On 11 May 2016 Australian archaeologists announced discovery of a piece of the world's oldest axe. 
•    It was found in the remote Kimberley region of Western Australia.
•    The axe fragment is about the size of a thumbnail and dates back to a Stone Age period of 45000 to 49000 years ago.
•    It is an axe with a handle attached.
•    Its antiquity coincides with or immediately follows the arrival of humans on the Australian landmass.
•    New studies of the fragment revealed that it comes from an axe that had been shaped from basalt then polished by grinding it on another rock until it was very smooth.
•    The axe fragment was initially excavated in the early 1990s by Professor O’Connor 
•    This type of axe must have been very useful for a variety of tasks like chopping down or taking the bark off trees.