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200+ Mock Tests
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Mentorship Program
1200 + hours
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I find UP PCS J Preparation Books in Hindi?
Should I make online notes or offline notes while referring to UP PCS J Books?
Do I have to clear individual cutoff of all papers in UP Judiciary Mains?
How is the final merit list prepared?
How long to prepare and how many hours to put in?
Is coaching necessary for the preparation for the UP Judiciary Exam?
How is the UP Judiciary interview and what sort of questions are asked?
Should I make online notes or offline notes?
What are the recommended books to cover UP PCS J Syllabus of Paper 1?
How do I get ready for the UP Judicial Exam?
Is there a mock test component to the judicial coaching program?
Which training centre offers the finest UP Judiciary Coaching?
Are any UP Judiciary Coaching crash courses available?
Can you pass the exam with a better grade if you receive coaching in the Judiciary?
What is the marking scheme of UP Judiciary Exam?
How many papers are there in UP Judiciary Mains Exam?
Is it difficult to study the entire UP Judiciary Syllabus?
Q) Does non appearance in UP PCS(J) prelims counted as an attempt?
Q) How do I start preparing for UP PCS J?
Q) How many times in the past 10 years was UP PCS (J) conducted?
Q) What is the official website for the UP PCS J notification?
Q) Is a final year LLB student eligible for the UP PCS J exam?