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Future of Design with AI

Author : Nashid

August 29, 2024


Overview: Is AI really harmless? Discover insights into AI in design and the relevancy of degrees in the age of AI.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an over-used buzzword recently. But is it really harmless? Especially considering the plethora of AI tools available online nowadays, it raises the question of whether design is going to become obsolete in the near future.

Let's dive deep into AI and Design and see what the future holds for us.

Artificial Intelligence

Before we examine AI in design, it's important to understand what AI is and how it came to be.

Early Days of AI in Design

Artificial Intelligence has been around for years, with the seeds for early AI planted by philosophers who attempted to describe the process of human thinking as the mechanical manipulation of symbols.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the field of AI started to gain momentum, and researchers began to experiment with AI techniques such as neural networks to generate more sophisticated artwork.

This period saw the rise of computer-aided design (CAD) tools that allowed artists to create intricate digital designs.

As AI continued to advance, the 1980s and 1990s witnessed the emergence of AI-driven art programs that could autonomously generate artistic images.

One notable example from this era is the work of Harold Cohen, a British artist who developed an AI program called AARON to create original artwork.

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AI Advancements Through the Years

As artificial intelligence has evolved, its influence on the art world has also become significant. Initially, AI-generated art was marked by basic patterns and geometric forms. But as AI technologies advanced, so did the complexity and sophistication of the artwork it produced.

The 2000s witnessed a surge in computational power and advancements in machine learning, which significantly broadened AI's capabilities. Graphic design software began incorporating AI features that could assist with colour selection, layout optimization, and even basic image editing.

One of the most significant developments in AI art has been the emergence of deep learning and neural networks during the 2010s. These algorithms allow AI to analyze and learn from large datasets of images, generating intricate and realistic artwork based on its understanding of artistic styles and principles.

As we entered the 2020s, AI's role in design became even more pronounced. Natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision have enabled more intuitive and user-friendly design tools.

AI can now interpret verbal instructions to create designs, recognize objects in images to suggest relevant edits, and even create entirely new visuals from scratch based on textual descriptions.

Uses of Ai in Design

With the advent of AI, designers have started integrating tools to help streamline the design process. AI is revolutionising various design aspects, enhancing creativity, efficiency, and innovation across multiple fields.

Graphic Design

In the world of design, AI is making great strides. Advanced design tools powered by AI, such as Adobe Sensei and Canva, revolutionise the creative process.

These tools offer features like automated layout suggestions, intelligent cropping, and content-aware fill, which streamline the design workflow.

AI can analyze images' content and provide relevant design recommendations, making it easier for designers to create visually appealing compositions.

Logo generators and template-based design platforms also utilize AI to assist users in creating professional-quality graphics with minimal effort.

Fashion Design

AI's impact on fashion design is equally extensive. AI-driven platforms can now analyse vast amounts of data from social media, fashion shows, and consumer preferences to predict trends and inform design decisions. This trend analysis helps designers stay ahead of the curve and create collections that resonate with their audience.

Virtual fitting rooms and 3D garment simulations, driven by AI, enable designers to preview the appearance and fit of garments on various body types without creating physical samples. This speeds up the design process and reduces expenses and material waste.


AI is being used in Architecture to optimize the design and construction processes. It uses algorithms to explore many design options based on specific parameters the architect sets.

By leveraging AI, architects can unlock innovative and sustainable design possibilities while streamlining the design process through effective 3D modelling and structural analysis.

Product Design

AI is making prototyping faster and more efficient. It can analyze user data and feedback to suggest design improvements, optimize material usage for better performance, and even help create realistic prototypes for user testing. 

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Benefits of AI in Design

AI is playing a major role in transforming the design industry. It offers a wide range of benefits, from streamlining the design process to giving designers flexibility and space to be more creative.

