July 17, is “officially” World Emoji Day.The concept of World Emoji Day has been created by Jeremy Burge, the founder of Emojipedia. Emojipedia is a emoji data base which stores information about all things emoji. 
•    July 17 is displayed on iOS Calendar Emoji. 
•    Emojis are not just symbols with facial expression. It is a form of language in its own and has been constantly growing and evolving. 
•    Emojis have evolved from basic icons with smiley expressions to varied characters and themes with respect to diversity of race, religion and gender. 
•    These unique icons have not only given its users many reasons to laugh but has also put them in uncomfortable situations due to lack of knowledge about each and every expression. 
•    Micro-blogging site Twitter has been encouraging people to use #worldemojiday and tweet about their favorite emojis. 

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