On 4 May 2016 The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs gave its approval for development of two laning with formation of four lane of Shimla Bypass (Kaithlighat to Shimla section) on National Highway-22 in Himachal Pradesh.
•    The work will be completed under the National Highways Development Project (NHDP) Phase-III. 
•    The total length of the road will be 28 kilometres.
•    The cost for the project is estimated to be 1583.18 crore rupees. 
•    Total number of 4076 mandays are required for construction of one kilometre of highway. 
•    111914 mandays will be generated locally during the construction period of this stretch.
•    The development of this stretch will also help in uplifting the economic condition of the State 
•    It would also increase employment potential for local laborers for project activities.