Russian President Vladimir Putin in July 2016 signed the “anti-terrorist” legislation adopted by the lower and upper houses of parliament in June 2016.
•    This anti-terror amendment is dubbed as Big Brother by US intelligence contractor turned privacy activist Edward Snowden.
•    Critics say that the measures may cost billions to the internet and telecom companies.
•    Law enforcement agencies will be granted access to any user’s messages without any judicial oversight.
•    It boosts the surveillance powers for the security services by requiring communication providers to store users’calls, messages, photographs and videos for six months, and the Metadata for up to three years.
•    They will have to provide Federal Security Service (FSB) with access to this data and any necessary encryption mechanisms necessary to use it.
•    The law also criminalises several offences and lowers the age of criminal responsibility to 14 from certain crimes.
•    It extends prison sentences for online crimes like abetting terrorism.