SBI Clerk 2016 Selection Criteria

Before we jump to the SBI Clerk Exam 2016 syllabus, let us discuss in detail about the SBI Clerk selection scheme that is followed to select candidates for clerical department. There are three major levels that one needs to qualify to finally get SBI Clerk position. The mentioned table will make you understand the procedure better.


Level Name


Level  1

SBI Clerk Preliminary Exam


Level 2

SBI Main Exam


Level 3


Face to face

  1. One needs to clear preliminary Exam with minimum passing marks to move to the next level which is SBI Main Exam and after having cleared this round, one can move to face the final interview round.
  2. SBI Clerk Preliminary exam can be cleared with just the passing marks to qualify for the Main exam; because preliminary marks are not added during the final assessment.
  3. Bank considers marks of SBI Clerk Main examination, which means that marks scored by a candidate in this exam are added along with the Interview marks to form a ranking list.  
  4. Both SBI Clerk Preliminary and Main Examinations are objective and online based exams. These exams carry 0.25 negative marking for every wrong answer.
  5. There shall be a language test which is taken after candidate has joined the bank.

SBI Clerk Exam 2016 Eligibility

Before starting registration for SBI Clerk Exam 2016, you must check your Eligibility. Here are the eligibility details to assist you better.

  1. The age limit for the SBI Clerk exam 2016 is between 20 to 28 years.
  2. Candidate must have passed graduation degree in any discipline and if someone is waiting for his/her final year result, then he/she must produce passing certificate at later stage when asked to do so.

You must go through complete SBI Clerk Exam 2016 advertisement here: 

It is recommended that official website of SBI must be checked regularly for all the latest updates on SBI Clerk Exam 2016, or you can go to Careers section of SBI through the given link:

For more info on SBI Clerk 2016 Exam

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