.
    • Tip: Listening is often more valuable than speaking when resolving conflicts.
  • Adaptability: Different supervisors may have different working styles; try to adapt them.
    • Tip: Being flexible and accommodating will mark you as someone who can work well in diverse conditions.

Navigating Remote Internships

In the era of Zoom meetings and Slack channels, remote internships are more common than ever, especially in the legal field. But don't let the comforts of home make you lax; professionalism is just as crucial in a virtual setting.

Set Up a Dedicated Workspace

  • Choose a quiet, clutter-free space to work from.
  • Ensure you have all the essentials, like a stable internet connection, a laptop or computer, and any required legal reference materials.

Stay Organized

  • Keep your digital files and documents well-organized.
  • Digital tools like Google Calendar and project management software like Asana can be used to track deadlines and tasks.

Master Video Conference Etiquette

  • Always be on time for virtual meetings.
  • Dress appropriately, at least from the waist up.
  • Mute your microphone when not speaking to minimize background noise.

Remember, you are as much a part of the team as anyone in the office. Make your presence felt, engage in virtual team activities, and communicate proactively.

Post-Internship: Maintaining Connections and Seeking References

The end of your internship is not the end of your professional relationship with the firm or the people you have worked with.

Send Thank-You Notes

  • A personalized email or a handwritten note can leave a lasting impression.
  • Mention specific experiences or learnings that made the internship valuable for you.

Maintain Professional Relationships

  • Connect with your supervisors and colleagues on LinkedIn.
  • Periodically check in, perhaps through an email or LinkedIn, to keep the relationship warm.

Learn: How to optimize Linkedin for Law students

Ask for References or Recommendations

  • Supervisors are generally happy to provide references if they have made a positive impression.
  • Be specific about what you would like the reference to focus on (skills, projects, responsibilities).

 Key Takeaways 

  • Internships Matter: They are not just resume fillers but career builders.
  • Do Your Homework: Research firms and tailor your application to fit their needs.
  • Ace the Interview: Prepare well to discuss your skills and current legal topics.
  • Professionalism is Crucial: Dress well, be punctual, and maintain a professional demeanour.
  • Communication Skills: These are your bread and butter in the legal world. Hone them.
  • Be Proactive: Don't wait for tasks; seek them out and exceed expectations.
  • Adapt and Resolve: Learn to handle conflicts and adapt to different working styles.
  • Remote? Still Visible: Even if you are interning remotely, maintain high professional standards.
  • Network, Network, Network: Build relationships during your internship and keep them alive post-internship.
  • Every Step Counts: Each experience is a learning opportunity on your path to a legal career.

Internships play a pivotal role in your legal education and career. From securing the right opportunity to excelling in your role, each step is a learning experience that brings you closer to becoming the lawyer you aim to be. So start your prep, send out those applications, and take your first step into the legal world.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I start looking for internships?

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Are unpaid internships worth it?

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Can I get academic credit for my internship?

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What should I include in my law internship resume?

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How can I make a good impression during my internship?

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What do I do if I'm not getting substantive work during my internship?

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How can I network effectively during my internship?

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What is the importance of a mentor during an internship?

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Important Tips for Securing and Excelling in Internship Opportunities During Law School

Author : Nimisha Nayak

June 25, 2024


Reader's Digest: Do you also find it challenging to secure top-notch internships during law school? These can be game-changers for your legal career. Remember to brush up on your research and writing skills when tailoring your applications; this can lead to ample legal opportunities. Let's understand what are the tips for internship in law school?

If you’re reading this article, you must be an aspiring law student, someone enrolled in law looking for the perfect internship for law students, or someone who has already had one and is looking for tips for internship in law school for making the most of it.

Either way, you are in the right place. Legal Internship for law students is more than just a box to tick; they are opportunities to start your legal career, build a network, and apply your classroom knowledge in a real-world setting.

So, let's understand how you can secure and excel in these essential stepping stones.

