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How to Make an ATS-Friendly CV for Law Students

Author : Nimisha Nayak

Updated On : April 26, 2024


Overview: Discover the secrets for crafting an ATS friendly resume for law students that can kickstart your legal career! Keep reading for expert tips and essential insights.

In today's competitive job market, crafting a winning CV (Curriculum Vitae) is crucial, and understanding the difference between a CV and a resume is vital for law students aiming for success.

An ATS friendly resume for law students is a must to stand out and increase their chances of landing that coveted internship or job opportunity.

This article will guide you on how to make an ATS friendly resume for law students.

Key Contents

  1. Understanding ATS
  2. Preparing Your CV for ATS
  3. Selecting the Right Keywords
  4. Crafting the Professional Summary
  5. Showcasing Your Education
  6. Detailing Work Experience
  7. Additional Sections for Law Students
  8. Proofreading and Editing
  9. Final Tips for an ATS-Friendly CV

Understanding ATS

  • What is an ATS?

    • An ATS CV, or Applicant Tracking System, is software employers use to manage recruitment. 
    • It helps employers deal with many resumes quickly and helps them identify suitable candidates.
  • How Does ATS CV Work in Law Firms?

    • The ATS looks at your CV and checks if it has the right words and phrases for the job they want to fill.
    • If your CV has those words, you have a better chance of getting noticed by the law firm.
  • Why ATS Is Important for Law Students

    • An ATS friendly resume for law students is important for law students because many law firms use it.
    • If your resume isn't ATS-friendly, it might not even be looked at by real people at the law firm.
    • So, if you want a job in law, you need to know the different types of CVs, how ATS CVs work, and how to make your resume ATS-friendly to get noticed.

Preparing Your CV for ATS

Choosing the Right Format:

  • Importance of Standard Format: An ATS-friendly CV must follow a standard format. For instance, start with your contact information, followed by a professional summary, education, work experience, and skills, in that order.

    Example: Begin your CV with your name and contact details, then add a clear professional summary introducing your legal background and career goals.

  • Avoid Creative Designs: Creative designs, like colorful backgrounds or unusual fonts, might be visually appealing but can confuse ATS software.

    Example: Instead of using a fancy, hard-to-read font, opt for a simple, legible one like Arial or Times New Roman.

  • Clarity is Essential: Prioritize clarity over creativity. Make sure your CV is easy to read and navigate.

    Example: Use clear headings for each section and maintain consistent formatting for an organized and professional look.

Structuring Your CV for ATS Success:

  • Divide into Standard Sections: Organize your CV into standard sections to make it ATS-friendly and reader-friendly.

    Example: Create separate sections for Contact Information, Professional Summary, Education, Work Experience, and Skills, ensuring each section is clearly labeled.

  • Use Headings: Headings provide structure and help ATS and human readers quickly locate relevant information.

    Example: Under the "Work Experience" section, use headings like "Legal Internship at ABC Law Firm" for clarity.

  • Utilize Bullet Points: Bullet points break down information into easily digestible chunks, enhancing readability.

    Example: In the "Skills" section, use bullet points to list skills such as "Legal Research," "Contract Drafting," and "Client Communication."

The Power of Keywords:

  • Keyword Research: Identify keywords specific to the legal field and law students. Research job descriptions to find relevant terms.

    Example: If a job posting mentions "litigation support" and "legal analysis," consider including these terms in your CV if they align with your skills.

  • Strategic Keyword Placement: Incorporate keywords naturally in your CV, especially in the professional summary and skills section.

    Example: If you've had experience in contract law, mention it in your professional summary: "Law student with a strong background in contract law."

  • Balanced Keyword Usage: Avoid stuffing your CV with too many keywords, as this can make it look unnatural.

    Example: If you mention "legal research" in your CV, ensure it flows naturally within your sentences, such as "Conducted extensive legal research to support case strategies."

The Importance of Formatting:

  • Simplicity is Key: Keep your CV's formatting clean and straightforward.

    Example: Use a consistent font size and spacing throughout your CV for a neat appearance.

