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The Importance Of Internship For Law Students

Author : Nimisha Nayak

Updated On : June 25, 2024


Reader's Digest: Discover what internships mean for law students, whether they are mandatory, and the ideal time to apply. If you're curious about internships in the legal field, this guide is for you.

Internships play a crucial role in the professional development of law students aiming for success in their careers. They offer a significant advantage over solely academic study from textbooks.

By engaging in internships, students gain practical experience through collaboration with legal professionals, research groups, or governmental agencies.

This article will explore the benefits of internships for law students and their impact on career development. We'll discuss the advantages of undertaking an internship, its positive outcomes, and the optimal timing to start one. Continue reading to gain insight into these essential topics!


Key Contents 

  • Importance of Internships for Law Students

  • Mandatory Internships in India

  • Benefits of Law Internships

  • Timing of Internships

What Do You Gain From Doing A Law Internship?

Doing a law internship can seriously benefit you in a ton of ways.
  • Gaining hands-on experience through internships offers a unique insight into the application of legal theories in real-world situations. This experience is invaluable, fostering the development of crucial professional skills such as communication, research, and drafting.
  • Internships are excellent platforms for networking and acquiring knowledge from distinguished legal experts. Such engagements could potentially lead to job offers or mentorship opportunities
  • Moreover, internships provide a practical way to explore various legal fields, aiding in the clarification of your career objectives and preferred law specialization.
  • Engaging in internships is a strategic move to enhance your resume, significantly boosting your employability and distinguishing you from other candidates in the job market post-graduation.

NEXTGen Internship On Corporate Laws

NEXTGen Internship On Corporate Laws

What Are The Advantages Of Interning?

 #1 The Practical Experience!

  • Internships offer you valuable opportunities to apply your legal knowledge in real-world situations.
  • During an internship, you can work in real-world legal environments, gaining exposure to various legal tasks, such as legal research, drafting legal documents, attending client meetings, and participating in court proceedings.
  • By working alongside experienced lawyers, you can gain insights into how the law is practised in real-life scenarios. You can observe how legal professionals analyze things and apply legal concepts, navigating the complexities of the legal system and communicating with clients and other stakeholders.
  • Internships allow you to apply your legal knowledge and skills to practical situations, working on real cases, researching legal issues, and drafting legal documents. This hands-on experience helps you to develop essential skills for your legal career, such as legal research, writing, communication, and time management.

 #2 Networking Opportunities

  • During internships, you can work alongside legal professionals and make valuable connections within the industry, leading to future job opportunities. You can establish relationships with these professionals during an internship in the legal sector.
  • By networking during internships, you can expand your professional network, which can be valuable for future career prospects. These connections can lead to job opportunities, recommendations, and introductions to other legal professionals and potential clients.
  • The contacts you make during your internships provide valuable insights into the legal industry, such as the latest legal developments, job demands, employers' expectations, etc. This information can guide your career decisions and help you to build a successful legal career.

 #3 Exposure To Intricacies Of The Indian Legal System

  • Internships present a fantastic opportunity for you to acquire first-hand exposure to the Indian legal system and gain practical knowledge of how the system operates. 
  • Internships provide several exposure areas to law students, such as court visits, legal research, drafting and pleading, client interaction, legal compliance, and advocacy skills.
  • Overall, internships provide law students with excellent exposure to the Indian legal system, its practices, and its procedures, which is essential for their future careers.

 #4 Professional Development

Internships offer law students a range of professional development opportunities, such as:
  • Legal Research Skills: You can develop your legal research skills by researching various legal issues and preparing legal briefs, memos, and other documents.
  • Writing and Communication Skills: Internships can help you improve your writing and communication skills by working on real cases, drafting legal documents, and communicating with clients and other stakeholders.
  • Time Management Skills: You can develop time management skills by working on multiple tasks and prioritizing the work to meet deadlines.
  • Teamwork and Collaboration Skills: Internships allow you to work in teams and collaborate with others on legal projects, helping them develop teamwork and collaboration skills.
  • Professional Conduct: Internships expose you to the legal profession's professional standards and ethical principles, helping you develop your professional conduct and ethics.
  • Technology Skills: Internships provide exposure to legal technology and software, helping you develop technology skills essential to today's legal practice.