  Key Contents:

  • Importance of Internships: Discuss tips for internships in law school and the benefits of internships, such as skill development, networking, and real-world application of theory.
  • Preliminary Steps: offers guidance on researching law firms, crafting effective resumes and cover letters, and preparing for interviews.
  • Securing an Internship: Tips on networking, utilizing school resources, and finding opportunities online to secure that dream internship.
  • Excelling in Your Internship: Advice on maintaining professionalism, effective communication, proactive engagement, and adaptability to make a lasting impression.
  • Navigating Remote Internships: Best practices for excelling in remote or online internships for law students.
  • Post-Internship Tips: Emphasizes maintaining connections and seeking references after your internship ends.

Importance of Internships in Legal Education 

While learning through law textbooks and case studies, you might wonder when you will get to practice whatever you know and how it will be executed.

Well, internships are your golden ticket, for that matter. As it offers you a vital hands-on experience that complements your academic learning.

Let us understand why internships are the real challenge in your legal education, how to get internship in law firms and what are the tips for internship in law school?

Read: Alternative Career for Law Graduates

Skill Development

  • Legal Research: Research is essential for law students and, later, as legal professionals. Internships offer a unique setting where you can polish your legal research skills. During the internship, you will learn to search volumes of information to find exactly what you need, making your academic research seem like a breeze. Researching is like finding that one pearl from the pearls of the ocean. 

  • Legal Drafting: Mastering the art of legal writing is crucial, and an internship is a perfect place to learn that skill. You will learn how to draft legal documents, such as contracts or pleadings, under the supervision of experienced professionals.

  • Client Interaction: You will not learn to interact with clients until you practice it in the real world. Likewise, textbooks don't teach you how to interact with clients, but internships do. Understanding the client's perspective is vital if you are a practising legal professional, and learning this skill from the internships will make you a better advocate in the future.

  • Courtroom Etiquette: If your law internship allows you to accompany lawyers to court, pay attention! The courtroom has its own set of unspoken rules and formalities that, once mastered, can give you a significant edge in your future career.

NEXTGen Internship On Corporate Laws

NEXTGen Internship On Corporate Laws

Networking Opportunities

  • Building Professional Relationships: During your internships, you will assist legal professionals, paralegals, and other interns. These individuals can become an essential contact for your future career and can be a helping hand. 

  • Mentorship: Experienced lawyers at your internship place can offer valuable insights and practical advice you won't find in textbooks. Many of them are open to mentorship relationships that continue beyond the internship.

  • Job Opportunities: Performing well in an internship can often lead to job offers. Employers are more likely to hire you if you have performed well at your internship, and if they are happy with your performance, there is a chance that they might hire you in future as well. 

  • Professional Endorsements: When you impress people in a professional setting, they’re more likely to endorse you in the future, whether through a LinkedIn recommendation, a reference letter, or word-of-mouth. Anything works!

Learn: Achieving Work-Life Balance as a Law Student

Application of Theoretical Knowledge

  • Understanding the Law in Action: Academic theories sometimes feel abstract and complex to connect to real-life situations. Internships allow you to apply your theoretical understanding in a real-world context and help you understand the perspective.

  • Legal Procedures and Protocols: Reading about how a motion is filed is entirely different from actually filing one. During your internship, you will witness and participate in these standard legal procedures.

  • Case Strategy: Watching how senior lawyers plan and strategize a case can offer invaluable insights and help you understand the practical implications of legal theories in the real world.

Preliminary Steps: Preparation and Research 

How to Research Law Firms and Organizations

Before you hit "send" on that job application, you should make sure where you are applying and whether it fits into your career trajectory or not:

  • Know Your Interests: Identify your areas of interest first, whether Criminal Law, Corporate Law, Public Interest Law, or any other stream.
  • Online Resources: Websites like Glassdoor, Vault, and LinkedIn can give you an exact idea about the firm's culture, areas of practice, and even employee reviews.
  • Consult the Alumni Network. Alumni can provide insider perspectives that you would not find anywhere else. They have been where you are and can better guide you.
  • Talk to Professors: Professors are well-informed and usually have extensive networks. They can help you find organizations that align with your career goals.
  • Attend Career Fairs: These events often have representatives from various law firms and can be a great way to gather information first-hand.
  • Ask for Recommendations: Don't be afraid to ask for suggestions from people already in the legal field.

