IBPS RRB Time Management Tips- Get time management tips for IBPS RRB Prelims 2017, section wise tips, tricks & strategy for officer scale and office assistant

IBPS RRB Time Management Tips- Mains 2017

IBPS RRB Time Management Tips- Time management plays a crucial role in every sphere of your life. When it comes to any major exam like IBPS RRB, it becomes even more crucial. After the completion of IBPS RRB Prelims for both assistant and officer scale, IBPS RRB office scale mains and assistant mains are the upcoming major events. The IBPS RRB officer scale 1 prelims exam was conducted on 9th, 10th and 16th September 2017 and office assistant prelims was conducted on 17th Sep, 23rd Sep, and 24th Sep 2017. The officer scale mains is scheduled on 5th November and office assistant mains on 12th Nov. It is a major concern of students to cover all sections in time. We bring you IBPS RRB Time Management Tips for mains 2017 which will help in efficient time management.

All students are advised to be thorough with ibps rrb exam timings and ibps rrb shift timings. This will help you avoid any sorts of discrepancy. You will find the details of ibps rrb exam reporting time in your ibps rrb officer scale admit card 2017.

IBPS RRB Mains Exam Pattern 2017

The IBPS RRB Officer Scale mains exam pattern and IBPS RRB Office Assistant mains exam pattern are same. Let us now take a look at the exam pattern of IBPS RRB Mains (for office assistant and officer scale)-

Section No. of Qs Max Marks Duration
Reasoning 40 50 Composite
time of
2 Hours
40 50
40 40
English / Hindi
40 40
40 20
TOTAL 200 200

IBPS RRB Mains Time Management Tips- Section Wise

We are sharing the time management tips for IBPS RRB Mains section wise-

Remember, Manage time wisely

There will be 200 questions in 160 minutes in IBPS RRB Mains. This implies that you get 0.6 seconds per question and you should take care of it. You should try to solve maximum questions but not solving all the questions because it is practically impossible to do so. Make a strategy to solve easy questions and tough questions later which will help you save time.

Let us now take a look at IBPS RRB Time Management Tips- section wise and learn how to manage time efficiently


Reasoning section is the trickiest of all sections. It may be time consuming as compared to other sections because of the tricky side. You will find some questions which will be more time consuming as compared to other questions. Instead of choosing questions which you can’t solve, you need to have a wise insight of which questions to choose and why. We have provided a order in which you can attempt the topics for proper time management.

Order of Attempt for Officer Scale I:

  1. Coded Inequality
  2. Syllogisms
  3. Arrangement & Pattern
  4. Verbal Reasoning
  5. Coding & Decoding
  6. Circular/Linear Arrangement
  7. Double Line-Up
  8. Ordering & Ranking
  9. Blood Relations
  10. Puzzles

Order of Attempt for Office Assistant

  1. Arrangement & Pattern
  2. Coding Decoding
  3. Inequalities
  4. Syllogisms
  5. Linear & Circular Sitting Arrangement
  6. Data Sufficiency

We advise you to solve questions from arrangement & puzzles topics at the end. In case of officer scale 1, focus on topics like coded inequality, syllogisms and arrangements whereas for Office Assistant, prepare well from topics of Arrangement & Pattern, Coding-Decoding etc.  You can tweak the order of attempt as per your convenience.

Quantitative Aptitude-

Quantitative Aptitude section is more time consuming as compared to reasoning or any other section. If you practice well, you will easily be able to attempt this section without much hassle. We have provided a order in which you can attempt the topics for proper time management-

Order of Attempt for Officer Scale I:

  1. DI
  2. Number Series
  3. Quadratic Equation
  4. Data Interpretation (DI)
  5. Miscellaneous – Average, Percentage, Age, Probability, Time & Work, Speed & Distance.

Order of Attempt for Office Assistant:

  1. DI
  2. Algebra
  3. Data Sufficiency
  4. Permutation & Combination/ Probability

You can tweak the order of attempt as per your convenience. In the miscellaneous section, always choose the questions which are straight, simple to understand, and you are confident about.

English Language-

English Section consists of 40 questions of 1 mark each. English language can be scoring section if you have a good command over grammar and vocabulary. This section will help you fetch good marks and help you score maximum marks.

Order of Attempt for Officer Scale I:

  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Cloze Test
  3. Para Jumbles
  4. Error Spotting

Order of Attempt for Office Assistant:

  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Sentence Improvement/Phrase Replacement
  3. Para Jumbles
  4. Cloze Test
  5. Error Spotting
  6. Sentence Fillers

General Awareness-

When you talk of general awareness section, it is less time consuming as compared to other sections. For general awareness, you need to stay updated with daily current affairs. Along with current affairs, you also should be proficient enough in static GK part. Try to solve this section first and then carry on with solving of other sections. But, try to maintain an order of solving current affairs section first followed by static GK.

Computer Knowledge-

Computer knowledge is also less time taking like GA section. We would advise you to go through books with computer fundamentals. You can get questions from terminology, from basic operations, etc. Computer knowledge is one of the most scoring sections of all and you can ace it with proper practice & efforts.

IBPS RRB Time Management Tips for Mains- Dos and Don’ts

Here are some major Dos and Don’ts in IBPS RRB exams-

  • Don’t panic when the exam starts. Keep calm and read the question paper carefully.
  • Read all questions properly, once or twice, but don’t misinterpret the questions. Make sure you read the questions correctly and answer properly.
  • Attempt all questions in the genuine time slot. If you exceed the time slot, you will end up wasting time
  • Do not waste too much time on a single question. Make sure that you attempt all easy questions first instead of sticking to a question you are unable to.
  • Avoid any kind of guesswork.
  • Do carry your photograph (same as on the admit card) and xerox with original ID proof.

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