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i am not able to understand the meaning of bite- gatherer in this context. please elaborate


DIRECTIONS: In the following passage some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.

We are now in an age of the "Ravana school of journalism": Ten heads _(a)_ out of a television set, each shouting and arguing with the other even as the anchor shouts the loudest. News is no longer about public interest but _(b)_, not facts but opinion, where studio debates matter more than stories from the ground, where a reporter is often only a _(c)_. Many national channels today are _(d)_ with bureaus and investing less in storytelling from the ground. It is easier and _(e)_ to get four to five people in a studio to argue with each other. There is a crisis in television news journalism. We have been part of a television news revolution that broke the _(f)_ of Doordarshan, brought a passionate and _(g)_ energy to the news process. But two decades later, the revolution we were all part of now threatens to _(h)_ us. Over the years, the news media in this country has been a _(i)_: It has  exposed corruption, held a mirror to society, been  the _(j)_ of protecting democratic freedom. But the watchdog is now becoming a lapdog.

Mark the correct option for blank _(c)_.
A) bite-gatherer
B) hunter-gatherer 
C) foregatherer 
D) bullet-gatherer 
In the context of a reporter A would be most appropriate.

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