Business Studies Viva Questions for Class 12 Practicals
Author : Akash Kumar Singh
August 29, 2024
Overview: Explore essential tips and strategies for acing the Business Studies Viva Questions for Class 12 Practicals. Learn how to effectively prepare and present your project, with insights on mastering both theoretical topics and practical examinations.
CBSE has given out the project guidelines for Business Studies. The questions posed depend majorly on the project taken up by the student along with some questions ranging on theoretical topics.
The student must be completely acquainted with the details of the project and it is conceivable only if the project work has been really made by that student.
The principal thought of asking viva questions is to check the authenticity of the work prepared by the student in his/her project work.
Business Studies Viva Questions for Class 12 Practicals
The following are some of the Business Studies Viva Questions for Class 12 Practicals that you should prepare thoroughly to secure good marks.
What is meant by the ‘generic name’ of a product? Ans. It refers to the name of the product. For example a book, a wrist watch, etc.
A salesman approaches you to promote the sales of a water purifier. Which communication tool is the marketer using by sending a salesman at your door-step. Ans. Personal selling.
“A toy car-free with Maggie noodles” is an example of one of the techniques of sales promotion. Name the technique. Ans. Product-combinations.
Enumerate any two public relations tools. Ans. a. News, b. Events like seminars, contests, etc.
At which level of packaging, the immediate container is referred to? Ans. Primary packaging.
Why is gathering and analyzing market information necessary? Ans. To identify the needs of the prospective consumers and to take decisions regarding what opportunity can be best pursued by the firm.
Define ‘Promotion-mix’. Ans. It refers to the combination of promotional tools used by an organization to achieve its communication objectives. Example: Advertising, Personal selling, sales promotion, and Public relations.
Define ‘Marketing-mix’. Ans. It is the set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market. Four P’s of marketing are - Price, Product, Place, and Promotion.
Which marketing management philosophy suggests that the organization should earn profit through consumer satisfaction? Ans. Marketing concept.
When is three level channel of distribution used? Ans. It is used when the manufacturer carries a limited product-line and has to cover a wide market. An agent in each major area is appointed, who in turn, contacts the wholesalers.
Define ‘grading’ as a function of marketing. Ans. It is the process of classification of products into different groups on the basis of some of its important characteristics such as quality, size etc.
Give any two characteristics of a good brand name. Ans. a. It should be short like LG.; It should suggest the product’s benefits and qualities like Hajmola.
Mention any two functions of labeling. Ans. a. Describe the product and specify its contents.; Help in promotion of products.
Mention any two features of advertising. Ans. a. Paid form of communication.; Non-personal form of communication.
Define ‘standardization’ as a function of marketing. Ans. It refers to producing goods of pre-determined specifications, which help in achieving uniformity and consistency in the output.
Name the element of marketing-mix which affects the revenue and profits of a firm. Ans. Price.
What are the two major decision-areas under ‘physical-distribution’ function of marketing? Ans. a. Decisions regarding channel of distribution.; Physical movement of the products from producer to the consumer.
What arguments do the opponents of advertising give when they say that “the expenditure on advertising is a social waste.” Ans. a. Advertising adds to cost.; Advertising undermines social values.
“Buy three get one free” is an example of one of the techniques of promotion-mix. Name the technique. Ans. Quantity gift.
Mention any two functions of packaging. Ans. a. Product Protection.; Product Identification.
What are primary markets and secondary markets? Ans. The sale of shares by a company directly to shareholders is the primary market. The sale of securities via stock exchange/broker is a secondary market.
What is the meaning of the Stock Exchange? Ans. The stock exchange is an institution that helps/facilitates trading in shares/other securities.
What are the main functions of a stock exchange? Ans. The stock exchange keeps a close watch on the activities of companies and brokers.
What are the full forms of NSE, BSE, SENSEX, NIFTY and SEBI? Ans. NSE: National Stock Exchange.; BSE: Bombay Stock Exchange.; SENSEX: Sensitive Index.; NIFTY: National Stock Exchange Fifty Shares Index; SEBI: Securities and Exchange Board of India.