  • Professional Font: Choose a professional, easily readable font to maintain a polished look.

    Example: Select a font like Calibri or Garamond, widely accepted in professional documents.

  • Bullet Points for Lists: When listing items, use bullet points for a well-organized and scannable format.

    Example: In your "Education" section, list your degrees and institutions with bullet points for clarity.

NEXTGen Internship On Corporate Laws

NEXTGen Internship On Corporate Laws

Selecting the Right Keywords

  • Identifying Relevant Keywords for Law Students

    • When identifying keywords for your CV, consider the skills and qualifications that law firms and legal employers seek. Here are some examples of relevant keywords for law students:
      • "Legal research" indicates your ability to conduct thorough legal research, a vital skill in the legal profession.
      • "Contract law": If you strongly understand contract law, include this keyword to showcase your expertise in this area.
      • "Moot court": Mentioning "moot court" highlights your experience in simulated legal proceedings, which is valuable for employers.
      • "Legal writing": If you excel in legal writing, including this keyword demonstrates your proficiency in drafting legal documents.
  • Keyword Placement and Density

    • Identifying keywords is insufficient; you must place them strategically in your CV to improve ATS compatibility.
      • Professional Summary Example: "As a law student, my goal is to make an ATS-friendly resume for law students while leveraging my expertise in legal research, contract law, and legal writing to contribute effectively to legal teams."
      • Skills Section Example: "Skills: Legal research, contract law, moot court, legal writing, litigation skills, and case management."
      • Work Experience Example: If you worked as a legal intern: "Conducted extensive legal research on contract law cases, supporting senior attorneys in preparing for court hearings."
  • Avoid Keyword Stuffing

    • Keyword stuffing is when you excessively use keywords in your CV to the point that it feels forced and unnatural. It can harm your chances with ATS and human reviewers. Here's an example of what not to do:
      • "I have a strong passion for legal research and contract law. My legal writing skills and expertise in moot court make me the perfect candidate to make a friendly resume for law students. I have legal research experience in contract law, and my legal writing skills are top-notch, which will help me make a friendly resume for law students effectively."

Crafting the Professional Summary

  • Writing an ATS-Friendly Professional Summary

    • Your professional summary is like the introduction to your CV.
    • It should be a concise paragraph that tells employers what you bring.
    • Example: "Dedicated law student passionate about legal research and a strong commitment to justice. Seeking to make a friendly resume for law students to secure a legal internship."
  • Highlighting Key Accomplishments and Skills

    • In this section, you want to emphasize what makes you a great law student.
    • Example: "Proficient in legal research methods, with experience analyzing complex cases and negotiating favorable outcomes. Able to apply legal principles to real-world situations effectively."

Showcasing Your Education

  • How to Format Your Education Section

    • Start with your most recent educational achievement and work backward.
    • Example:
      • Master of Laws (LL.M.), ABC Law School, Graduation: May 2023
      • Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), XYZ University, Graduation: May 2021
  • Highlighting Relevant Courses and Honors

    • Mention any courses, honors, or scholarships showcasing your law commitment law.
    • Example: "Relevant Courses: Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Intellectual Property Law, Honors: Dean's List, XYZ Law School, Scholarship: John Smith Legal Excellence Award."
  • Mentioning Your GPA and Graduation Date

    • Include your GPA if it's strong and showcases your academic prowess.
    • Example: "GPA: 3.8/4.0, Expected Graduation Date: May 2023."

Detailing Work Experience

The Importance of Quantifiable Achievements

  • Quantify Your Achievements: In your work experience section, it's vital to provide specific and quantifiable details. For instance, you could say, "Increased client satisfaction by 20% through improved communication and case management."

  • Impactful Numbers: Consider how your work made a difference. Did you save time and money or enhance efficiency? For example, "Managed a caseload of 100+ clients, resulting in a 15% reduction in case resolution time."

Using Action Verbs to Describe Responsibilities

  • Start with Action Verbs: Begin each bullet point in your work experience with strong action verbs, such as "Negotiated settlements in complex legal disputes" or "Analyzed legal precedents to support case strategies."

