The World AIDS Day was on 1 December 2016 observed across the world with the theme Hands up for #HIVprevention.
●    The campaign explores different aspects of HIV prevention and how they relate to specific groups of people, such as adolescent girls and young women, key populations and people living with HIV.
●    The idea to observe World Aids Day was conceived in 1987 by James Bunn and Thomas Netter, who are the public information officers for the Global Programme on Aids at the World Health Organisation.
●    First World AIDS Day was held in 1988 and is the first ever global health day.
●    On the 2016 World AIDS Day, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) hosted a special event on 30 November 2016 to commemorate the day and to reinforce the commitment to move forward together to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals.

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