The United Nations University has sanctioned a Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) to Tirupati. Aim: to have special focus on the fragile environment of the Eastern Ghats and promote sustainable development in that area.
- 5 RCE in India:
1. The RCE-Srinagar, working on western Himalayas, 
2. The RCE-Guwahati on Eastern Himalayas, 
3. The RCE-Chandigarh on wetland ecosystems, 
4. The RCE-TERI (Goa) on Youth empowerment and energy and 
5. The RCE-Kodagu on traditional knowledge and tribal communities of Western Ghats.

About RCE(Reginal Centre of Expertise)
- RCEs are acknowledged by the United Nations University (UNU).
- RCEs help prepare local leaders of tomorrow with the tools and information they need to make smart and sustainable choices for the future. RCE efforts encourage innovation and new approaches to sustainable development.