What are the main functions of SEBI? Ans. Protective, regulatory and developmental functions.
What do principles of management mean? Ans. Principles of Management are general guidelines for decision making by managers.
What are the contradictions between Fayol’s Principles and Taylor Principles? Ans. Fayol emphasised unity of command whereas, Taylor emphasised functional foremanship.
Are the principles of Fayol’s and Taylor complementary? Ans. Yes. Though their approaches are different.
What are the 7 important principles of Fayol? Ans. Division of labor, Authority and responsibility, Stability, Equity, Initiative, Espirit De Corps, and Subordination of individual interest to the general interest.
What is Mental Revolution? Ans. Complete change of outlook on the part of managers and workers.
Define the term Market. Ans. The market is any place where the business is transacted.
Define the term Marketing Management. Ans. Marketing management refers to planning organizing and controlling activities relating to marketing.
What can be marketed? Ans. Any good, service, idea, or event can be marketed.
How is Marketing Different from Selling? Ans. Marketing is a much wider concept compare to selling. Marketing begins with market research and product planning and ends with customer satisfaction.
How is Advertisement different from publicity? Ans. The advertisement has to be paid for. Publicity is done by others for the organization.
What is Sales Promotion? Ans. Short term incentives given to consumers to boost sales.
What is the role of Personal Selling in marketing? Ans. Personal selling helps in clarifying doubts of the customer and attending to him at the time convenient to him.
What is Modern Marketing Concept? Ans. Societal Marketing Concept. It means taking care of society while marketing the product.
What is the objective of Marketing Management? Ans. Increasing the volume of sales and brand building.
What is meant by Market Offering? Ans. Market offering refers to a complete offer for a good or service with given features like size, quality, price, etc. at a given location or to a person after analyzing his needs.
What are Primary markets and Secondary markets? Ans. The sale of shares by a company directly to shareholders is the primary market. The sale of securities via stock exchange/broker is a secondary market.
What is the meaning of the Stock Exchange? Ans. The stock exchange is an institution that helps/facilitates trading in shares/other securities.
What are the main functions of a Stock Exchange? Ans. The stock exchange keeps a close watch on the activities of companies and brokers.
What is a Mid-cap, Large-cap? Ans. Medium-size companies and large size companies. Cap refers to capitalization.
What is Speculation? Ans. Purchasing shares not with a view to retain but to make profits due to fluctuation and changes in the rates of shares.
Who is a Bull and who is a Bear? Ans. A bull expects the price to rise and a bear expects the price to fall.
What is NYSE? Ans. NYSE: New York Stock Exchange.
When is the circuit applied? Ans. When there is a substantial increase or decrease in the price of the security.
What is bridge financing? Ans. Borrowing money for the business till the timeshare money is received.
How is the stock exchange related to the objective of financial management? Ans. If the price of shares in the stock market rises, the shareholders’ wealth will rise.
How are the Finance Market and Stock Exchange the same? Ans. Finance Market is a broader term. Stock Exchange is a part of the Finance Market.
Who is known as the Big Bull Of India? Ans. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala.
What is a Rights Issue? Ans. When shares are offered to existing shareholders in proportion to shares already held by them.
What are Bonus Shares? Ans. Capitalization of reserves.
What is Pro-Rata Allotment? Ans. Allotment of shares proportionately.
How do you calculate EPS? Ans. Profit available to equity shareholders divided by the number of equity shares.
What is Dalal Street? Ans. The place in Mumbai where Bombay Stock Exchange is situated.
What is the effect of payment of dividends on share prices? Ans. Other things remaining the same, if the rate of dividend is as per the expectation of shareholders/prices will rise.
What do Principles of Management mean? Ans. Principles of Management are general guidelines for decision making by managers.
What are the contradictions between Fayol’s Principles and Taylor's Principles? Ans. Fayol emphasized unity of command whereas, Taylor emphasized functional foremanship.