  • Examples of Action Verbs: Utilize verbs like "researched," "managed," "analyzed," "negotiated," and "implemented" to kickstart your responsibilities. These verbs make your CV sound dynamic and engaging. Here's a list of action verbs.

Formatting Work Experience Entries

  • Maintain Consistency: Consistency is critical for an ATS-friendly CV. Use a uniform format for each job entry, ensuring it's easy for ATS systems to understand. For instance:

    • Job Title: Associate Attorney
    • Company: Legal Excellence LLP
    • Dates: January 2020 - Present
    • Responsibilities:
      • Drafted legal documents, including contracts and briefs.
      • Conducted legal research to support case strategies.
  • Consistent Structure: Keep the order of information consistent. This uniformity helps ATS systems process your data efficiently.

Additional Sections for Law Students

Legal Internships and Clerkships

  • Highlighting Internships and Clerkships: If you've completed legal internships or clerkships, showcase them with specific details. For example:

    • Legal Intern
    • Law Firm XYZ
    • Summer 2021
    • Responsibilities:
      • Assisted senior attorneys in legal research and drafting motions.
      • Participated in client meetings and prepared case summaries.
  • Keyphrase in Context: Incorporate the keyphrase "make a friendly resume for law students" by mentioning how these experiences contributed to your ability to create an ATS-friendly CV tailored to the legal field.

Extracurricular Activities and Leadership Roles

  • Inclusion of Extracurriculars: Include relevant extracurricular activities or leadership roles. For example:

    • Vice President, Law Student Association
    • Responsibilities:
      • Organized legal seminars and workshops for fellow students.
      • Led a team of 10 students in planning and executing events.
  • Highlight Leadership: If you held leadership positions, describe your responsibilities and achievements. This showcases your leadership skills.

Publications and Research

  • Showcasing Publications: If you've authored legal publications or conducted research, create a separate section to showcase these accomplishments. For example:

    • Published Article: "The Impact of Legal Precedents on Contract Law"
    • Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 8, Issue 2, 2022
  • Please provide Details: Mention the titles of publications, where they were published, and any notable findings or outcomes from your research. This demonstrates your commitment to academic and legal excellence.

Awards and Honors

  • List Your Achievements: Don't forget to list any awards or honors you've received during your academic journey. For instance:

    • Dean's List, XYZ Law School
    • Best Orator, Moot Court Competition 2021
  • Keyphrase Integration: Incorporate the keyphrase "make a friendly resume for law students" by mentioning how your awards and honors reflect your dedication to creating a CV that stands out in the competitive legal job market.

Proofreading and Editing

  • Standard Grammar and Spelling Mistakes to Avoid

    • Double-check your CV for grammar and spelling mistakes.
    • Avoid using incorrect verb tenses, like mixing past and present.
    • Watch out for homophones (words that sound the same but have different meanings), such as "their" and "there" or "its" and "it's."
    • Ensure that your punctuation (commas, periods, etc.) are consistent and accurate.
    • Remember, ATS and recruiters notice even minor errors.
  • Checking for Consistency and Clarity

    • Maintain a uniform format throughout your CV, including fonts, headings, and bullet points.
    • Choose a clear and easy-to-read font like Arial or Calibri. Utilizing AI for review can further enhance your document.
    • Ensure that your bullet points or lists follow the same style and structure.
    • Avoid excessive formatting, as it can make your CV difficult for ATS and human readers to understand.