Read More: How to Become a Lawyer In India

Crafting an Effective Resume and Cover Letter

The details matter significantly in the legal world, starting with your resume and cover letter.

  • Tailored Resumes: Your resume shouldn't be a generic, one-size-fits-all document. Remember to tailor it to highlight your legal experience, moot courts, legal writing, or relevant coursework.
  • Be Specific: Use specific numbers or examples to demonstrate your achievements. For example, "Conducted research utilized in a case that won a $1M settlement."
  • Skills Section: Highlight skills like "Legal Research," "Client Interviews," or "Contract Drafting" in a dedicated section.
  • Cover Letter Matters: Your cover letter should complement, not duplicate, your resume. Use it to explain why you are interested in that specific area of law and why you are a perfect fit for the firm.
  • Show Your Knowledge: Mention any recent cases the firm has won or initiatives they have led that interest you. This shows you have done your homework before applying.

Learn: What are the essential skills for law students

Preparing for Interviews

Getting an interview invite is excellent, but the real work starts now.

  • Mock Interviews: Practice makes you perfect. Try mock interviews with friends, family, or career services at your school.
  • Know Your Resume: Be prepared to elaborate on everything you have written on your resume. If you put it there, they can ask you about it. So be prepared!
  • Legal Theories: Be ready to discuss fundamental legal theories relevant to the job you are applying for. This shows you not only have the skills but also possess the intellect.
  • Current Events: Knowing about recent landmark judgments or legal news can provide excellent talking points during the interview.
  • Ask Questions: Remember, an interview is a two-way process. Be prepared with questions about the firm's culture, growth opportunities, and expectations from interns.

How to Get Law Internship: Best Practices


  • Why It's Crucial: You are more likely to land an internship through a personal connection than simply sending your resume into the abyss of a company’s online portal.
  • Law-Related Events: Attend seminars, workshops, and conferences to meet industry professionals and other students who can share tips or opportunities.
    • Tip: Don't just collect business cards; follow up with a thoughtful message. This will help you in the near future.
  • LinkedIn: A well-maintained LinkedIn profile can act as an interactive resume.
    • Tip: Send personalized connection requests, join law-related groups, and engage in discussions to make your presence felt.
  • Alumni and Professors: Never underestimate the power of a warm introduction.
    • Tip: Professors often have industry connections, and alumni working where you want to intern can offer application tips or referrals.

Utilizing School Resources

  • Career Services: Your law school likely has a career services centre to help you find internships and jobs.
    • Tip: Schedule regular check-ins and take any resume-building or interview workshops they offer.
  • On-Campus Recruitment: Firms often visit campuses looking for potential interns.
    • Tip: Attend these events well-prepared, with resumes and a clear understanding of each firm's work.

Online Job Portals and Websites

  • General Job Portals: Websites like Indeed and Glassdoor allow you to filter job postings to show only legal internships.
    • Tip: Use targeted keywords like "legal intern," "law clerk," or "summer associate" for more specific results.
  • Law-Specific Sites: Websites like LawJobs or the American Bar Association have sections specifically dedicated to internships and clerkships.
    • Tip: Regularly checking these specialized sites can give you an edge, as they often list positions that aren’t as widely advertised.

Excelling in Your Internship: How to Make a Lasting Impression

Professionalism is Key

  • Dress Code: Always dress the part. Your attire should match or exceed the office dress code.
    • Tip: It's better to be overdressed than underdressed when in doubt.
  • Punctuality: Always be on time, or better yet, be early. It shows you’re eager and respectful of others’ time.
  • Demeanor: Maintain a respectful and professional attitude at all times.
    • Tip: Remember, you are representing both yourself and your law school.