 #5 Boosting Resume

  • Internships are valuable to your resume, as they demonstrate practical legal experience and professional skills development. Including an internship certificate on a resume can show your expertise and commitment to your chosen career and make you stand out from other candidates when applying for jobs.
  • During an internship, you work on actual legal cases and gain hands-on experience demonstrating your legal skills and knowledge that get a place in their resumes for any future employer to appraise. You can also include your contributions to specific projects, cases, and legal matters in your resumes, demonstrating your hands-on experience and accomplishments during the internship, improving the chances of securing future job opportunities.
  • Internships allow you to network with experienced lawyers and other legal professionals, which can also be included in your resume as valuable connections and references.

 #6 Understanding Legal Ethics.

Internships offer a chance to learn about legal ethics, a fundamental aspect of the legal profession. It provides you with numerous opportunities to gain a better understanding of legal ethics, including:
  • Professional Conduct: Internships expose you to professional standards and ethical principles, helping you understand the importance of maintaining high ethical standards in the workplace.
  • Confidentiality: You can learn about the significance of client confidentiality and its ethical responsibilities.
  • Conflict of Interest: Internships help you understand the ethical considerations that arise in conflict of interest, including how to identify and manage such conflicts.
  • Client Representation: You can learn about the ethical responsibilities towards the clients, including the need to represent them diligently and zealously and the importance of avoiding conflicts of interest.
  • Professional Responsibility: Internships help you to understand the professional responsibilities of lawyers, including the need to adhere to ethical principles and uphold the integrity of the legal profession.

When To Start Interning?

  1. Start Early, But Not Too Early

    • The general rule is that the earlier you start your internship, the better. However, starting too early, like in the first year, can have drawbacks.
    • The first year of law school is usually an overwhelming experience with a new environment, subjects, and study commitments. Students are just getting acclimated to the law school curriculum.
    • By the second or third year, law students usually have a better grasp of legal concepts, making it easier to understand and contribute meaningfully during their internships.
  2. Academic Balance

    • Law school is demanding, and balancing it with an internship can be stressful. Therefore, planning is critical.
    • Students should consider their academic calendar and try to fit internships during less academically demanding periods.
    • An effective strategy might include beginning with a part-time internship to test the waters and gauge how well you can balance both commitments.
  3. Know the Eligibility Criteria

    • Many law firms have specific criteria for students, such as who can intern with them. This can range from a minimum GPA to completing a particular number of semesters or courses.
    • Ignoring these requirements can lead to wasted time applying to firms you're not eligible for, so always make sure you meet the criteria before applying.
  4. Consult Career Services

    • Most universities have career services offices or internship coordinators who help students plan their careers.
    • These offices usually list places where previous students have interned and may also have relationships with firms explicitly looking for interns.
    • They can guide you on making your application stand out and offer one-on-one consultation sessions to help you assess your skills and shortcomings.
  5. Aim For Success

    • Starting an internship is not just about fulfilling a curriculum requirement; it's about setting yourself up for a successful career in law.
    • Internships provide hands-on experience, networking opportunities, and a real-world understanding of legal concepts you won't get in a classroom setting.
    • The sooner you can start this real-world training (without affecting your academic commitments), the better equipped you'll be for your future career in law.

 Do's and Don'ts in an Internship 

While law internships offer invaluable learning opportunities, it's essential to approach them with professionalism and a clear set of guidelines. Here are some do's and don'ts to make the most of your internship experience:


  1. Be Punctual and Reliable: Arrive on time and meet deadlines consistently. Punctuality is a sign of professionalism and reliability.
  2. Dress Appropriately: Adhere to the office's dress code. Dressing professionally shows respect for the workplace and its culture.
  3. Communicate Effectively: Maintain open and respectful communication with colleagues, supervisors, and clients. Ask questions when in doubt, and actively seek feedback to improve.
  4. Network Actively: Take the opportunity to build professional relationships. Attend office events, seminars, and meetings to connect with legal professionals.
  5. Learn Continuously: Treat each task as a learning opportunity. Absorb as much knowledge as possible and seek guidance when faced with complex legal issues.
  6. Stay Organized: Keep your workspace tidy and organized. Good organization skills are crucial in a legal setting where attention to detail is paramount.


