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Himachal Pradesh Judiciary Exam Preparation Tips 2025- Prelims, Mains, Interview

Author : Yogricha

January 16, 2025


Overview: When you set your aim high, you must prepare for the same. And for that, you need some aiding tools and techniques to help you achieve your goal properly.

Researchers have found that identifying the right strategies can make your preparation efficient and save you time to a great extent. 

Similarly, if you wish to prepare for the Himachal Pradesh Judiciary Exams, you must equip yourself with the right set of strategies and materials. But how will you identify them? How will you determine the universal strategy to prepare for your upcoming Judiciary examinations in Himachal Pradesh? Don't have any clue? No worries; we have everything in one place for your reference. 

Himachal Pradesh Judiciary Exam Preparation Tips - Overview 

Himani was a very talented advocate based in Solan. She was extensively ambitious and always wanted to see her as a judge in Himachal Pradesh High Court. However, one thing was preventing her from achieving this dream. 

Those factors were the unavailability of the correct syllabus, the strategies for judiciary exam preparation, and preparation tips for the judiciary interview. Because of this, Himani was always sceptical about her chances of clearing the HP PCS J Examination. 

You must realise the importance of syllabi, books, and strategies. Because success is a mixture of all these three elements, and only through this will you find your path to reaching the Zenith in the Himachal Pradesh Judiciary Exams in 2023. 

Things You Need to Know Before Starting Himachal Pradesh Judiciary Preparation 

Here, we have incorporated all those elements which will guide you to achieve the qualifying score in HP Judiciary Examination. With its help, you can narrow down the topics you need to cover. Also, it will make your preparation more strategised. 

Himachal Judiciary Exam Pattern 

Becoming familiar with examination patterns is essential because it'll analyse the questions' nature and difficulty level. With that, you will be able to identify your weaker zone to work on, and it will help you lay out your plan for solving the question in the examination. We have created a sheet for your reference, carrying the PCS J Examination Pattern of Himachal Pradesh

Judiciary Mock Tests

Judiciary Mock Tests

Himachal Judiciary Syllabus 

Once you know the pattern, you must also see the content you must master to clear your exam.

Also, if you remain unaware of the judiciary exam syllabus, you will end up reading plethoras of materials which will end up cramming your head. So, from here, you will be able to gather information on all the significant topics you are required to cover for the upcoming PCS J 2023 Examination in Himachal Pradesh. 

Himachal Pradesh Judiciary Exam Preparation Tips for Prelims, Mains, and Interviews 

How do you think you will crack the Himachal Pradesh Judiciary Exams? Do you have any plans up to your sleeves? What are your strategies to ace this highly competitive examination? You might have your system, but we also have a few things to share with you. Let's have a look at them. 

Focus on grasping based on facts and figures: 

  • The Prelims examination is an MCQ-based question where your questions will be based on facts and figures. 
  • So, instead of reading long texts, gather all the facts and figures because they are more critical. 

Maintaining consistency can help you go miles: 

  • Spend at least 8-9 hours daily on your preparations regularly without taking any significant breaks. 
  • It will help you maintain discipline in your preparations and is effective for having your syllabus covered.

Try the approved elimination method to solve your prelims examination:

  • In the pre-stage, you will get four options for each question. The best way to solve such questions is to identify the best answers instead of the perfect answer. 
  • For that, learn to understand the context of the question and choose your answer by the elimination method. It will reduce your chances of marking wrong answers. 

Practice writing rigorously for your mains:

  • Your Mains paper is going to have long-form Questions. Your score will depend on your writing skills and expertise, and your drafting skill will be the significant point for the PCS J Mains Preparation.
  •  Also, it would be best if you had great speed. So practice writing daily to improve your writing skills and essay drafting techniques. 

Practice different types of writing: 

  • In Mains, you might need to incorporate a descriptive, narrative, critical or analytical form of writing based on your questions in the examination. 
  • Also, fusion writing is always appreciated if it is drafted well. Hence practice different forms of writing to ace your Mains and language paper. 

Take mock tests frequently: 

  • We have repeatedly stated that mock tests can make a significant difference in your preparations. Analyse mocks. 
  • Analyze your preparations, work on your weakest link, try again, and win. 
  • Also, don't miss practising the previous year's questions because they lead to your upcoming examination questions. 

Build up your confidence and Communication Skills: 

  • Presenting a calm, composed, and confident demeanour in the interview will give you someone capable of facing every situation in a courtroom. 
  • Also, you need to have an eloquent speech so that your speech has convincing power. These traits will present you as an expert in the law. 

Develop your ability for social cohesion: 

  • The resilience of affinities and the connotation of solidarity amongst constituents of a congregation are referred to as social cohesion. 
  • Ingraining the trait of social cohesion will help you establish yourself as an individual who knows how to build a network and can work harmoniously without falling into major conflicts. 

Note: Himachal Pradesh Judiciary Exams don't have a negative marking policy. Hence you are safe from every sort of score penalty in the HP PCS J Examination

Best Books for Himachal Pradesh Judiciary Preparation

Books are the best tool to prepare for the intellectual battle. Similarly, for Himachal PCS J Examination, you will need a few books from some selected writers to boost your preparation. 

Find the name of the list and the author in the list attached below for the Himachal Judiciary Books

Topics to study  Books to refer 
CPC Taiwan, Bare Act 
Evidence law But Law 
Indian Stamp Act Bare Act 
HP Court Act 1976 Bare Act
Specific Act Bare Act 
Indian Constitution  Mulla Students, Bare Act 
Hindu law Bare Act. 
Limitations Act. Bare Act, 
Transfer of Property Act  Poonam Pradhan Saxena
Himachal Pradesh Urban Rent. Bare Act
Control Act. Bare Act 
Indian penal code. K.D Gaur
Code of criminal procedure. Kelkar 
Negotiable Instrument Act (Chapter 17). Indian Constitution 
Himachal Pradesh Excise Act (2011). Bare Act 
  1. Wildlife Protection Act.
  2. Indian Forest Act. 
Bare Act 


We hope this blog provided you with a complete treasure of tips, tricks, and other information to help you achieve your dreams of PCS J Himachal Pradesh 2023. Identifying suitable materials and techniques will prevent you from going astray in your preparation course. 

Frequently Asked Questions

When the Himachal Pradesh Judiciary Exams are due to be held?

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How many Topics are included in the Himachal Pradesh Judiciary Exams Syllabus?

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What are a few handy tips for acing the Viva-voce round of Himachal Pradesh Judiciary Exams?

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Do we have to Face the backlash of negative marking in the HP PCS J Examination?

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What is the total score of the PCS J Examination in Himachal Pradesh?

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