Final Tips for an ATS-Friendly CV

  • Tailoring Your CV for Each Application

    • Customize your CV for each job you apply for. Don't send the same one-size-fits-all CV.
    • Match your skills, experiences, and keywords with the job's requirements.
    • Mention the keyphrase "make ATS Friendly resume for law students" in your customized CV to enhance relevance.
  • Regularly Updating Your CV

    • Keep your CV fresh and current by adding your most recent accomplishments and experiences.
    • If it changes, update your contact information, like your phone number or email address.
    • Remove outdated or irrelevant details that no longer apply to your career goals.
  • Seeking Feedback from Professionals

    • Don't hesitate to ask for feedback from legal professionals, such as professors, mentors, or career advisors.
    • They can provide valuable insights to help you improve your CV.
    • Their input can also ensure that your CV meets industry expectations and standards.
  • Preparing a Human-Friendly Version of Your CV

    • Alongside your ATS-friendly CV, create a visually appealing version for human readers.
    • Use appropriate headings, fonts, and formatting to make it easy on the eyes.
    • Consider printing it on quality paper if you plan to provide a physical copy during interviews.
    • This human-friendly CV should complement the ATS version and make a positive impression when seen by potential employers.

Key Takeaways

In your quest to make an ATS-friendly resume  for law students, remember these key takeaways:

  1. Know the ATS: Understand what it is and how it works in the legal profession. It's your first gatekeeper to job opportunities.

  2. Keyword Strategy: Strategically use law-related keywords to boost your CV's chances of making it through ATS filters.

  3. Structured CV: Keep your CV well-structured with standard sections and clear headings. Simplicity is key.

  4. Professional Summary: Craft a professional summary that highlights your skills and objectives. Include your key phrase naturally.

  5. Education and Experience: Showcase your educational achievements and work experience with quantifiable accomplishments.

  6. Additional Sections: Don't forget to include sections for internships, extracurricular activities, publications, and awards.

  7. Proofread and Update: Ensure your CV is error-free and keep it updated with your latest achievements.

  8. Tailor Your CV: Customize your CV for each application to match the job requirements.

  9. Feedback Matters: Seek feedback from professionals to refine your CV.

  10. Human-Friendly Version: Always have a visually appealing CV ready when it reaches human hands.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make sure my resume is ATS friendly?

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Can ATS CV be 2 pages?

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Does ATS read PDF?

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What does ATS check in CV?

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What is ATS CV format?

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What is a good ATS score?

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Which ATS is used by Google?

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How to Make an ATS-Friendly CV for Law Students

Author : Nimisha Nayak

April 26, 2024


Overview: Discover the secrets for crafting an ATS friendly resume for law students that can kickstart your legal career! Keep reading for expert tips and essential insights.

In today's competitive job market, crafting a winning CV (Curriculum Vitae) is crucial, and understanding the difference between a CV and a resume is vital for law students aiming for success.

An ATS friendly resume for law students is a must to stand out and increase their chances of landing that coveted internship or job opportunity.

This article will guide you on how to make an ATS friendly resume for law students.

Key Contents

  1. Understanding ATS
  2. Preparing Your CV for ATS
  3. Selecting the Right Keywords
  4. Crafting the Professional Summary
  5. Showcasing Your Education
  6. Detailing Work Experience
  7. Additional Sections for Law Students
  8. Proofreading and Editing
  9. Final Tips for an ATS-Friendly CV

Understanding ATS

  • What is an ATS?

    • An ATS CV, or Applicant Tracking System, is software employers use to manage recruitment. 
    • It helps employers deal with many resumes quickly and helps them identify suitable candidates.
  • How Does ATS CV Work in Law Firms?

    • The ATS looks at your CV and checks if it has the right words and phrases for the job they want to fill.
    • If your CV has those words, you have a better chance of getting noticed by the law firm.
  • Why ATS Is Important for Law Students

    • An ATS friendly resume for law students is important for law students because many law firms use it.
    • If your resume isn't ATS-friendly, it might not even be looked at by real people at the law firm.
    • So, if you want a job in law, you need to know the different types of CVs, how ATS CVs work, and how to make your resume ATS-friendly to get noticed.

Preparing Your CV for ATS

Choosing the Right Format:

  • Importance of Standard Format: An ATS-friendly CV must follow a standard format. For instance, start with your contact information, followed by a professional summary, education, work experience, and skills, in that order.

    Example: Begin your CV with your name and contact details, then add a clear professional summary introducing your legal background and career goals.

