Andhra Pradesh on 20 August 2016 launched the DNA Index System (DIS) for DNA (Deoxyribonucleac acid) profiling of criminals. The system uses the latest DNA technology tool, known as RapidHIT DNA System, developed by IntegenX of United States.
•    With this, Andhra Pradesh became the first state in the country to do so.
•    It allows generation of DNA profiles from live samples like buccal swabs, saliva and blood stains etc.
•    It creates DNA profiles within 90 to 120 minutes compared to currently available technologies which take at least two days or more. 
•    It could also help the suspects prove their innocence. 
•    With DNA in the database, repeat offenders will be easily and quickly caught which will further help to bring down crime rate. 
•    This system helps to test and create DNA profiles of seven persons within two hours.
•    It can help resolve missing persons’ cases with on the spot DNA testing and also reduce backlogs of trying of criminal cases.

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