Two Mobile Apps were launched for Farmers by the Union Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Minister.
- Those apps are:
1. Crop Insurance
2. AgriMarket Mobile

About Crop Insurance: 
It will benefit farmers in the following ways:
1. Help farmers to find out complete details about insurance cover available in their area.
2. Help farmers to calculate the insurance premium for notified crops.
3. Help farmers in getting information about coverage amount and loan amount in case of a loaned farmer.
4. It can also be used to get details of normal sum insured, extended sum insured, premium details and subsidy information of any notified crop in any notified area.

About Agrimarket Mobile:
- Aim:
to keep farmers abreast with crop prices around them.
- It can be used by the farmers to get the market prices of crops in the mandi within 50 km radius of the device and other mandis in the country.

Aim of launching these apps:
to make available all relevant and timely information to the farmers and other stake holders so as to create a conducive environment for raising farm productivity and income to global levels.