Are the principles of Fayol’s and Taylor complementary? Ans. Yes. Though their approaches are different.
What are the 7 important principles of Fayol? Ans. Division of labour, Authority and responsibility, Stability, Equity, Initiative, Espirit De Corps and Subordination of individual interest to general interest.
No discrimination on any ground refers to what principle? Ans. Equity.
When is Gang Plank used? In case of an emergency.
Explain Differential Piece Rate System. A higher piece rate for a worker who achieves the standard output or exceeds it.
Replacing ‘I’ with ‘we’ is an application of which principle? Ans. Espirit De Corps.
Suppose you are asked to give a discount to a customer by the marketing manager but not by firm finance manager, which principle has been violated? Ans. Unity of command.
Which technique helps to avoid unnecessary labor costs? Ans. Motion study.
Which principle says that exemplary behavior by a manager will raise the stature of the manager? Ans. Subordination of individual interest to the general interest.
Top to bottom approach is the approach followed by Fayol or Taylor? Ans. Fayol.
Distinguish between Time Study and Motion Study. Ans. Time study is the study of time required by an average worker to complete a job. Motion study is the study of movements of a worker to find if there are unnecessary actions.
What leads to Specialisation? Ans. Division of labour.
Define Authority and Responsibility. Authority means right to use resources and extract obedience from the subordinate. Responsibility is the obligation towards superiors for the work.
Distinguish between Unity of Command and Unity of Direction. Ans. Having one boss is unity of command. Having one boss to lead a group of persons having the same objectives is the unity of direction.
Which is better Centralisation or Decentralisation? Ans. In a small organization, centralization is good. If a business is expanding it has to decentralize.
Suggestion system can lead to the development of which aspect in the organisation. Ans. Initiative.
Distinguish between the principles of Equity and Remuneration. Ans. Equity means fairness and justice. It means no discrimination on any ground. Fair remuneration means payment of wages depending upon the knowledge and skill of the worker and paying capacity of the employer.
What is the brand name? Ans. A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, design or some combination of them, use to identify the products of one firm and to differentiate them from those of the competitors. A brand name is that part of a brand which can be spoken.
What are the 4 P’s of marketing? Ans. Product Mix, Price Mix, Place Mix and Promotion Mix.
What are different Pricing strategies? Ans. Price skimming and penetrating pricing.
What is the full form of FMCG? Ans. FMCG: Fast Moving Consumer Goods.
Who is known as the Father of Marketing Management? Ans. Philip Kotler.
What is the full form of AAA? Ans. AAA: American Association of Advertising.
What is Digital Marketing? Ans. Marketing through the use of social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
What is meant by Channel of Distribution? Ans. The people who help in passing the goods to the ultimate consumer. For example, wholesaler, distributor, retailer etc.
What is Sales Promotion? Ans. Short-term incentives are given to consumers to boost sales.
What is the role of Personal Selling in marketing? Ans. Personal selling helps in clarifying doubts of the customer and attending to him at the time convenient to him.
Project Related Questions
Besides the above, the following Business Studies Viva Questions for Class 12 Practicals can also be asked.
Why have you chosen this product as your project?
Have you conducted SWOT analysis of your product?
What are the permissions required for your product?
How will you calculate cost of production of your good?
How will you market your product?
Why have you selected this product/service?
Mention any two competitive brands that exist in the market.
What permissions and licences would be required to make this product?
What do you mean by U.S.P.?
What is the U.S.P. of your product/service?
Who are your competitors?
What are your competitor's U.S.P.?
Does your product have any Range?
What is the name of your product?
Why have you assigned this name to your product?
Enlist the main features of your product.
Show me the ‘Label’ of your product.
Show me the logo for your product.
What is the tagline for your product?
What is the difference between U.S.P. and tagline?
What is the Selling Price of your competitor’s product?
How much do you want to charge from Consumer/Retailer/Wholesaler?
What Rate of Profit is expected from your product?