  • Increased Efficiency and Speed: AI automates repetitive tasks like generating variations, resizing images, or laying out elements. This frees up designers to focus on their work's strategic and creative aspects, leading to faster project completion.
  • Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: AI acts as a springboard for creative exploration. By analyzing vast design databases and user data, AI can generate unique design ideas, suggest colour palettes, and help overcome creative roadblocks.
  • Improved User Experience (UX) Design: AI can analyze user behavior and preferences to inform design decisions. This results in products and interfaces that are more intuitive, user-friendly, and ultimately more successful.
  • Data-Driven Design Decisions: AI can analyze vast amounts of data, providing valuable insights into trends, user preferences, and material performance. This allows designers to make data-backed decisions that optimize designs for functionality and user satisfaction.
  • Personalized Design: AI can personalise the design experience for individual users. This is particularly relevant in fashion, where AI can recommend clothing styles based on user preferences or create custom product configurations.
  • Sustainable Design Solutions: AI-powered generative design helps explore a wider range of design possibilities, leading to innovative and sustainable solutions. This is crucial for creating environmentally friendly and resource-efficient products and buildings.

Challenges and Limitations of AI in Design

AI comes with its own limitations and challenges. From being limited by data, to ethical problems, let's have a look at some of the problems that AI in design is facing.

Technical Limitations

  • Limited Creativity
  • AI struggles with truly original concepts and designs that require deep emotional understanding. What AI creates is an amalgamation of all data that was used to train the AI model.
  • While it does make outputs faster, it is limited by being a generative model, than actual intelligence.
  • Data Dependence
  • The quality of AI-generated designs heavily relies on the quality and diversity of the training data. Biased or incomplete data can lead to biased or subpar design outcomes. 
  • AI is not unlimited as we've been led to believe. AI is as good as the data it has been trained on and lacks any 
  • Interpretability
  • Difficulty understanding the thought process behind AI-generated designs makes it difficult to evaluate and refine them.
  • There's no way of telling whether the output prioritises form over function, or whether there was any bias to the data the AI model was trained on.

Ethical Concerns

  • Copyright & Ownership
  • The argument of who owns the art comes up when using AI to generate artworks. 
  • The training of AI on artworks found online, without often informing the original artists about the use of their work, has frequently been labeled as theft.
  • On top of that, does the designers own the artwork, since it was created from their prompts or the developers who's tool was used to create it.
  • Data Privacy
  • Ensuring the privacy of user data and avoiding bias in training datasets are critical steps to prevent discrimination in design outcomes.
  • Job Displacement
  • Some design tasks may become automated, potentially leading to job losses in the design industry.

Quality Control

  • Human Oversight
  • Striking the right balance between AI-generated suggestions and human design expertise is essential to maintain the designer's unique touch and ensure high-quality design outcomes.
  • Evaluation & Refinement
  • Developing effective methods to evaluate and refine AI-generated designs to meet specific project requirements and user needs.

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Does AI Make Degrees Obsolete?

To answer your question in a simple manner, no, AI does not make design degrees obsolete.

Complementary Skills

AI excels at automating tasks and generating ideas, but it lacks the human touch in areas like creativity, user empathy, and understanding the "why" behind design choices.

A design degree equips you with these crucial skills required to be successful in the field of design.

Evolving Landscape

The design field is constantly adapting to new technologies and adopting new trends. With an ever-changing landscape, AI falls short as it needs to be retrained to adapt to new advancements in the field. 

A design degree provides a strong foundation in design principles and problem-solving, allowing you to stay relevant as AI continues to evolve.

Human-Centered Design

AI struggles with understanding user needs and emotions on a deeper level.

Design degrees train you in user research, communication, and critical thinking, which are essential for creating human-centered designs that resonate with users.

What the Future Holds for AI in Design

The future of AI in design holds huge potential, promising to revolutionize the field in unprecedented ways. AI's ability to analyze vast amounts of data and generate insights will empower designers to create highly personalized and adaptive designs that cater to individual preferences and market trends. 

In the coming years, AI is likely to enhance collaboration across global teams by providing cloud-based design platforms that streamline workflows and improve efficiency.

AI serves as a powerful tool that augments the designer's capabilities, fosters innovation, and reshapes the design landscape in ways we are only beginning to imagine.