Effective Communication

  • Verbal Communication: When explaining points, be concise yet thorough. Lawyers value the ability to convey complex ideas simply.
  • Written Communication: Whether it's an email or a legal document, ensure your writing is clear, grammatically correct, and free of jargon unless absolutely necessary.
    • Tip: Proofread everything at least twice.

Proactive Engagement

  • Seek Out Tasks: Don’t wait to be assigned work. If you have free time, ask for additional responsibilities.
    • Tip: This shows you are willing to learn and contribute, which leaves a positive impression.
  • Show Initiative: If you see something that needs doing or an area where you can contribute, speak up.
    • Tip: Your proactiveness could solve a problem before others even recognize it exists.

Conflict Resolution and Adaptability

  • Conflict Management: Workplace conflicts are inevitable. Handle them professionally and respectfully, and seek a resolution.
    • Tip: Listening is often more valuable than speaking when resolving conflicts.
  • Adaptability: Different supervisors may have different working styles; try to adapt them.
    • Tip: Being flexible and accommodating will mark you as someone who can work well in diverse conditions.

Navigating Remote Internships

In the era of Zoom meetings and Slack channels, remote internships are more common than ever, especially in the legal field. But don't let the comforts of home make you lax; professionalism is just as crucial in a virtual setting.

Set Up a Dedicated Workspace

  • Choose a quiet, clutter-free space to work from.
  • Ensure you have all the essentials, like a stable internet connection, a laptop or computer, and any required legal reference materials.

Stay Organized

  • Keep your digital files and documents well-organized.
  • Digital tools like Google Calendar and project management software like Asana can be used to track deadlines and tasks.

Master Video Conference Etiquette

  • Always be on time for virtual meetings.
  • Dress appropriately, at least from the waist up.
  • Mute your microphone when not speaking to minimize background noise.

Remember, you are as much a part of the team as anyone in the office. Make your presence felt, engage in virtual team activities, and communicate proactively.

Post-Internship: Maintaining Connections and Seeking References

The end of your internship is not the end of your professional relationship with the firm or the people you have worked with.

Send Thank-You Notes

  • A personalized email or a handwritten note can leave a lasting impression.
  • Mention specific experiences or learnings that made the internship valuable for you.

Maintain Professional Relationships

  • Connect with your supervisors and colleagues on LinkedIn.
  • Periodically check in, perhaps through an email or LinkedIn, to keep the relationship warm.

Learn: How to optimize Linkedin for Law students

Ask for References or Recommendations

  • Supervisors are generally happy to provide references if they have made a positive impression.
  • Be specific about what you would like the reference to focus on (skills, projects, responsibilities).

 Key Takeaways 

  • Internships Matter: They are not just resume fillers but career builders.
  • Do Your Homework: Research firms and tailor your application to fit their needs.
  • Ace the Interview: Prepare well to discuss your skills and current legal topics.
  • Professionalism is Crucial: Dress well, be punctual, and maintain a professional demeanour.
  • Communication Skills: These are your bread and butter in the legal world. Hone them.
  • Be Proactive: Don't wait for tasks; seek them out and exceed expectations.
  • Adapt and Resolve: Learn to handle conflicts and adapt to different working styles.
  • Remote? Still Visible: Even if you are interning remotely, maintain high professional standards.
  • Network, Network, Network: Build relationships during your internship and keep them alive post-internship.
  • Every Step Counts: Each experience is a learning opportunity on your path to a legal career.

Internships play a pivotal role in your legal education and career. From securing the right opportunity to excelling in your role, each step is a learning experience that brings you closer to becoming the lawyer you aim to be. So start your prep, send out those applications, and take your first step into the legal world.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I start looking for internships?

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Are unpaid internships worth it?

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Can I get academic credit for my internship?

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What should I include in my law internship resume?

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How can I make a good impression during my internship?

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What do I do if I'm not getting substantive work during my internship?

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How can I network effectively during my internship?

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What is the importance of a mentor during an internship?

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