NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope in the first week of October 2016 detected Great Balls of Fire.
●    These super hot blobs of gas, each twice as big as the planet Mars, were being ejected near a dying star.
●    These plasma balls are moving so fast through space that it would take only 30 minutes for them to travel from Earth to the moon. 
●    The observations suggest that these balls of fire have been appearing every 8.5 years for at least the last four centuries.
●    The gas balls were observed near a red giant called V Hydrae that is about 1200 light-years away from Earth.
●    If scientists can discover where these balls come from, it could also explain other weird shapes seen in the cloud of gas around dying stars, some of which have been difficult for scientists to explain.
●    The Hubble Space Telescope is a space telescope that was launched into low Earth orbit in 1990. It remains in operation. It could last until 2030–2040.

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