  1. Don't Be Overbearing: While being proactive is essential, avoid overbearing or intrusive. Respect your colleagues' workspace and boundaries.
  2. Don't Neglect Confidentiality: Uphold strict confidentiality regarding client information and sensitive legal matters. Breaching confidentiality can have severe consequences.
  3. Don't Overshare on Social Media: Be mindful of what you post on social media platforms. Avoid discussing confidential cases or office matters online.
  4. Don't Assume Know-It-All: Even if you've studied certain legal concepts, remember that practical experience differs. Avoid asserting your knowledge over colleagues or superiors.
  5. Don't Disregard Feedback: Constructive criticism is an opportunity for growth. Don't dismiss feedback; instead, use it to improve your skills.
  6. Don't Burn Bridges: Maintain professionalism even if the internship isn't what you expected. Leaving on good terms and building a positive reputation can open doors in the future.

Key Takeaways

  1. Practical Edge: Internships are crucial for law students, moving beyond theory to gain real-world experience. Working with legal entities like firms, government bodies, and advocates provides practical exposure and skills development.

  2. Mandatory Requirements: Law students in India must complete internships, as mandated by the Bar Council of India and the National Education Policy of 2020. These requirements underscore the importance of practical experience.

  3. Benefits Galore: Internships offer various advantages, such as hands-on learning, networking with legal professionals, and exposure to the intricacies of the legal system.

  4. Skill Development: Through internships, law students hone skills like legal research, communication, time management, and teamwork, enhancing their professional toolkit.

  5. Resume Enhancement: Internships bolster resumes with concrete legal experience, setting candidates apart during job applications. They allow the showcasing of confirmed cases and contributions.

  6. Ethics Insight: Internships educate students about legal ethics, covering professional conduct, confidentiality, conflict management, client representation, and overall professional responsibility.

  7. Timing is Key: Starting internships during the later years of law school strikes a balance between academic commitments and practical training. Plan strategically and consult university career services.

  8. Career Foundation: Internships aren't just about meeting requirements; they lay the foundation for a successful legal career by providing invaluable hands-on experience and industry connections.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find a law internship?

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What will I do as a law intern?

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What skills do I need for a law internship?

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Why is internship important for law students?

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What are the problems faced during internship?

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What is the objective of internship?

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When should a LLB student do internship?

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The Importance Of Internship For Law Students

Author : Nimisha Nayak

June 25, 2024


Reader's Digest: Discover what internships mean for law students, whether they are mandatory, and the ideal time to apply. If you're curious about internships in the legal field, this guide is for you.

Internships play a crucial role in the professional development of law students aiming for success in their careers. They offer a significant advantage over solely academic study from textbooks.

By engaging in internships, students gain practical experience through collaboration with legal professionals, research groups, or governmental agencies.

This article will explore the benefits of internships for law students and their impact on career development. We'll discuss the advantages of undertaking an internship, its positive outcomes, and the optimal timing to start one. Continue reading to gain insight into these essential topics!


Key Contents 

  • Importance of Internships for Law Students

  • Mandatory Internships in India

  • Benefits of Law Internships

  • Timing of Internships

What Do You Gain From Doing A Law Internship?

Doing a law internship can seriously benefit you in a ton of ways.
  • Gaining hands-on experience through internships offers a unique insight into the application of legal theories in real-world situations. This experience is invaluable, fostering the development of crucial professional skills such as communication, research, and drafting.
  • Internships are excellent platforms for networking and acquiring knowledge from distinguished legal experts. Such engagements could potentially lead to job offers or mentorship opportunities
  • Moreover, internships provide a practical way to explore various legal fields, aiding in the clarification of your career objectives and preferred law specialization.
  • Engaging in internships is a strategic move to enhance your resume, significantly boosting your employability and distinguishing you from other candidates in the job market post-graduation.

NEXTGen Internship On Corporate Laws

NEXTGen Internship On Corporate Laws

What Are The Advantages Of Interning?

 #1 The Practical Experience!

  • Internships offer you valuable opportunities to apply your legal knowledge in real-world situations.
  • During an internship, you can work in real-world legal environments, gaining exposure to various legal tasks, such as legal research, drafting legal documents, attending client meetings, and participating in court proceedings.
  • By working alongside experienced lawyers, you can gain insights into how the law is practised in real-life scenarios. You can observe how legal professionals analyze things and apply legal concepts, navigating the complexities of the legal system and communicating with clients and other stakeholders.
  • Internships allow you to apply your legal knowledge and skills to practical situations, working on real cases, researching legal issues, and drafting legal documents. This hands-on experience helps you to develop essential skills for your legal career, such as legal research, writing, communication, and time management.