  • Avoid Creative Designs: Creative designs, like colorful backgrounds or unusual fonts, might be visually appealing but can confuse ATS software.

    Example: Instead of using a fancy, hard-to-read font, opt for a simple, legible one like Arial or Times New Roman.

  • Clarity is Essential: Prioritize clarity over creativity. Make sure your CV is easy to read and navigate.

    Example: Use clear headings for each section and maintain consistent formatting for an organized and professional look.

Structuring Your CV for ATS Success:

  • Divide into Standard Sections: Organize your CV into standard sections to make it ATS-friendly and reader-friendly.

    Example: Create separate sections for Contact Information, Professional Summary, Education, Work Experience, and Skills, ensuring each section is clearly labeled.

  • Use Headings: Headings provide structure and help ATS and human readers quickly locate relevant information.

    Example: Under the "Work Experience" section, use headings like "Legal Internship at ABC Law Firm" for clarity.

  • Utilize Bullet Points: Bullet points break down information into easily digestible chunks, enhancing readability.

    Example: In the "Skills" section, use bullet points to list skills such as "Legal Research," "Contract Drafting," and "Client Communication."

The Power of Keywords:

  • Keyword Research: Identify keywords specific to the legal field and law students. Research job descriptions to find relevant terms.

    Example: If a job posting mentions "litigation support" and "legal analysis," consider including these terms in your CV if they align with your skills.

  • Strategic Keyword Placement: Incorporate keywords naturally in your CV, especially in the professional summary and skills section.

    Example: If you've had experience in contract law, mention it in your professional summary: "Law student with a strong background in contract law."

  • Balanced Keyword Usage: Avoid stuffing your CV with too many keywords, as this can make it look unnatural.

    Example: If you mention "legal research" in your CV, ensure it flows naturally within your sentences, such as "Conducted extensive legal research to support case strategies."

The Importance of Formatting:

  • Simplicity is Key: Keep your CV's formatting clean and straightforward.

    Example: Use a consistent font size and spacing throughout your CV for a neat appearance.

  • Professional Font: Choose a professional, easily readable font to maintain a polished look.

    Example: Select a font like Calibri or Garamond, widely accepted in professional documents.

  • Bullet Points for Lists: When listing items, use bullet points for a well-organized and scannable format.

    Example: In your "Education" section, list your degrees and institutions with bullet points for clarity.

NEXTGen Internship On Corporate Laws

NEXTGen Internship On Corporate Laws

Selecting the Right Keywords

  • Identifying Relevant Keywords for Law Students

    • When identifying keywords for your CV, consider the skills and qualifications that law firms and legal employers seek. Here are some examples of relevant keywords for law students:
      • "Legal research" indicates your ability to conduct thorough legal research, a vital skill in the legal profession.
      • "Contract law": If you strongly understand contract law, include this keyword to showcase your expertise in this area.
      • "Moot court": Mentioning "moot court" highlights your experience in simulated legal proceedings, which is valuable for employers.
      • "Legal writing": If you excel in legal writing, including this keyword demonstrates your proficiency in drafting legal documents.
  • Keyword Placement and Density

    • Identifying keywords is insufficient; you must place them strategically in your CV to improve ATS compatibility.
      • Professional Summary Example: "As a law student, my goal is to make an ATS-friendly resume for law students while leveraging my expertise in legal research, contract law, and legal writing to contribute effectively to legal teams."
      • Skills Section Example: "Skills: Legal research, contract law, moot court, legal writing, litigation skills, and case management."
      • Work Experience Example: If you worked as a legal intern: "Conducted extensive legal research on contract law cases, supporting senior attorneys in preparing for court hearings."
  • Avoid Keyword Stuffing

    • Keyword stuffing is when you excessively use keywords in your CV to the point that it feels forced and unnatural. It can harm your chances with ATS and human reviewers. Here's an example of what not to do:
      • "I have a strong passion for legal research and contract law. My legal writing skills and expertise in moot court make me the perfect candidate to make a friendly resume for law students. I have legal research experience in contract law, and my legal writing skills are top-notch, which will help me make a friendly resume for law students effectively."

