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LSAT Vocabulary List 2024: Important Words with Meanings

Author : Samriddhi Pandey

May 8, 2024


Reader's Digest: Are you gearing up for the LSAT India 2024? Is the LSAT Vocabulary List getting in your way? Read the blog to know the frequently asked words and their meanings. 

LSAT vocabulary can indeed pose a unique challenge. Not only does it include high-level words, but it also introduces specific meanings that might diverge from everyday usage.  

The LSAT (Law School Admission Test) assesses your critical reading skills, and as such, it often includes vocabulary words that are not commonly used in everyday conversation.

These words are selected to test your comprehension and interpretation of complex texts. The LSAT vocabulary list can trip up even the most skilled test-takers.

Recognizing the LSAT's specialized language is crucial to mastering the test. As you prepare, remember to practice in context, reinforce your understanding through exercises and practice questions, and remain attentive to the subtle differences in word meanings.

Over time, you'll become more comfortable with the LSAT's vocabulary and better equipped to tackle its challenging questions effectively. 

Here's what we'll be covering in this blog:

  • 50 Most Important LSAT Vocabulary List: We'll provide you with an extensive list of LSAT vocabulary words, ensuring you're well-prepared to tackle this crucial aspect of the exam.
  • Techniques to Learn the LSAT Vocabulary List: Discover effective strategies and techniques to efficiently learn and retain LSAT vocabulary, helping you excel in this challenging section.

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What are the Different Types of LSAT Vocabulary List Asked in Exam?

Some common types of vocabulary words you may encounter on the LSAT include:

  • Synonyms and Antonyms: Questions may require identifying synonyms or antonyms for specific words within a passage.
  • Inference: You might be asked to infer the meaning of a word based on its context within a passage.
  • Analogy: LSAT questions sometimes present analogies that require you to identify relationships between words.
  • Stipulative Definitions: These questions may ask you to determine the meaning of a word as it's used within a specific passage.
  • Impact on Arguments: Understanding the meaning of certain words can be critical for analyzing arguments effectively.

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Latest LSAT Vocabulary List 2024

Refer to the following list of LSAT vocabulary words you may encounter in the exam:

Word Meaning
Abate To become less intense or widespread
Aberration A departure from what is normal or expected
Abridge To shorten without losing the sense
Alacrity Brisk and cheerful readiness
Ameliorate To make something bad or unsatisfactory better
Anomaly Something that deviates from the norm
Arcane Understood by few, mysterious
Belie To fail to give a true impression of
Capricious Impulsive, subject to whims
Cogent Convincing and well-reasoned
Debilitate To make weak or feeble
Deleterious Harmful, damaging
Diatribe A forceful and bitter verbal attack
Disparate Essentially different in kind
Ebullient Overflowing with enthusiasm
Enervate To weaken, drain of energy
Epitome A perfect example of embodiment
Esoteric Intended for or understood by only a particular group
Exacerbate To make it worse or more severe
Exemplary Serving as a desirable model
Facetious Treating serious issues with inappropriate humour
Garrulous Excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters
Gregarious Sociable, fond of company
Harangue A lengthy and aggressive speech or lecture
Iconoclast A person who attacks or criticizes cherished beliefs or institutions
Ineffable Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words
Inherent Existing as a permanent, essential quality
Innuendo An allusive or oblique remark or hint, typically a suggestive or disparaging one
Insidious Proceeding in a gradual, subtle way but with harmful effects
Intrepid Fearless, adventurous
Juxtapose To place or deal with close together for contrasting effect
Lethargic Affected by lethargy, sluggish and apathetic
Loquacious Very talkative, chatty
Malleable Easily influenced or shaped
Nefarious Wicked, villainous
Obfuscate To render unclear or unintelligible
Obstinate Stubborn, unyielding
Panacea A solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases
Paragon A person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality
Pedantic Excessively concerned with minor details or rules
Placate To make someone less angry or hostile
Quixotic Exceedingly idealistic, unrealistic, and impractical
Redolent Having a strong, pleasant odour
Sycophant A person who acts obsequiously toward someone important to gain an advantage
Taciturn Reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little
Ubiquitous Present, appearing, or found everywhere
Venerable Accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character
Verbose Using or expressing in more words than are needed

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What is the Best Hack to Learn the LSAT Vocabulary List?

Learning the LSAT vocabulary list effectively can be a crucial step in your LSAT preparation. While there isn't a single "hack" that guarantees success, the following approach can help you learn and retain LSAT vocabulary more efficiently:

Flashcards with Context:

  • Create digital or physical flashcards for each LSAT vocabulary word.
  • On one side, write the word, and on the other, its meaning.
  • Include sample sentences or use the word in context to understand how it's used.
  • Consider using flashcard apps like Anki or Quizlet for easy review.

Mnemonic Devices:

  • Mnemonics are memory aids that make it easier to remember complex words.
  • Create a memorable and often humorous story or image related to each word.
  • The more vivid and absurd the mnemonic, the easier it is to recall.

Associations and Grouping:

  • Group similar words together by theme or meaning.
  • Create associations between words within a group to help remember them as a set.
  • For example, group words related to emotions or words related to criticism.

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Regular Review:

  • Consistency is key. Allocate a set amount of time each day or week to review your vocabulary.
  • Gradually increase the number of words you study as you become more comfortable with them.
  • Spaced repetition techniques can be helpful to reinforce your memory.

Use in Context:

  • Apply newly learned words in your daily conversations or writing.
  • Join LSAT study groups or forums to discuss and practice using these words.
  • This helps solidify your understanding and retention.

Practice LSAT Questions:

  • Incorporate LSAT vocabulary into your LSAT practice questions.
  • This will not only reinforce your understanding but also prepare you for how these words may be used in the LSAT exam.

Read Actively:

  • Engage actively in reading LSAT practice materials, legal texts, or challenging articles.
  • Highlight and make notes about unfamiliar words as you encounter them.

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In this blog, we've uncovered the unique challenges presented by LSAT vocabulary and the importance of understanding its specialized language. 

Here are the key takeaways:

  • LSAT vocabulary can be challenging and differs from everyday language.
  • Understanding LSAT's specialized language is crucial for success.
  • Common types of vocabulary questions include synonyms, inference, analogies, stipulative definitions, and impact on arguments.
  • Effective strategies for learning LSAT vocabulary include flashcards, mnemonics, associations, regular review, context-based usage, practising with LSAT questions, and active reading.

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