What Cost Effective Techniques will you follow for this product?
How would you promote your product?
What is Patent?
What is Trademark?
Principles of Management
Why have you selected this topic for your project?
In which organisation did you study the application of the management principles?
Why have you selected this organisation for your project?
What do you understand by the principle of...........?
What are the main advantages of principle of ..............?
What are the main problems on violating principle of ..............?
How did you collect the information for your study?
Which tools have you used to collect the information?
Did you have to get any prior approval from anyone for visiting this organisation?
What problem did you face in this regard?
What did you enjoy the most in conducting this study?
Which principle have you found to be perfectly applicable in this case?
Which principle did you find as not properly applicable in this case?
What suggestions have you given to them, in order to improve the situation?
How To Appear For Business Studies Viva for Class 12?
The following are some of the basic but crucial tips to keep in mind while appearing for the Viva:
Dress professionally in a clean and presentable way.
Be early – Arrive at the examination center at least thirty minutes before the exam begins.
Greet the examiner – Good Morning/Afternoon Sir/Madam
Stand up until you are asked to sit down, remember that you are appearing for a Viva.
Be at ease, completely calm, and composed.
Be specific to the inquiry and offer a clear answer.
Never, NEVER lie – on the off chance that you were unable to answer something or don't have the foggiest idea about the worth.
On the off chance that you don't know what to say. Just honestly say,"I'm sorry Sir/Madam, I don't have a clue."
"Yes Sir/Ma'am" and "No Sir/Ma'am are commonly the main words that should be spoken when the examiner is describing something.
How To Be Prepared For Business Studies Viva Questions for Class 12 Practicals Effectively?
The following are some of the tips to prepareBusiness Studies Viva Questions for Class 12 Practicals:
1. Practice Your Presentation Skills
Mock Vivas: Conduct mock viva sessions with your peers or mentors to get accustomed to the format and receive feedback on your presentation skills.
Time Management: Practice timing your responses to ensure you can convey your points succinctly without rushing through them.
2. Use Clear and Concise Language
Simplicity is Key: Use simple and clear language that articulates your understanding without overly complex vocabulary that may confuse the examiner.
Avoid Jargon: Unless it's absolutely necessary, avoid using technical jargon that might not be well understood.
3. Prepare Visual Aids
Charts and Graphs: If applicable, prepare charts, graphs, or diagrams that can help illustrate your points more effectively. This visual representation can aid in better communication of complex data or relationships.
Flash Cards: Consider using flashcards for quick reference to key points and statistics during your viva.
4. Engage with the Examiner
Question Insights: Show that you are open to discussing and elaborating on points by inviting questions from the examiner with prompts such as "Would you like me to go into more detail about this strategy?"
Body Language: Maintain a positive body language, make eye contact, and show enthusiasm about your projectwhich can positively influence the examiner's perception.
5. Handle Difficult Questions Gracefully
Admit Uncertainty: If you don't know the answer, it's better to admit it honestly than to provide incorrect information.
Clarify Questions: If a question is unclear, politely ask for clarification instead of guessing the intent.
6. Post-Viva Reflection
Self-Evaluate: After your viva, reflect on your performance and note down areas of improvement for22 future presentations or vivas.
Seek Feedback: Ask your examiner or teacher for feedback on your performance and use this to guide your preparation for future assessments.
To excel in the Business Studies viva for Class 12, thorough preparation and clear communication are essential.
Understand your project deeply, anticipate questions, and maintain professionalism to confidently demonstrate your knowledge.
Key Takeaways:
Thorough Preparation: Deeply understand your project details to confidently handle viva questions and validate your work's authenticity.
Anticipate Questions: Study potential viva questions, including those from recent exams and examiner favorites.
Professional Conduct: Dress neatly and maintain professionalism throughout the viva to make a positive impression.
Clear Communication: Speak clearly and honestly, admitting when you do not know an answer.
Use Available Resources: Leverage study materials and insights from experienced seniors to enhance your viva preparation.