CUET Psychology Important Topics 2025 and Weightage
Author : Paakhi Jain
January 16, 2025
Overview:Psychological Disorders, Therapeutic Approaches, Meeting Life Challenges, etc, are some of the CUET Psychology important topics for 2025 covering 50% of the questions based on exam analysis of 2024. Check the detailed list of major topics for the exam in the article to prepare well.
To pursue CUET UG courses such as BA in Psychology, Integrated BA in Psychology, BSc in Psychology, BSc Hons in Psychology, BA Hons In Psychology, BA Hons in Applied Psychology, BA (Hons/Hons with Research) in Psychology, BSc in Clinical Psychology, BSc Hons in Clinical Psychology, etc. CUET Psychology exam scores are very important.
Get insights into the list of CUET Psychology important topics that you must focus on during your preparation to secure a perfect score.
Key topics for CUET Psychology Syllabus 2025
To ace your Psychology exam in the CUET 2025 cycle, here's the list of CUET Psychology important topics divided across the following units:
Variations in Psychological Attributes
Self and Personality, Psychological Disorders
Attitude and Social Cognition, Social Influence
Group Processes, Developing Psychological Skills, etc.
CUET Psychology Major Topics for Exam 2025
The CUET Psychology important topics from the CUET Psychology syllabus for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th units are mentioned below:
Unit I: Variations in Psychological Attributes
Individual differences in human functioning
Assessment of psychological attributes
Intelligence: Individual differences in intelligence
Theories of intelligence
Culture and Intelligence
Special abilities: Aptitude — nature and measurement
Creativity & Emotional Intelligence
Unit II: Self and Personality
Self Esteem, Self-Efficacy, Self-Regulation
Culture and Self
Concept of Personality
Major approaches — Type and Trait, Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Behavioural, Cultural
Assessment of personality: Self-report measures, behavioural analysis, and projective measures
Unit III: Meeting Life Challenges
Types and Sources of Stress
Effects on Psychological Functioning and Health
Coping with stress
Promoting positive health and well-being
Unit IV: Psychological Disorders
Concepts of abnormality and psychological disorders
Classification of disorders
Factors underlying abnormal behaviour
Major psychological disorders – Anxiety, Somatic, Dissociative, Mood, Schizophrenic, Developmental and Behavioural-Substance use related
CUET Psychology Important Topics 2025 (Part 2)
The important chapters for CUET Psychology exam from 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th units are given below:
Unit V: Therapeutic Approaches
Nature and Process of Therapy: Therapeutic Relationship
Types of Therapies: Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Cognitive, Behaviour and Bio-medical
Alternative Therapies: Yoga, Meditation
Rehabilitation of Mentally Ill
Unit VI: Attitude and Social Cognition
Explaining social behaviour: Impression formation and explaining the behaviour of others through attributions
Social cognition
Schemas and stereotypes
Nature and Components of Attitudes
Attitude Formation and Change
Behaviour in the presence of others
Pro-social behaviour
Prejudices and Discrimination & Strategies for Handling Prejudice
CUET Psychology Important Topics: Unit VII: Social Influence and Group Processes
Conformity, Obedience, and Compliance
Cooperation and Competition
Nature and formation of groups
Types of Groups & Social Identity
Influence of the Group on Individual Behaviour
Inter-Group Conflicts & Resolution Strategies
Unit VIII: Psychology and Life
Human-Environment Relationship
Environmental Effects on Human Behaviour
Noise, Pollution, Crowding, Natural Disasters
Promoting Pro-Environmental Behaviour
Psychology and Social Concerns: Aggression, Violence and Peace, Discrimination and Poverty
CUET Psychology Exam Important Subjects Weightage 2025
If you are desirous of getting admission to the UG Psychology CUET courses, you must check the chapter-wise weightage for CUET Psychology important topics in the table below.
Expected CUET Psychology exam important subjects weightage
Number of Questions
Psychological Disorders
Therapeutic Approaches
Meeting Life Challenges
Self and Personality
Variations in Psychological Attributes
Attitude and Social Cognition
Social Influence and Group Processes
Psychology and Life
Developing Psychological Skills
Key Takeaways
The article has all the information regarding CUET Psychology Important Topics and expected chapter-wise weightage for the 2025 exam.
By learning the important topics for CUET Psychology, you can secure a seat in any of the UG courses such as BA in Psychology, BSc in Psychology, BA Hons In Psychology, BA Hons in Applied Psychology, etc.
Most of the questions in the exam are about Therapeutic Approaches, Psychological Disorders, Meeting Life Challenges, etc.
Create flashcards for key terms and definitions, such as “cognitive dissonance” or “operant conditioning,” for quick revision.
Since exams include MCQs only, practice with CUET mock tests, sample papers and practice questions to perform well.