Menstrual Hygiene means all of the ways that you manage your monthly cycle: from the products you use, to the way you clean them, to how it impacts your day-to-day life. •    It is rather a lack of knowledge and the ability to access sanitary products can have serious negative consequences for some menstruating people. 
•    Menstruation affects about half of the world’s population; yet in many parts of the world, the stigma and shame, as well as lack of sanitation and education around menstruation, negatively impacts the lives of millions of women and girls. 
•    Menstrual Hygiene Day is an effort to raise awareness of these barriers to menstruation.
•    Menstrual Hygiene Day, a day dedicated to building awareness about the importance of good menstrual hygiene and the taboos surrounding menstruation, is observed on May 28th.
•    Menstrual hygiene day is an annual awareness day, on 28 May, that aims to break taboos and raise awareness about the importance of good menstrual hygiene management for women and adolescent girls worldwide. 
•    It was initiated by the German-based NGO WASH United in 2014.