Crafting the Professional Summary

  • Writing an ATS-Friendly Professional Summary

    • Your professional summary is like the introduction to your CV.
    • It should be a concise paragraph that tells employers what you bring.
    • Example: "Dedicated law student passionate about legal research and a strong commitment to justice. Seeking to make a friendly resume for law students to secure a legal internship."
  • Highlighting Key Accomplishments and Skills

    • In this section, you want to emphasize what makes you a great law student.
    • Example: "Proficient in legal research methods, with experience analyzing complex cases and negotiating favorable outcomes. Able to apply legal principles to real-world situations effectively."

Showcasing Your Education

  • How to Format Your Education Section

    • Start with your most recent educational achievement and work backward.
    • Example:
      • Master of Laws (LL.M.), ABC Law School, Graduation: May 2023
      • Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), XYZ University, Graduation: May 2021
  • Highlighting Relevant Courses and Honors

    • Mention any courses, honors, or scholarships showcasing your law commitment law.
    • Example: "Relevant Courses: Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Intellectual Property Law, Honors: Dean's List, XYZ Law School, Scholarship: John Smith Legal Excellence Award."
  • Mentioning Your GPA and Graduation Date

    • Include your GPA if it's strong and showcases your academic prowess.
    • Example: "GPA: 3.8/4.0, Expected Graduation Date: May 2023."

Detailing Work Experience

The Importance of Quantifiable Achievements

  • Quantify Your Achievements: In your work experience section, it's vital to provide specific and quantifiable details. For instance, you could say, "Increased client satisfaction by 20% through improved communication and case management."

  • Impactful Numbers: Consider how your work made a difference. Did you save time and money or enhance efficiency? For example, "Managed a caseload of 100+ clients, resulting in a 15% reduction in case resolution time."

Using Action Verbs to Describe Responsibilities

  • Start with Action Verbs: Begin each bullet point in your work experience with strong action verbs, such as "Negotiated settlements in complex legal disputes" or "Analyzed legal precedents to support case strategies."

  • Examples of Action Verbs: Utilize verbs like "researched," "managed," "analyzed," "negotiated," and "implemented" to kickstart your responsibilities. These verbs make your CV sound dynamic and engaging. Here's a list of action verbs.

Formatting Work Experience Entries

  • Maintain Consistency: Consistency is critical for an ATS-friendly CV. Use a uniform format for each job entry, ensuring it's easy for ATS systems to understand. For instance:

    • Job Title: Associate Attorney
    • Company: Legal Excellence LLP
    • Dates: January 2020 - Present
    • Responsibilities:
      • Drafted legal documents, including contracts and briefs.
      • Conducted legal research to support case strategies.
  • Consistent Structure: Keep the order of information consistent. This uniformity helps ATS systems process your data efficiently.

Additional Sections for Law Students

Legal Internships and Clerkships

  • Highlighting Internships and Clerkships: If you've completed legal internships or clerkships, showcase them with specific details. For example:

    • Legal Intern
    • Law Firm XYZ
    • Summer 2021
    • Responsibilities:
      • Assisted senior attorneys in legal research and drafting motions.
      • Participated in client meetings and prepared case summaries.
  • Keyphrase in Context: Incorporate the keyphrase "make a friendly resume for law students" by mentioning how these experiences contributed to your ability to create an ATS-friendly CV tailored to the legal field.

Extracurricular Activities and Leadership Roles

  • Inclusion of Extracurriculars: Include relevant extracurricular activities or leadership roles. For example:

    • Vice President, Law Student Association
    • Responsibilities:
      • Organized legal seminars and workshops for fellow students.
      • Led a team of 10 students in planning and executing events.
  • Highlight Leadership: If you held leadership positions, describe your responsibilities and achievements. This showcases your leadership skills.