 #2 Networking Opportunities

  • During internships, you can work alongside legal professionals and make valuable connections within the industry, leading to future job opportunities. You can establish relationships with these professionals during an internship in the legal sector.
  • By networking during internships, you can expand your professional network, which can be valuable for future career prospects. These connections can lead to job opportunities, recommendations, and introductions to other legal professionals and potential clients.
  • The contacts you make during your internships provide valuable insights into the legal industry, such as the latest legal developments, job demands, employers' expectations, etc. This information can guide your career decisions and help you to build a successful legal career.

 #3 Exposure To Intricacies Of The Indian Legal System

  • Internships present a fantastic opportunity for you to acquire first-hand exposure to the Indian legal system and gain practical knowledge of how the system operates. 
  • Internships provide several exposure areas to law students, such as court visits, legal research, drafting and pleading, client interaction, legal compliance, and advocacy skills.
  • Overall, internships provide law students with excellent exposure to the Indian legal system, its practices, and its procedures, which is essential for their future careers.

 #4 Professional Development

Internships offer law students a range of professional development opportunities, such as:
  • Legal Research Skills: You can develop your legal research skills by researching various legal issues and preparing legal briefs, memos, and other documents.
  • Writing and Communication Skills: Internships can help you improve your writing and communication skills by working on real cases, drafting legal documents, and communicating with clients and other stakeholders.
  • Time Management Skills: You can develop time management skills by working on multiple tasks and prioritizing the work to meet deadlines.
  • Teamwork and Collaboration Skills: Internships allow you to work in teams and collaborate with others on legal projects, helping them develop teamwork and collaboration skills.
  • Professional Conduct: Internships expose you to the legal profession's professional standards and ethical principles, helping you develop your professional conduct and ethics.
  • Technology Skills: Internships provide exposure to legal technology and software, helping you develop technology skills essential to today's legal practice.

 #5 Boosting Resume

  • Internships are valuable to your resume, as they demonstrate practical legal experience and professional skills development. Including an internship certificate on a resume can show your expertise and commitment to your chosen career and make you stand out from other candidates when applying for jobs.
  • During an internship, you work on actual legal cases and gain hands-on experience demonstrating your legal skills and knowledge that get a place in their resumes for any future employer to appraise. You can also include your contributions to specific projects, cases, and legal matters in your resumes, demonstrating your hands-on experience and accomplishments during the internship, improving the chances of securing future job opportunities.
  • Internships allow you to network with experienced lawyers and other legal professionals, which can also be included in your resume as valuable connections and references.

 #6 Understanding Legal Ethics.

Internships offer a chance to learn about legal ethics, a fundamental aspect of the legal profession. It provides you with numerous opportunities to gain a better understanding of legal ethics, including:
  • Professional Conduct: Internships expose you to professional standards and ethical principles, helping you understand the importance of maintaining high ethical standards in the workplace.
  • Confidentiality: You can learn about the significance of client confidentiality and its ethical responsibilities.
  • Conflict of Interest: Internships help you understand the ethical considerations that arise in conflict of interest, including how to identify and manage such conflicts.
  • Client Representation: You can learn about the ethical responsibilities towards the clients, including the need to represent them diligently and zealously and the importance of avoiding conflicts of interest.
  • Professional Responsibility: Internships help you to understand the professional responsibilities of lawyers, including the need to adhere to ethical principles and uphold the integrity of the legal profession.

When To Start Interning?

  1. Start Early, But Not Too Early

    • The general rule is that the earlier you start your internship, the better. However, starting too early, like in the first year, can have drawbacks.
    • The first year of law school is usually an overwhelming experience with a new environment, subjects, and study commitments. Students are just getting acclimated to the law school curriculum.
    • By the second or third year, law students usually have a better grasp of legal concepts, making it easier to understand and contribute meaningfully during their internships.
  2. Academic Balance

    • Law school is demanding, and balancing it with an internship can be stressful. Therefore, planning is critical.
    • Students should consider their academic calendar and try to fit internships during less academically demanding periods.
    • An effective strategy might include beginning with a part-time internship to test the waters and gauge how well you can balance both commitments.
  3. Know the Eligibility Criteria

