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Most Important Questions of CPC, ICA & SRA for Judiciary Exams 2024

Author : Yogricha

July 1, 2024


Overview: Are you preparing for the Judiciary Exams 2024 and are confused about important topics and questions from the Civil Procedure Code (CPC), Indian Contract Act (ICA), and Specific Relief Act (SRA)?

Then, read through this blog thoroughly to understand the important topics and details about all the three acts for your Judiciary Preparation.

If you an aspirant for the judicial service examination and looking for important questions for the Civil Procedure Code (CPC), Indian Contract Act (ICA), and Specific Relief Act (SRA) then go through this blog completely.

In this blog we will cover:

  • Important Question & Answers of CPC, ICA & SRA for Judiciary Exams
  • Other Important Questions of CPC, ICA & SRA for Judiciary Exams from Previous Year Papers

Important Questions of CPC, ICA & SRA for Judiciary Exams with Answers

The following are some of the most important questions based on the Criminal Procedure Code, Indian Contract Act, and Specific Relief Act for the Upcoming Judiciary Exams.

1. Which of the following decisions is not a decree?

a) Order of abatement of Suit

b) Dismissal of appeal as time-barred

c) Rejection of plaint for non-payment of court fee

d) Order refusing to set aside the sale

Ans: d

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2. Under CPC, find out the incorrect match of the following:

a) Revenue Courts - Section 5

b) Provincial Small Causes Courts - Section 7

c) Pecuniary Jurisdiction of Courts - Section 6

d) Presidency Small causes Courts - Section 8

Ans: c

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3. Which of the following is NOT a suit of civil nature?

a) Suit relating to rights of worship

b) Suit involving purely religious rights

c) Suit for rent

d) Suit for the right to hereditary office

Ans: b

4. The doctrine of res judicata, as contained in Section 11 of the code, is based on the maxim:

a) Nemo debit is vexari pro uno et eadem causa

b) Interest republicae ut sit finis litum

c) Both a and b

d) Neither a nor b

Ans: c

5. Explanation VII to Section 11 in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 was inserted by:

a) Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1976

b) Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1999

c) Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 2002

d) None of the above

Ans: c

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6. Whether the pendency of a suit in a foreign court will preclude the courts in India from trying a suit founded on the same cause of action?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Depending on the nature of the suit

d) Finding will be based on the valuation of the suit

Ans: b

7. Under Section 13 of CPC, which of the following judgements shall not be conclusive?

a) Judgement not on merit

b) Judgement rounded on breach of Indian Law

c) Judgement against international law

d) None of the above

Ans: d

8. Suit relating to immovable property can be filed under Section 16 in a Civil Procedure Code in such a court within its local jurisdiction.

a) the defendant resides

b) the defendant carries on business

c) the property is situated

d) the plaintiff resides or carries on business

Ans: c

Prepare Now: Study CPC from the best Judiciary Faculty in the Country

9. Where the local limits of the jurisdiction of courts are uncertain, the place of institution of the suit shall be decided according to which of the following:

a) Section 17 of CPC

b) Section 18 of CPC

c) Section 19 of CPC

d) Section 20 of CPC

Ans: b

10. Objection as to the place of suing shall be allowed in the court of the first instance under which one of the following sections of the Civil Procedure Code?

a) Section 21-A

b) Section 22

c) Section 21

d) Section 20

Ans: c

11. A residing in Dehradun beats B in Lucknow. B may sue A under CPC:

a) Either in Lucknow or Dehradun

b) Only in Lucknow

c) Only in Dehradun

d) Anywhere else

Ans: a

12. The general power of transferring suits under Section 24 of CPC lies with;

a) High Court and the District Court

b) High Court and Supreme Court

c) High Court

d) District Court

Ans: a

13. Section 56 of the Civil Procedure Code specifically prohibits the arrest or detention in civil prison in the execution of a decree of:

a) a sick person

b) a minor person

c) a woman

d) all of these

Ans: c

14. Balfour v. Balfour is a leading case on the principle of:

a) Acknowledgement

b) Intention to contract

c) Promissory estoppels

d) Restitution

Ans: b

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15. Which of the following cases is related to general offers?

a) Lamlam Shukla v. Gauri Datt

b) Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Comp

c) Both a and b

d) None of the above

Ans: a

16. The "Doctrine of Privity of Contract" was for the first time applied in:

a) Dutton v. Poole

b) Jordon v. Jordon

c) Price v. Eastor

d) Atlee v. Backhouse

Ans: a

17. Which one of the following is correct?

a) Past consideration is no consideration

b) Consideration can be past, present, or future

c) Consideration can only be present

d) Consideration can only be present and future

Ans: b

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18. Which of the following elements is unnecessary for a contract?

a) Free consent

b) Lawful Consideration

c) Competent parties

d) Reasonable terms and conditions

Ans: d

19. If an infant obtains property or goods by misrepresenting his age. He may be compelled to return the same. This is known as:

a) Subrogation

b) Restitution

c) Contribution

d) Redemption

Ans: b

20. Active concealment of a fact by a party to the contract is associated with

a) Mistake

b) Coercion

c) Misrepresentation

d) Fraud

Ans: d

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Other Important Questions of CPC, ICA & SRA for Judiciary Exams from Previous Year Papers

1. Which section of the CPC defines "decree"?

a) Section 2(2)

b) Section 2(9)

c) Section 2(10)

d) Section 2(11)

Answer: a) Section 2(2)

Explanation: Section 2(2) of the CPC defines "decree" as the formal expression of an adjudication that conclusively determines the rights of the parties concerning all or any of the matters in controversy.

2. The period of limitation for filing an appeal against a decree is as follows:

a) 30 days

b) 60 days

c) 90 days

d) 120 days

Answer: b) 60 days

Explanation: Under Article 116 of the Limitation Act of 1963, the period of limitation for filing an appeal against a decree is 60 days from the date.

Know more: How to prepare for judiciary exams

3. A voidable contract is:

a) Always enforceable by law

b) Never enforceable by law

c) Enforceable at the option of one or more parties

d) Enforceable with the consent of all parties

Answer: c) Enforceable at the option of one or more parties

Explanation: A voidable contract is a valid contract that one or more parties can enforce. However, it can also be rejected by one or more parties due to certain circumstances, such as misrepresentation or undue influence.

4. Which section of the ICA deals with "Contingent Contracts"?

a) Section 31

b) Section 32

c) Section 33

d) Section 34

Answer: a) Section 31

Explanation: Section 31 of the Indian Contract Act of 1872 deals with contingent contracts whose performance depends on the occurrence or non-occurrence of a specific event.

Learn more: Judiciary Exam 2024 Online Coaching

5. Which date did the Specific Relief Act of 1963 come into force?

a) 1st February 1964

b) 1st March 1964

c) 1st April 1964

d) 1st May 1964

Answer: c) 1st April 1964

Explanation: The Specific Relief Act, 1963, came into force on 1st April 1964, replacing the earlier Specific Relief Act of 1877.


We hope that we were able to help you with the important questions for all the three acts. Practice these questions as soon as possible in order to score better.

All the best for Judiciary Preparation.