India ranked fourth on the climate risk index for 2017, the Germany-based independent environmental organisation.
●    Its report, published at the outset of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22) at Marrakech in Morocco, said there were 4,317 fatalities in 2015 due to extreme weather events in India with a total loss of $40 billion, making it the highest ranking country in terms of economic loss.
●    The report, the 12th edition of the Global Climate Risk Index, said: "India faced several types of extreme weather events in 2015.
●    But it said Africa is the continent that was hit hardest by extreme weather events in 2015.
●    According to the report, four out of the 10 most impacted countries globally are African. 
●    They are Mozambique (rank one), Malawi (rank three), Ghana and Madagascar (both rank eight).
●    Heat waves claimed most lives last year.
●    More than 4,300 deaths in India and more than 3,300 deaths in France show that both developing and developed countries, respectively, are impacted by extraordinary temperatures.The hardest hit countries in the period 1996-2015 were Honduras, Myanmar and Haiti.

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