Hello people,

National Development Assistant and Rural Development (NABARD) conducts ‘Preliminary Examination’ on an annual basis to recruit eligible candidates for the posts of ‘Development Assistant”. This year i.e. 2016, NABARD has a target to recruit 85 number of vacancies.

The candidates who manage to qualify the Prelims will only get a chance to sit for the NABARD Mains examination. All they need is an effective preparation strategy along with self- confidence. However, the merit list of the Mains exam will be the toolkit for procedure of final selection. The paper will be an objective one with questions from three sections: Quantitative, Reasoning and English. The pattern of the examination will be as follows:

NABARD Development Assistant Prelims: Exam Pattern



No. of Questions

Max. Marks

Time Duration





1 hour


Numerical Ability










The NABARD Development Assistant Prelims will be conducted in three slots as follows:

NABARD Development Assistant Prelims: Shift Timings


Exam Dates

(NABARD DA Prelims)

Shift Time

Day 01


Shift - 1 (09:15am onwards) Morning Shift

Shift - 2 (12:15pm onwards) Mid day Shift

Shift - 3 (15:15pm onwards) Afternoon Shift

Click here for FREE NABARD Development Assistant Mains Mock test series

NABARD Development Assistant Prelims: Slot 1:

NABARD Exam Analysis Prelims: 10th November (Slot 1) - Overall Analysis

The examination was of Easy - Moderate level as far as the difficulty level is concerned.

NABARD Development Analysis Prelims: 10th November (Slot 1) – Summary of all sections


Number of Questions

Good Attempts

Difficulty Level

Reasoning Ability



Easy - Moderate (Tricky)

Quantitative Aptitude




English Language




(i) Reasoning Ability:

(a) Good Attempts: If you manage to attend  22 - 25  number of questions, it can maximize your chances of clearing the cut- off marks.

(b) Difficulty level: The difficulty level of the examination was  Easy - Moderate (Tricky) level.

(c) Section Wise Analysis:

The questions were asked from the following topics:

  1. Complex Arrangement/ Puzzles
  2. Input/ Output
  3. Syllogism
  4. Statements and Assumptions/ Conclusion
  5. Seating Arrangement
  6. Data Sufficiency
  7. Inequality

(ii) Numerical Ability/ Quantitative Aptitude:

(a) Good Attempts: If you manage to attend 17- 21 number of questions, it can maximize your chances of clearing the cut- off marks.

(b) Difficulty level: The difficulty level of the examination was Moderate level.

(c) Section Wise Analysis:

The questions were asked from the following topics:

  1. Number Series
  2. Data Interpretation (2 sets)
  3. Quadratic Equations
  4. Time and Work and Averages
  5. Profit and Loss
  6. Simple Interest and Compound Interest
  7. Simplification

(iii) English Language:

(a) Good Attempts: If you manage to attend 26 - 30 number of questions, it can maximize your chances of clearing the cut- off marks.

(b) Difficulty level: The difficulty level of the examination was Easy level.

(c) Section Wise Analysis:

The questions were asked from the following topics:

  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Cloze Test
  3. Sentence Correction
  4. Fill in the blanks
  5. Sentence Arrangement
  6. Sentence Arrangement in a correct order/ Para jumbles
  7. Error spotting

NABARD Development Assistant Prelims: Slot 2:

NABARD Exam Analysis Prelims: 10th November (Slot 2) - Overall Analysis

The examination was of Easy - Moderate level as far as the difficulty level is concerned.

NABARD Development Analysis Prelims: 10th November (Slot 2) – Summary of all sections


Number of Questions

Good Attempts

Difficulty Level

Reasoning Ability



Easy - Moderate 

Quantitative Aptitude



Easy- Moderate

English Language




(i) Reasoning Ability:

(a) Good Attempts: If you manage to attend  23 - 25  number of questions, it can maximize your chances of clearing the cut- off marks.

(b) Difficulty level: The difficulty level of the examination was  Easy - Moderate level.

(c) Section Wise Analysis:

The questions were asked from the following topics:

  1. Complex Arrangement/ Puzzles
  2. Input/ Output
  3. Syllogism
  4. Statements and Assumptions/ Conclusion
  5. Seating Arrangement
  6. Data Sufficiency
  7. Inequality

(ii) Numerical Ability/ Quantitative Aptitude:

(a) Good Attempts: If you manage to attend 17- 22 number of questions, it can maximize your chances of clearing the cut- off marks.

(b) Difficulty level: The difficulty level of the examination was Easy- Moderate level.

(c) Section Wise Analysis:

The questions were asked from the following topics:

  1. Number Series
  2. Data Interpretation (2 sets)
  3. Quadratic Equations
  4. Time and Work and Averages
  5. Profit and Loss
  6. Simple Interest and Compound Interest
  7. Simplification

(iii) English Language:

(a) Good Attempts: If you manage to attend 25 - 30 number of questions, it can maximize your chances of clearing the cut- off marks.

(b) Difficulty level: The difficulty level of the examination was Easy level.

(c) Section Wise Analysis:

The questions were asked from the following topics:

  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Cloze Test
  3. Sentence Correction
  4. Fill in the blanks
  5. Sentence Arrangement
  6. Sentence Arrangement in a correct order/ Para jumbles
  7. Error spotting

NABARD Development Assistant Prelims: Slot 3:

NABARD Exam Analysis Prelims: 10th November (Slot 3) - Overall Analysis

The examination was of Easy - Moderate level as far as the difficulty level is concerned.

NABARD Development Analysis Prelims: 10th November (Slot 3) – Summary of all sections


Number of Questions

Good Attempts

Difficulty Level

Reasoning Ability



Easy - Moderate 

Quantitative Aptitude



Easy- Moderate

English Language




(i) Reasoning Ability:

(a) Good Attempts: If you manage to attend 23-26 number of questions, it can maximize your chances of clearing the cut- off marks.

(b) Difficulty level: The difficulty level of the examination was  Easy - Moderate level.

(c) Section Wise Analysis:

The questions were asked from the following topics:

  1. Complex Arrangement/ Puzzles
  2. Input/ Output
  3. Syllogism
  4. Statements and Assumptions/ Conclusion
  5. Seating Arrangement
  6. Data Sufficiency
  7. Inequality

(ii) Numerical Ability/ Quantitative Aptitude:

(a) Good Attempts: If you manage to attend 17- 24 number of questions, it can maximize your chances of clearing the cut- off marks.

(b) Difficulty level: The difficulty level of the examination was Easy- Moderate level.

(c) Section Wise Analysis:

The questions were asked from the following topics:

  1. Number Series
  2. Data Interpretation (2 sets)
  3. Quadratic Equations
  4. Time and Work and Averages
  5. Profit and Loss
  6. Simple Interest and Compound Interest
  7. Simplification

(iii) English Language:

(a) Good Attempts: If you manage to attend 26 - 30 number of questions, it can maximize your chances of clearing the cut- off marks.

(b) Difficulty level: The difficulty level of the examination was Easy level.

(c) Section Wise Analysis:

The questions were asked from the following topics:

  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Cloze Test
  3. Sentence Correction
  4. Fill in the blanks
  5. Sentence Arrangement
  6. Sentence Arrangement in a correct order/ Para jumbles
  7. Error spotting

Stay tuned with us for significant job notifications and updates...Till then happy learning...

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