The good news for the SBI Clerk aspirants has arrived with the upcoming news of the marks for the prelims exams been announced on Friday 24th June 2016 by the State Bank of India (SBI). The much awaited result for the exam that was conducted on 5th June 2016 has been produced by State Bank of India (SBI), mentioning the candidates who have qualified for appearing in the main examination. The SBI clerk aspirants can check their qualifying eligibility on the official website of SBI ( now onwards. However the updated marks list for the exam will be updated shortly on the official website. This will contain the entire subject wise marks as achieved in the marks list.

The candidates falling under the qualified category will have to fasten their seat belts to get prepared for the main examination that will be conducted very shortly on 25th and 26th June according to the information laid on the official site. One important needs to be marked that the call letters will only be available for the candidates who have qualified the exam. In case of non-qualification you cannot get the desired result. To download the call letter for the following exam, candidates can follow the following set of steps:-

    Visit the official website of SBI (
    Click on the “career” section and then on the related link 
    Visit the column of “latest announcements” and click the fourth dot at the bottom
    Then click on “call letter for candidates qualified for Main exam” link to move to the login page
    Enter the login details as needed such as- registration number/roll number and password/date of birth
    Then after click on the “login” button
    The call letter for the qualified candidates appears on the screen 
    Check and verify the details to match your personal details and take a print out to be preserved for the mains exam

Carrying this call letter to the main exam hall is mandatory failing which your appearance in the exam will be as per the discretionary power of the current invigilator.