    • Many law firms have specific criteria for students, such as who can intern with them. This can range from a minimum GPA to completing a particular number of semesters or courses.
    • Ignoring these requirements can lead to wasted time applying to firms you're not eligible for, so always make sure you meet the criteria before applying.
  4. Consult Career Services

    • Most universities have career services offices or internship coordinators who help students plan their careers.
    • These offices usually list places where previous students have interned and may also have relationships with firms explicitly looking for interns.
    • They can guide you on making your application stand out and offer one-on-one consultation sessions to help you assess your skills and shortcomings.
  5. Aim For Success

    • Starting an internship is not just about fulfilling a curriculum requirement; it's about setting yourself up for a successful career in law.
    • Internships provide hands-on experience, networking opportunities, and a real-world understanding of legal concepts you won't get in a classroom setting.
    • The sooner you can start this real-world training (without affecting your academic commitments), the better equipped you'll be for your future career in law.

 Do's and Don'ts in an Internship 

While law internships offer invaluable learning opportunities, it's essential to approach them with professionalism and a clear set of guidelines. Here are some do's and don'ts to make the most of your internship experience:


  1. Be Punctual and Reliable: Arrive on time and meet deadlines consistently. Punctuality is a sign of professionalism and reliability.
  2. Dress Appropriately: Adhere to the office's dress code. Dressing professionally shows respect for the workplace and its culture.
  3. Communicate Effectively: Maintain open and respectful communication with colleagues, supervisors, and clients. Ask questions when in doubt, and actively seek feedback to improve.
  4. Network Actively: Take the opportunity to build professional relationships. Attend office events, seminars, and meetings to connect with legal professionals.
  5. Learn Continuously: Treat each task as a learning opportunity. Absorb as much knowledge as possible and seek guidance when faced with complex legal issues.
  6. Stay Organized: Keep your workspace tidy and organized. Good organization skills are crucial in a legal setting where attention to detail is paramount.


  1. Don't Be Overbearing: While being proactive is essential, avoid overbearing or intrusive. Respect your colleagues' workspace and boundaries.
  2. Don't Neglect Confidentiality: Uphold strict confidentiality regarding client information and sensitive legal matters. Breaching confidentiality can have severe consequences.
  3. Don't Overshare on Social Media: Be mindful of what you post on social media platforms. Avoid discussing confidential cases or office matters online.
  4. Don't Assume Know-It-All: Even if you've studied certain legal concepts, remember that practical experience differs. Avoid asserting your knowledge over colleagues or superiors.
  5. Don't Disregard Feedback: Constructive criticism is an opportunity for growth. Don't dismiss feedback; instead, use it to improve your skills.
  6. Don't Burn Bridges: Maintain professionalism even if the internship isn't what you expected. Leaving on good terms and building a positive reputation can open doors in the future.

Key Takeaways

  1. Practical Edge: Internships are crucial for law students, moving beyond theory to gain real-world experience. Working with legal entities like firms, government bodies, and advocates provides practical exposure and skills development.

  2. Mandatory Requirements: Law students in India must complete internships, as mandated by the Bar Council of India and the National Education Policy of 2020. These requirements underscore the importance of practical experience.

  3. Benefits Galore: Internships offer various advantages, such as hands-on learning, networking with legal professionals, and exposure to the intricacies of the legal system.

  4. Skill Development: Through internships, law students hone skills like legal research, communication, time management, and teamwork, enhancing their professional toolkit.

  5. Resume Enhancement: Internships bolster resumes with concrete legal experience, setting candidates apart during job applications. They allow the showcasing of confirmed cases and contributions.

  6. Ethics Insight: Internships educate students about legal ethics, covering professional conduct, confidentiality, conflict management, client representation, and overall professional responsibility.

  7. Timing is Key: Starting internships during the later years of law school strikes a balance between academic commitments and practical training. Plan strategically and consult university career services.

  8. Career Foundation: Internships aren't just about meeting requirements; they lay the foundation for a successful legal career by providing invaluable hands-on experience and industry connections.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find a law internship?

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What will I do as a law intern?

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What skills do I need for a law internship?

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Why is internship important for law students?

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What are the problems faced during internship?

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What is the objective of internship?

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When should a LLB student do internship?

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