Publications and Research

  • Showcasing Publications: If you've authored legal publications or conducted research, create a separate section to showcase these accomplishments. For example:

    • Published Article: "The Impact of Legal Precedents on Contract Law"
    • Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 8, Issue 2, 2022
  • Please provide Details: Mention the titles of publications, where they were published, and any notable findings or outcomes from your research. This demonstrates your commitment to academic and legal excellence.

Awards and Honors

  • List Your Achievements: Don't forget to list any awards or honors you've received during your academic journey. For instance:

    • Dean's List, XYZ Law School
    • Best Orator, Moot Court Competition 2021
  • Keyphrase Integration: Incorporate the keyphrase "make a friendly resume for law students" by mentioning how your awards and honors reflect your dedication to creating a CV that stands out in the competitive legal job market.

Proofreading and Editing

  • Standard Grammar and Spelling Mistakes to Avoid

    • Double-check your CV for grammar and spelling mistakes.
    • Avoid using incorrect verb tenses, like mixing past and present.
    • Watch out for homophones (words that sound the same but have different meanings), such as "their" and "there" or "its" and "it's."
    • Ensure that your punctuation (commas, periods, etc.) are consistent and accurate.
    • Remember, ATS and recruiters notice even minor errors.
  • Checking for Consistency and Clarity

    • Maintain a uniform format throughout your CV, including fonts, headings, and bullet points.
    • Choose a clear and easy-to-read font like Arial or Calibri. Utilizing AI for review can further enhance your document.
    • Ensure that your bullet points or lists follow the same style and structure.
    • Avoid excessive formatting, as it can make your CV difficult for ATS and human readers to understand.

Final Tips for an ATS-Friendly CV

  • Tailoring Your CV for Each Application

    • Customize your CV for each job you apply for. Don't send the same one-size-fits-all CV.
    • Match your skills, experiences, and keywords with the job's requirements.
    • Mention the keyphrase "make ATS Friendly resume for law students" in your customized CV to enhance relevance.
  • Regularly Updating Your CV

    • Keep your CV fresh and current by adding your most recent accomplishments and experiences.
    • If it changes, update your contact information, like your phone number or email address.
    • Remove outdated or irrelevant details that no longer apply to your career goals.
  • Seeking Feedback from Professionals

    • Don't hesitate to ask for feedback from legal professionals, such as professors, mentors, or career advisors.
    • They can provide valuable insights to help you improve your CV.
    • Their input can also ensure that your CV meets industry expectations and standards.
  • Preparing a Human-Friendly Version of Your CV

    • Alongside your ATS-friendly CV, create a visually appealing version for human readers.
    • Use appropriate headings, fonts, and formatting to make it easy on the eyes.
    • Consider printing it on quality paper if you plan to provide a physical copy during interviews.
    • This human-friendly CV should complement the ATS version and make a positive impression when seen by potential employers.

Key Takeaways

In your quest to make an ATS-friendly resume  for law students, remember these key takeaways:

  1. Know the ATS: Understand what it is and how it works in the legal profession. It's your first gatekeeper to job opportunities.

  2. Keyword Strategy: Strategically use law-related keywords to boost your CV's chances of making it through ATS filters.

  3. Structured CV: Keep your CV well-structured with standard sections and clear headings. Simplicity is key.

  4. Professional Summary: Craft a professional summary that highlights your skills and objectives. Include your key phrase naturally.

  5. Education and Experience: Showcase your educational achievements and work experience with quantifiable accomplishments.

  6. Additional Sections: Don't forget to include sections for internships, extracurricular activities, publications, and awards.

  7. Proofread and Update: Ensure your CV is error-free and keep it updated with your latest achievements.

  8. Tailor Your CV: Customize your CV for each application to match the job requirements.

  9. Feedback Matters: Seek feedback from professionals to refine your CV.

  10. Human-Friendly Version: Always have a visually appealing CV ready when it reaches human hands.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make sure my resume is ATS friendly?

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Can ATS CV be 2 pages?

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Does ATS read PDF?

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What does ATS check in CV?

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What is ATS CV format?

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What is a good ATS score?

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Which ATS is used by Google?

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